With our transition to Acquia for hosting our Drupal 7 sites from our servers we manage with aegir, we’ve set up our releases to be easier and more rapid. Our process will be going from 2 week releases for a large batch of patches and updates to going to small updates more often and without requiring a developer to oversee the process, while still giving us control of when we release large features and updates. The new tools available to also allow us to automate some of the release process and gives us more time to work on cool new features and updates.

Because of this, we have made the decision to freeze code pushes on aegir. Security updates will still be made to protect sites from any malicious access, but new features and bug fixes to our modules will only be going to sites on Acquia.

The transition to Acquia will be seamless for our sites, and no action is required on the part of the site owners. Many of our smaller impact sites, such as drupal.oregonstate.edu, are already on Acquia, and we are in the process of transitioning all our other Drupal 7 sites to Acquia. This process should be completed very soon, with many sites completing their transition early next week.

As always, you can contact us if you have any questions about this transition.

The Drupal 7.41-cws-1.4.0 update was released to our development environment on Wednesday, January 20th, and will be released to production sites on Tuesday, January 26th.  The following updates have been applied:

Major Version Upgrade

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

  • Field Group: 7.x-1.4 – > 7.x-1.5

    • Moderate Security Issue: When adding an HTML element as a field group, the user had the option of adding custom HTML attributes on the group. Via this option, a malicious user could embed scripts within the page, resulting in a cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability. This was mitigated by the fact that the attacker would have to be able to configure field display settings, which usually needs a higher level permission.
    • 18 additional fixes/updates. View the Field Group Release Notes for detailed information

New Modules Added

  • None

Contributed Module Updates

OSU Module Updates

  • Highlights: Updated view to use caching.
  • Live Feeds: Fix underline for calendar months in Firefox 40 and above.

OSU Theme Updates

  • Doug Fir: Added small changes to prepare theme for larger, full-screen changes in the future.

If you have questions or concerns please contact us though our contact form.

The Drupal 7.41-cws-1.2.0 update was released to our development environment on Tuesday, November 24th, and will be released to production sites on Tuesday, Dec. 1st.  The following updates have been applied:

Major Version Upgrade

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

  • None

New Modules Added

  • None

Contributed Module Updates

  • FileField Paths: 7.x-1.0-rc2 -> 7.x-1.0
    • Official Release Status
    • Added variable module integration.

OSU Module Updates

  • OSU Drupal: Updated parent unit pathauto settings
  • OSU Profiles: Added missing module dependencies
  • OSU Groups: Architects can now remove the top level book page of an organic group. Style updates added to the dashboard.
  • Feature Page: Page title now appears at the same place, no matter the browser size. Page title now appears if a feature page is the home page of a site.

OSU Theme Updates

  • Doug Fir: Science variant font and size updates

If you have questions or concerns please contact us though our contact form.

The Drupal 7.41-cws-1.1.0 update was released to our development environment on Tuesday, November 10th, and will be released to production sites on Tuesday, Nov. 17th.  The following updates have been applied:

Major Version Upgrade

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

  • None

New Modules Added

  • None

Contributed Module Updates

  • FileField Paths: 7.x-1.0-rc1 -> 7.x-1.0-rc2
    • Fixed issue with temporary upload location and field collections.
    • Fixed issue with Media Youtube files being processed.
    • Added stricter checks for filefield_paths_form_alter().
    • Fixed issue with unicode characters in pathauto processing.
  • jQuery Update: 7.x-2.6 -> 7.x-2.7 (Security release!)
    • The jQuery Update module enables you to update jQuery on your site. The module ships with a modified version of the core Overlay JavaScript file, which is vulnerable to an open redirect attack (see SA-CORE-2015-004). Only sites with the Overlay module enabled are vulnerable. An incomplete fix for this issue was released in SA-CONTRIB-2015-123.
  • Views: 7.x-3.11 -> 7.x-3.13
    • Revert “Issue #2204257 by ezra-g, andyg5000: Update Views Content access filter per core performance improvements.”

OSU Module Updates

  • None

OSU Theme Updates

  • None


If you have questions or concerns please contact us though our contact form.

The Drupal 7.41-cws-1.0.0 update was released to our development environment on Tuesday, October 27th, and will be released to production sites on Tuesday, Nov. 3rd.  Our previous development release was not pushed to production therefore this release includes our previous package, plus some additional updates, as noted with a bold typeface:

Major Version Upgrade

  • Drupal Core 7.39 > 7.41

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

  • Drupal Core 7.41 addresses a less critical security vulnerability in the core Overlay module. This vulnerability is mitigated by the fact that it can only be used against site users who have the “Access the administrative overlay” permission, and that the Overlay module must be enabled.
    • OSU Drupal 7 does not have the Overlay module enabled in its default distribution.

