OSU Drupal

Updates will be applied to the development environment on Thursday, June 06th, 2024. Barring any additional security updates or issues, the updates will be pushed to the production environment on Thursday, June 13th, 2024. The following changes will be applied:

Major Version:

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

  • drupal/core (10.2.6 => 10.2.7)
    • No major changes, lots of fixes

Contrib Module Updates

OSU Module Updates

  • None

OSU Theme Updates

  • None
OSU Drupal

Updates will be applied to the development environment on Thursday, May 09th, 2024. Barring any additional security updates or issues, the updates will be pushed to the production environment on Thursday, May 16th, 2024. The following changes will be applied:

Major Version:

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

  • drupal/core (10.2.5 => 10.2.6)
    • No major changes, lots of fixes

Contrib Module Updates

  • drupal/asset_injector (2.19.0 => 2.20.0)
    • Fix aggregation on core 10.2.6
  • drupal/better_exposed_filters (6.0.3 => 6.0.5)
  • drupal/blazy (2.24.0 => 2.26.0)
    • Hotfix for QSA.
  • drupal/charts (5.0.12 => 5.0.13)
    • Bug
      • #3426782 by andileco: Fix Billboard.js and C3.js axis labels and y-axis min/max
      • #3442641 by Liam Morland: Chart segments are all the same color in Views pie/donut charts
    • Feature
      • #3426704 by andileco, nikathone, jwilson3: Ability to disable some chart types
    • Task
      • #3428350: Automated Drupal 11 compatibility fixes for charts
      • #3441327: charts_billboard README with conflicting d3 versions
  • drupal/charts_highcharts_drilldown (1.0.4 => 1.0.5)
    • Misc
      • Add .gitlab-ci.yml file for automated testing
    • Task
      • #3398093 by andileco: Update the Highcharts versions
      • #3338509: Implement hook_help()
      • #3424667 by andileco: Update library to show minified is true
  • drupal/editoria11y (2.1.11 => 2.1.16)
    • Module released many fixes to fix regressions
    • Bug
      • #3446540: Images inside a region with an aria label are not checked for alt text
      • Also fixes regression from 2.1.14 that could incorrectly position alerts that were outside the viewport.
  • drupal/linkit (6.1.3 => 6.1.4)
    • Bug
      • #3428696: TypeError: Unsupported operand types: array + null in LinkGenerator->generate()
      • #3441909: In CKEditor 5, LinkIt is incompatible with Media Entity Download because it doesn’t tell CKEditor about required data attributes on the tag
      • #3443845 by drpldrp, mark_fullmer: When [Enter] key is used to replace a link, the previous link’s attributes are not removed
      • #3364963 by trackleft2, drpldrp, mark_fullmer, bgreco, acbramley, edwardsay: “This link has no URL” when inserting text before or after a link
    • Feature
      • #3223914 by JeroenT, solideogloria: Add email address prefixed with mailto: as a valid suggestion in the EmailMatcher
      • #3222939 by mark_fullmer, edwardsay, dbielke1986: Do not require selection of autocomplete if only one match (pressing ‘Submit’ is sufficient)
    • Misc
      • Update .gitlab-ci.yml file to including testing for next major version of Drupal
    • Support
      • #3441789 by mark_fullmer, adinac: Link attributes are not set for linkit links in Drupal 10.2 versions
    • Task
      • #3438460 by Project Update Bot: Automated Drupal 11 compatibility fixes for linkit
  • drupal/scheduler (2.0.1 => 2.0.3)
    • Bug
      • #3443183 by jonathan1055, alt36, sense-design: Call to non-existent token.entity_mapper service when Token is not installed
    • Task
      • #3432376 by jonathan1055: Test at Max PHP, triggered manually
      • #3442310 by jonathan1055: Fix new PHPCS standard for multi-line function definitions
  • drupal/smart_date (4.0.3 => 4.1.2)
    • Bug
      • #3444046 by mandclu: Warning: Undefined array key “time_wrapper”
      • #3440576 by pablo.fredes, mandclu: TypeError: explode(): Argument #2 ($string) must be of type string, array given in explode()
      • #3423255 by abhishek_gupta1, mandclu: Error in fullcalendar_view for Smart date range if Allowed number of values ​is ​1
      • #3444258 by mandclu, esomething: getParentEntity in SmartDateRule Preventing New Instance Creation
      • #3354858 by mandclu, DieterHolvoet, codechefmarc, Odai Atieh: Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null

