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An update was released to our development environment on Wednesday, April 19th, 2017. It will be released to production sites on Wednesday, April 26th, barring any security/emergency updates. The following updates will be applied:

Major Version Upgrade

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

  • None

New Modules Added

  • None

Contributed Module Updates

  • Colorbox 7.x-2.13

    • Bug fixes:
      • Fixed $field[‘bundles’] which returned empty for files
    • Misc:
      • Fixed coding standards for the 7.x-2.x branch
      • Added the setting for returnFocus
      • Fixed typo where “javascript” should be “JavaScript”
      • Propagated alt and title text to colorbox
      • Error checked truck command to see if the destination is writable
  • Date  7.x-2.10
    • More than 10 items addressed. Please see project’s release notes for details.
  • References 7.x-2.2
    • Fixes References – Critical – Unsupported – SA-CONTRIB-2017-38
    • Added UUID/Deploy support locally in the References project.
    • Fixed message ‘is not a valid node id for this field.
    • Fixed Validation callbacks that can result in an unneed db query due to a cache miss.
    • Fixed Nids that were needlessly added to a dynamic query when user has certain permissions.
    • Fixed title mismatch. Please check your selection (Error text should be more helpfull).
    • Added New search method for autocomplete.
  • Views 7.x-3.16
    • More than 10 items addressed. Please see project’s release notes for details.
  • Webform 7.x-4.15
    • More than 10 items addressed. Please see project’s release notes for details.

OSU Module Updates

  • None

OSU Theme Updates

  • None

If you have questions or concerns please contact us though our contact form.

Drupalicon graphic

An update was released to our development environment on Tuesday, March 21st, 2017. It will be released to production sites on Tuesday, March 28th, barring any security/emergency updates. The following updates will be applied:

Major Version Upgrade

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

  • None

New Modules Added

  • None

Contributed Module Updates

OSU Module Updates

  • None

OSU Theme Updates

  • None

If you have questions or concerns please contact us though our contact form.

Drupalicon graphic

An update will be released to our development environment on Monday, February 6th, 2017. It will be released to production sites on Tuesday, February 7th, barring any security/emergency updates. The following updates will be applied:

Major Version Upgrade

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

  • None

New Modules Added

  • None

Contributed Module Updates

  • Better Exposed Filters 7.x-3.4
    • Fixes XSS vulnerability when using the “Include term description” option with exposed taxonomy filters. See security release https://www.drupal.org/node/2848865 (mitgated by the fact that an attacker must have a role with the permission “administer taxonomy”.

OSU Module Updates

  • None

OSU Theme Updates

  • None

If you have questions or concerns please contact us though our contact form.

Drupalicon graphic

An update will be released to our development environment on Thursday, January 19th, 2017. It will be released to production sites on Tuesday, January 24th, barring any security/emergency updates. The following updates will be applied:

Major Version Upgrade

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

  • None

New Modules Added

Contributed Module Updates

  • Better Exposed Filters 7.x-3.3
    • Autosubmit on an element-by-element basis
    • Better test coverage
    • Corrects functionality of single on/off checkbox filters
    • Configurable collapsed state of secondary filters
    • Refactors bef_checkbox into a theme function
    • Lots of bug fixes
  • Entity Reference 7.x-1.2
    • More than 10 bug fixes/feature additions. Please see project release notes for further details.
  • Field Collection 7.x-1.0-beta12
    • More than 10 bug fixes/feature additions. Please see project release notes for further details.
  • Metatag 7.x-1.20
    • Brings back compatibility with Workbench Moderation v1 module (this does not affect us as we don’t use Workbench Moderation).
    • Fixed sandbox-based update scripts so they don’t run into infinite loops.

OSU Module Updates

  • None

OSU Theme Updates

  • None

If you have questions or concerns please contact us though our contact form.

Drupalicon graphic

An update will be released to our development environment on Tuesday, January 10th, 2017. It will be released to production sites on Tuesday, January 17th, barring any security/emergency updates. The following updates have been applied:

Major Version Upgrade

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

  • Drupal Core 7.53
    • Single bug fix to address a regression with drag-and-drop behavior that was introduced in Drupal 7.51 for certain web browsers (I’ve seen this in Chrome).

New Modules Added

  • None

Contributed Module Updates

  • Acquia Connector 7.x-3.0
    • Single bug fix to address a regression with drag-and-drop behavior that was introduced in Drupal 7.51 for certain web browsers.
  • Chaos Tool Suite 7.x-1.12
    • Test coverage feature added. 13 items bug fixes. Please see project release notes for further details.
  • Context List 7.x-1.2
    • Documentation update.
  • Diff 7.x-3.3
    • More than 10 feature additions and bug fixes. Please see project release notes for further details.
  • Entity API 7.x-1.8
    • More than 10 bug fixes. Please see project release notes for further details.
  • Metatag 7.x-1.19
    • More than 10 bug fixes. Please see project release notes for further details.
  • Module Missing Message Fixer 7.x-1.2
    • Fixed isset error on for submit
  • Node Export 7.x-3.1
    • More than 10 bug fixes. Please see project release notes for further details.

OSU Module Updates

  • OSU Groups 1.5.3
    • Fixes groups when building their local menu.
  • OSU Roles 1.1.6
    • Applies a fix so the admin role is hidden from the batch update select list on the user overview page.
  • Stylesheet Overlay 1.2.1
    • Set up the module to only apply overlays to non admin pages.

OSU Theme Updates

  • None

If you have questions or concerns please contact us though our contact form.