New Modules Added

  • Access Control Bridge: 7.x-1.2
    • Added to improve the interplay between the different access control modules we use (Domain Access and Organic Groups).
  • Feature Page: 7.x-1.1.2
    • An OSU module that provides a full-width, liquid display. Please see our Feature Page instructions if you’re interested in previewing this in your development environment.

Contributed Module Updates

  • Adminimal theme: 7.x-1.22 -> 7.x-1.23
  • Colorbox: 7.x-2.9 -> 7.x-2.10
    • Less Critical Security fix to prevent users from adding unexpected content to a colorbox, including content from external sites, which could allow an unprivileged user to deface a site. Issue was mitigated by the fact that comments must be enabled (they are not used on our sites).
  • Features: 7.x-2.6 -> 7.x-2.7
  • Filefield Paths: 7.x-1.0-beta4 -> 7.x-1.0-rc1
  • Pathauto: 7.x-1.2 -> 7.x-1.3
  • Views Field View: 7.x-1.1 -> 7.x-1.2
    • Fixed query aggregation for field api fields
    • Sorted list of views
    • Fixed strict warning only variables – should be passed by reference in options_form()
    • Added simple, static caching
  • Webform: 7.x-4.10 -> 7.x-4.12
    • Over 15 issues/feature improvements added in the 7.x-4.11 release. Please see the Webform project release notes list for details.
    • There was an additional update between our two update sessions that has been included in this release.  Over 20 issues/feature improvements have been added in the 7.x-4.12 release. Please see the Webform project release notes list for details.

OSU Module Updates

  • Live Feeds: Added Google Calendar Feed into module
  • OSU Search: Removed unnecessary argument from query string for Google Site Search

OSU Theme Updates

  • Doug Fir: Added improved styling for Views Accordian menu

Request for Feedback

  • Feature Page: As mentioned in our Drupal Community Meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 13th, we are still soliciting feedback for this feature. If you need help setting this up and would like to provide feedback on it, please send us a ticket via our contact form link below.

If you have questions or concerns please contact us though our contact form.

The Drupal 7.39-cws-1.1.0 update was released to our development environment on Tuesday, September 15th, and will be released to production sites on Tuesday, October 6th.  This release includes:

Major Version Upgrade

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

  • Taxonomy 7.x patch
    • Patch to correct NULL value handling in term referencing

Contributed Module Updates

  • CTools – 7.x-1.8 -> 7.x-1.9
    • Added ‘show’ state handler for hiding/showing form fields
    • Added Date of Creation plugin for comments
    • Added Field Group panes for entity edit forms
    • Added class containing the “modal style” to modal
  • Media  – 7.x-2.0-beta1 patch
    • Patch to fix bug in Media module – CKEditor integration
    • Patch to fix uncaught exception in Media Filter that results in missing text in the text editor
  • Linkit – 7.x-3.4 patch
    • Patch to restore missing File Browser button

OSU Module Updates

  • None

If you have questions or concerns please contact us though our contact form.

The Drupal 7.38-cws-1.1.0 update was released to our development environment on Tuesday, July 7th, and will be released to production sites on Tuesday, July 14th.  This release includes:

Major Version Upgrade

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

  • None

OSU Module Updates

  • Install Profile and Config Modules:
    • Removed conflicting dependencies from osu_roles
    • Fixed bug that was stripping links attached to images
    • Corrected default jquery version setting
    • Removed dependencies on Admin menu
  • Locations:
    • Updated default address for Motor Pool
  • OSU Groups:
    • Fixed bug that required group users to be added twice into their first group
    • Modified module to remove redundant path for domains in hook_token alter
  • OSU Profiles:
    • Fixed issue with adding CAS users
    • Fixed broken “Affiliated with” autocomplete field

If you have questions or concerns please contact us though our contact form.