OSU Module Updates

OSU Theme Updates

  • None
OSU Drupal

Updates will be applied to the development environment on Thursday, April 18th, 2024. Barring any additional security updates or issues, the updates will be pushed to the production environment on Thursday, April 25th, 2024. The following changes will be applied:

Major Version Upgrade

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

  • None

Contrib Module Updates

  • drupal/acquia_connector (4.0.5 => 4.0.6)
    • Enhances Information that we, DX, gleam in Acquia
  • drupal/address (1.12.0 => 2.0.1)
    • With the jump to 2.0.0:
      • Added an address_line3 property.
      • The default label for the organization property is now “Organization”, not “Company”.
      • Added administrative areas for 13 countries (BB, CR, EE, FM, HN, KI, KZ, PA, PG, PY, SC, UM, ZW).
      • Rebuilt administrative areas for 2 countries (BS, PH).
      • Many address format improvements.
      • The administrative_area property now always stores the ISO code of the subdivision. Previously it depended on the dataset (e.g. US administrative areas were keyed by ISO code, but IE ones weren’t).
  • drupal/editoria11y (2.1.8 => 2.1.11)
    • Lots of fixes.
  • drupal/fullcalendar_view (5.1.13 => 5.1.14)
    • Minor Improvements
  • drupal/slick (2.10.0 => 2.11.0)
    • Minor Improvements
  • drupal/token (1.13.0 => 1.14.0)
    • Mainly fixes for tests

OSU Module Updates

  • OSU Groups (2.0.4 => 2.0.5)
    • This introduces permission to access the Blazy update widget
    • Adds the ability to manage Redirects from the Group edit form.

OSU Theme Updates

  • None

The Drupal 7.38-cws-1.1.0 update was released to our development environment on Tuesday, July 7th, and will be released to production sites on Tuesday, July 14th.  This release includes:

Major Version Upgrade

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

  • None

OSU Module Updates

  • Install Profile and Config Modules:
    • Removed conflicting dependencies from osu_roles
    • Fixed bug that was stripping links attached to images
    • Corrected default jquery version setting
    • Removed dependencies on Admin menu
  • Locations:
    • Updated default address for Motor Pool
  • OSU Groups:
    • Fixed bug that required group users to be added twice into their first group
    • Modified module to remove redundant path for domains in hook_token alter
  • OSU Profiles:
    • Fixed issue with adding CAS users
    • Fixed broken “Affiliated with” autocomplete field

If you have questions or concerns please contact us though our contact form.

The Drupal 7.38-cws-1.0.0 update was released to our development environment on Tuesday, June 23rd, and will be released to production sites on Tuesday, June 30th.  This release includes:

Major Version Upgrade

  • Drupal core 7.38

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

  • Drupal core 7.38: Critical multiple vulnerabilities.  The main critical issue is with the OpenID module, which we do not use in OSU Drupal 7.  For more information, please see: https://www.drupal.org/SA-CORE-2015-002

Contributed Module Updates

  • jquery upgrade module updated to 7.x-2.6 – updates Overlay code to match core, in response to core security alert, along with some smaller updates
  • honeypot module updated to 7.x-1.18 – A number of small bug fixes and a couple tiny new features—the focus in this release is on stability and fixing small bugs when integrating Honeypot with various contrib module forms. This release keeps the 7.x branch in feature parity with the new 8.x branch.

New Modules

  • none


If you have questions or concerns please contact us though our contact form.

The Drupal 7.37-cws-1.0.0 update was released to our development environment on Tuesday, May 11th, 2015, and will be released to production sites on Tuesday, May 19.  This release includes:

OSU Drupal Bug Fix

  • In the previous release, which included a major update to the Media module, it was discovered that the Colorbox module no longer worked, which affected the display of our Video Carousel feature. Videos themselves still worked, but they would not open in the “lightbox” that we were using for the Video Carousel feature. The fix for this required the inclusion of a new module, media_colorbox. This allowed us to simplify the View that displays the videos, so in the end we now have a better solution. This fix has already been pushed out to all of the development sites, and many of the production sites that were using videos. The rest of the production sites will get the update on Tuesday May 19 during the normal update cycle.

Drupal Core Bug Fix

  • In Drupal 7.36, a regression occurred which caused certain kinds of content to become disabled if they were originally defined by a module that is no longer available.  This has been corrected.