Drupalicon graphic

An update was released to our development environment on Tuesday, December 6th, 2016. It will be released to the staging/test environment on Wednesday, December 7th, 2016 and then released to production sites on Thursday, December 8th, barring any security/emergency updates. The following updates have been applied:

Major Version Upgrade

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

  • None

New Modules Added

  • None

Contributed Module Updates

  • Biblio
    • A patch was applied to Biblio to fix PubMed lookups that were broken when NCBI switched their API from using http to using https. If you’re using PubMed, please take a look in your staging site on Wednesday, Dec. 7th and test. If you encounter any issues, contact CWS so we can troubleshoot. Please refer to https://www.drupal.org/node/2826056 for more information about this specific patch.
    • Thanks to Mike Barton of Ag Life Sciences for notifying us about this!

OSU Module Updates

  • None

OSU Theme Updates

  • None

If you have questions or concerns please contact us though our contact form.

Drupalicon graphic

An update was released to our development environment on Wednesday, November 30th, 2016 and will be released to production sites on Thursday, December 8th, barring any security/emergency updates. The following updates have been applied:

Major Version Upgrade

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

  • None

New Modules Added

  • None

Contributed Module Updates

  • None

OSU Module Updates

  • Live Feeds
    • An issue with the rendering of non-UTF 8 characters in feed titles has been corrected. CWS requests that if people have seen funny characters in their feed titles, please check this output in your dev site and let us know if you discover any further issues.

OSU Theme Updates

  • Doug Fir
    • Accessibility enhancements added to search icons on desktop and mobile

If you have questions or concerns please contact us though our contact form.

An update was released to our development environment on Tuesday, August 30th, 2016 and will be released to production sites on Tuesday, September 6th, barring any security/emergency updates. The following updates have been applied:

Major Version Upgrade

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

  • None

New Modules Added

  • None

Contributed Module Updates

  • Webform 7.x-4.14:
    • This release contains two updates that have been rolled into one
    • 7.x-4.13 The update of most concern for us is the one that involves conditionals. Users can now actually nest conditional statements inside of other conditional statements. This is pretty exciting, but it also opens the door for some potential confusion. We ask of anyone who is using conditionals to give their form(s) a test in their dev environment to make sure everything is working correctly.
      • Additionally, there are more than ten other updates that have been introduced. For more information, see the referenced release notes.
    • 7.x-4.14 was not a security release, but there were two big security improvements that were added to let users better understand the security ramifications of two existing features
      • Changing disabled components. The description of the disabled option now clarifies that it is still possible for a user to use developer or JavaScript tools to modify the value of a disabled component. This is by design and is considered desirable. To store a submission value that cannot be changed by the user, use a hidden component with the “secure value” option.EntityInterface added to allow programming interfaces
      • Submission results downloaded as delimited text files (e.g. CSV). Some spreadsheets interpret cell data within a delimited text file as a formula, leading to a formula injection vulnerability in the spreadsheet. Data submitted by untrusted users that may be opened by a spreadsheet should be downloaded in Microsoft Excel format rather than delimited text format. The Webform submission download page makes this clear.
      • Additionally there are more than ten other updates that have been introduced. For more information, see the referenced release notes

OSU Module Updates

  • None

OSU Theme Updates

  • None

If you have questions or concerns please contact us though our contact form.

An update was released to our development environment on Tuesday, August 16th, 2016 and will be released to production sites on Tuesday, August 23rd, barring any security/emergency updates.  The following updates have been applied:

Major Version Upgrade

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

  • None

New Modules Added

  • None

Contributed Module Updates

  • Acquia Connector 7.x-2.17:
    • Please note that this module is used for server connectivity at Acquia and is not something that our customers have access to.
    • Fixed bug that was breaking the status page
    • Updated the migrate form to expect non-2xx response codes from Acquia Cloud as the server side code changed
    • Fixed up the unit tests so they all pass now and make further development/maintenance easier
  • Colorbox 7.x-2.12:
    • Add missing gallery navigation buttons
    • Increased minimum required version of Colorbox plugin to 1.6.1 to encourage people to upgrade
      • CWS pulls from the Colorbox repo, so we already have 1.6.1 in use
  • Context 7.x-3.7:
    • More than 10 fixes/improvements (all minor), please see version notes by clicking on the version number above
  • Display Suite 7.x-2.14:
    • Previous update introduced a regression. This release fixes the resulting problems.
  • Features 7.x-2.10:
    • Fixed undefined index error
    • Fixed features_get_component_states() so that it passes its $reset param
    • Fixed Drush fl output issue
  • Field Collection 7.x-1.0-beta11:
    • Fixed array_filter() issue that was produced after upgrading to 7.x-1.0-beta10
  • Libraries API 7.x-2.3:
    • More than 10 fixes/improvements (all minor), please see version notes by clicking on the version number above

OSU Module Updates

  • None

OSU Theme Updates

  • None

If you have questions or concerns please contact us though our contact form.

The Drupal 7.50-cws-1.0.0 update was released to our development environment on Tuesday, July 26th, 2016 and will be released to production sites on Tuesday, August 2nd.  The following updates have been applied:

Major Version Upgrade

  • Drupal Core 7.50
    • This update has 64 bug-fixes/improvements, most of which should be transparent to our users. There are fixes, however, that involve field configuration access and text formats.
    • While we don’t expect any issues, we request that users double-check their development sites and report any errors via our contact form.

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates


New Modules Added

  • Module Missing Message Fixer: a utility module used to clean up database elements that linger after a module is uninstalled. This module is used by Central Web Services to help keep a site’s database clean.

Contributed Module Updates


OSU Module Updates


OSU Theme Updates


If you have questions or concerns please contact us though our contact form.