The Drupal 7.38-cws-1.0.0 update was released to our development environment on Tuesday, June 23rd, and will be released to production sites on Tuesday, June 30th.  This release includes:

Major Version Upgrade

  • Drupal core 7.38

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

  • Drupal core 7.38: Critical multiple vulnerabilities.  The main critical issue is with the OpenID module, which we do not use in OSU Drupal 7.  For more information, please see: https://www.drupal.org/SA-CORE-2015-002

Contributed Module Updates

  • jquery upgrade module updated to 7.x-2.6 – updates Overlay code to match core, in response to core security alert, along with some smaller updates
  • honeypot module updated to 7.x-1.18 – A number of small bug fixes and a couple tiny new features—the focus in this release is on stability and fixing small bugs when integrating Honeypot with various contrib module forms. This release keeps the 7.x branch in feature parity with the new 8.x branch.

New Modules

  • none


If you have questions or concerns please contact us though our contact form.

The Drupal 7.37-cws-1.0.0 update was released to our development environment on Tuesday, May 11th, 2015, and will be released to production sites on Tuesday, May 19.  This release includes:

OSU Drupal Bug Fix

  • In the previous release, which included a major update to the Media module, it was discovered that the Colorbox module no longer worked, which affected the display of our Video Carousel feature. Videos themselves still worked, but they would not open in the “lightbox” that we were using for the Video Carousel feature. The fix for this required the inclusion of a new module, media_colorbox. This allowed us to simplify the View that displays the videos, so in the end we now have a better solution. This fix has already been pushed out to all of the development sites, and many of the production sites that were using videos. The rest of the production sites will get the update on Tuesday May 19 during the normal update cycle.

Drupal Core Bug Fix

  • In Drupal 7.36, a regression occurred which caused certain kinds of content to become disabled if they were originally defined by a module that is no longer available.  This has been corrected.

Major Version Upgrade

  • Drupal core 7.37

Security Updates

  • None

CWS Custom Module Updates

  • live_feeds-7.x-2.3.1 – the Beaver Job parser has been added
  • doug_fir-7.x-2.9.0 the LPI theme variant has been added

Contributed Module Updates

  • faq-7.x-1.0 has been updated to its first stable release

New Modules

  • job_scheduler-7.x-2.0-alpha4 added to support Feeds module


If you have questions or concerns please contact us though our contact form.

The Drupal 7.36-cws-1.2.0 update was released to our development environment on Tuesday, April 28th.  This release includes:

Major Version Upgrade

  • Media -> 7.x-2.0-alpha4
  • File Entity -> 7.x-2.0-beta1

The long-awaited update for media handling has been provided with the adoption of Media 7.x-2.0-alpha4.  Please visit the OSU Drupal Community site  to learn more about the Media module, through our Making Media Manageable article and the Media Component Overview, which provides rudimentary instructions and evaluation information.

Security Updates

  • Display Suite 7.x-2.8
    • This update was actually pushed out to production immediately last week to address a Cross Site Scripting vulnerability in production. It has been added into the update package for this week’s dev environment updates.

CWS Custom Module Updates

  • doug_fir 7.x-2.8.5
    • Updated Google Analytics javascript code
  • live_feeds 7.x-2.3.0
    • Added a new parser plug-in for Beaver Careers
  • osu_editor 7.x-1.0.0
    • New module to include all Media module and File Entity related configurations
  • osu_manager 7.x-1.1.3
    • Back-end updates, added permissions for Media and File Entity modules
  • osu_author 7.x-1.2.3
    • Back-end updates, added permissions for Media and File Entity modules
  • osu_architect 7.x-1.2.3
    • Back-end updates, added permissions for Media and File Entity modules
  • osu_editor 7.x-1.0.0
    • New module to include all Media module and File Entity related configurations
  • osu_groups 7.x-1.4.2
    • Fixed query used to determine the top-level book page

Contributed Module Updates

  • Advanced help 7.x-1.2
    • Mostly back-end fixes, though a few different, small CSS issues within the module were corrected.
  • Better Exposed Filters 7.x-3.2
    • Fixed AJAX issue that was failing with BEF links
  • CAPTCHA 7.x-1.3
    • Fixed issues with session reuse errors, improved image markup, provided environment specific CAPTCHA disabling
  • Features 7.x-2.5
    • Fixed back-end issues
  • reCAPTCHA 7.x-1.12
    • Fixed back-end issues
  • Webform 7.x-4.7
    • Fixed some conditionals related bugs, corrected some incompatibilities with Media module and other token-like markup, addressed several back-end issues

New Modules

  • Plupload    7.x-1.7
  • Multiform   7.x-1.1

These modules were added to provide bulk upload functionality for the Media module.

If you have questions or concerns please contact us though our contact form.