Major Version Upgrade

  • Drupal core 7.37

Security Updates

  • None

CWS Custom Module Updates

  • live_feeds-7.x-2.3.1 – the Beaver Job parser has been added
  • doug_fir-7.x-2.9.0 the LPI theme variant has been added

Contributed Module Updates

  • faq-7.x-1.0 has been updated to its first stable release

New Modules

  • job_scheduler-7.x-2.0-alpha4 added to support Feeds module


If you have questions or concerns please contact us though our contact form.

The Drupal 7.36-cws-1.2.0 update was released to our development environment on Tuesday, April 28th.  This release includes:

Major Version Upgrade

  • Media -> 7.x-2.0-alpha4
  • File Entity -> 7.x-2.0-beta1

The long-awaited update for media handling has been provided with the adoption of Media 7.x-2.0-alpha4.  Please visit the OSU Drupal Community site  to learn more about the Media module, through our Making Media Manageable article and the Media Component Overview, which provides rudimentary instructions and evaluation information.

Security Updates

  • Display Suite 7.x-2.8
    • This update was actually pushed out to production immediately last week to address a Cross Site Scripting vulnerability in production. It has been added into the update package for this week’s dev environment updates.

CWS Custom Module Updates

  • doug_fir 7.x-2.8.5
    • Updated Google Analytics javascript code
  • live_feeds 7.x-2.3.0
    • Added a new parser plug-in for Beaver Careers
  • osu_editor 7.x-1.0.0
    • New module to include all Media module and File Entity related configurations
  • osu_manager 7.x-1.1.3
    • Back-end updates, added permissions for Media and File Entity modules
  • osu_author 7.x-1.2.3
    • Back-end updates, added permissions for Media and File Entity modules
  • osu_architect 7.x-1.2.3
    • Back-end updates, added permissions for Media and File Entity modules
  • osu_editor 7.x-1.0.0
    • New module to include all Media module and File Entity related configurations
  • osu_groups 7.x-1.4.2
    • Fixed query used to determine the top-level book page

Contributed Module Updates

  • Advanced help 7.x-1.2
    • Mostly back-end fixes, though a few different, small CSS issues within the module were corrected.
  • Better Exposed Filters 7.x-3.2
    • Fixed AJAX issue that was failing with BEF links
  • CAPTCHA 7.x-1.3
    • Fixed issues with session reuse errors, improved image markup, provided environment specific CAPTCHA disabling
  • Features 7.x-2.5
    • Fixed back-end issues
  • reCAPTCHA 7.x-1.12
    • Fixed back-end issues
  • Webform 7.x-4.7
    • Fixed some conditionals related bugs, corrected some incompatibilities with Media module and other token-like markup, addressed several back-end issues

New Modules

  • Plupload    7.x-1.7
  • Multiform   7.x-1.1

These modules were added to provide bulk upload functionality for the Media module.

If you have questions or concerns please contact us though our contact form.

The Drupal 7.36-cws-1.0.0 update was released to our development environment on Tuesday, April 14th.  This release includes:

Security Updates


CWS Custom Module Updates

OSU Groups Module

An “Hours of Operation” field has been added to the Group node type.

Highlights Feature

The background fill that displays when a mouse hovers over a transparent background highlight has been fixed.

Contributed Module Updates


If you have questions or concerns please contact us though our contact form.

The next CWS Drupal release, 7.35-cws-1.0.0, will be deployed to production Drupal 7 sites on Tuesday Mar 24. This release includes:

Security Updates

  • Drupal core 7.35
  • Webform 7.x-4.5
  • Chaos Tools 7.x-1.7

CWS custom module updates

It was discovered that the varnish cache was not being cleared when the site cache in Drupal was cleared. In response, a hook was added to clear the varnish cache for a site when the site cache is cleared through using “Flush all caches”.
Lookup Module
After deleting the module, the content in the database was still present, including the tags data.  This has been corrected.
OSU Groups
Login redirection to dashboard was broken.  This has been corrected.
The appropriate Actions Permissions were added and provided to the group user role.  These permissions will allow group managers the ability to perform bulk operations when managing their users.
OSU Group Views
Every view that is a part of the OSU Group Views module has now been configured to cache for 1 hour, the same as Feature Story.  Therefore if changes do not immediately show after you make them, flush the cache.

Updates to contributed modules

New contributed modules

Domain Context
This will allow sites that use the Domain module to create Contexts that use the domain as a condition. This will be particularly helpful in fa.oregonstate.edu.

Removed contributed modules

We are no longer using this having instead gone with the Colorbox module.

If you have questions or concerns please contact us though our contact form.