Tag Archives: plant physiology

January 2025 Nursery News Notes

Below, we’ve curated the latest news and insights from trusted sources across the industry. Stay updated with these key highlights.

Trade Journal Articles 

Pressure-Compensating Spray Stakes: Efficient but Costly for Nurseries

By: Gerry Spinelli & Chris Shrogren / NurseryMag Dec 2024

Hot Media Affects Root Growth and Fertilizer Release

By: James “Jim” S Owen Jr, & Jake Shreckhise / NurseryMag Jan 2025

Silicon Boosts Pest Resistance in Rhododendron

By: Jana Lee / Digger Jan 2025

Scientific Journal Articles 

Reduced Water Content: Effects on Landscape Shrub Growth

By: Ji-Jhong Chen and Youping Sun / HortScience Vol 60: Issue 2

A New Loropetalum Option for Oregon Growers

By: Jia-le Peng, En Wu, Da-mao Zhang, Ling Li, Yi-wen Wu, Xiaoying Yu, Don-lin Zhang,  and Yan-lin Li  / HortScience Vol 60: Issue 2 

Hongzi Die: A New Flowering Crabapple Cultivar

By: Minghan Luo, Sijun Qin, Deguo Lyu, and Jiali He  / HortScience Vol 60: Issue 2 

Do Hybrid Butterfly Bushes Produce Fewer Seeds? Impacts on Oregon’s Invasive Plant Rules

Cara Still and Ryan Contreras / Journal of Environmental Horticulture Vol 42 Issue 4 

Boxwood Production Costs and Strategies for Nursery Growers 

By Charles Hall / Journal of Environmental Horticulture Vol 42 Issue 4

Nursery Knowledge: Plant Hydraulic Physiology – Unlocking Nature’s Water Secrets for Greener Futures

Lloyd Nackley

TL;DR: Plant hydraulics unravels the journey of water within plants, aiding tree health, nursery production, urban forest management, and climate resilience. 🌿🌍

In 2023, we delved into the fascinating world of xylem architecture and how plants move water. In this post, we’ll uncover the secrets of how trees and other woody plants manage water, adapt to challenging conditions, and ultimately contribute to a greener, more sustainable world.

sprinklers watering young trees
Overhead watering in red maple saplings

Real-Life Examples

Understanding plant hydraulic physiology has real-life applications that impact our daily lives. Think about the forests that surround your town or city. These vast woodlands provide us with habitat for wildlife, clean air to breathe and recreational spaces. Knowing how water moves through trees helps us manage and protect these valuable resources. For example, foresters use this knowledge to assess the health of forests and make decisions about when and where to plant new trees. . Additionally, farmers use plant hydraulic physiology in agriculture to develop more resilient crop varieties that can withstand droughts, ensuring a stable food supply. So, the next time you hike in the woods or enjoy a fresh piece of fruit, you’ll know that plant hydraulic physiology plays a crucial role in making it all possible.

Plants water-saving superpowers

Imagine it like this: when the soil dries and the plant begins to get thirsty, it doesn’t just rely on its stem. It has other ways to stay healthy. Think of these ways as a set of superpowers. These superpowers help the plant survive when the soil water is unavailable.

plants in dry soil
Native and naturalized plants are better at managing body water in response to their environment

One of these superpowers is stomatal conductance. It’s like the plant’s ability to open or close tiny valves on its leaves to save water. When water is scarce, it can close these valves to keep as much water as possible. Another superpower is leaf conductivity. This is about how well water moves through the leaves. The plant can control this too. When it’s thirsty, it can slow down the flow of water through its leaves. And then, there’s leaf wilting, which you might have seen before. When a plant wilts, it’s like it’s saying, “I’m really thirsty!” It’s a sign that the plant needs water.

These superpowers don’t all kick in at the same time. First, the plant might adjust its stomatal conductance andits leaf conductivity, before things get serious, and stem conductivity is affected. Scientists have studied these superpowers in different plants. Some scientists have proposed the theory of a plant hydraulic fuse, much like a fuse on a stick of dynamite. The idea behind the plant hydraulic fuse is that plants have a mechanism to prevent catastrophic failure in their water transport system. When faced with extreme water stress, they can cavitate (or burst) segments further from the main stem. Blowing-off the edges to preserve the main trunk. This deliberate disruption helps protect the most vital parts of the plant from experiencing embolisms (blockages) and ensures its survival. They’ve figured out the order in which these superpowers come into action when a plant is thirsty. This information helps us understand how plants deal with water stress.

planted ornamental plants in landscape
Studies help to understand what plant attributes allow for better success in drought conditions

Nursery production and practical applications

For nursery professionals, knowing about these superpowers can be helpful. It’s like having a manual for taking care of plants. By watching for signs of plant water stress, like wilting leaves, or measuring stem conductance, leaf transpiration, and plant water potential, professionals can decide when to water the plants to keep them healthy. In the world of nursery production, where we grow young plants to get them ready for life outside, understanding plant hydraulic physiology can be a real game-changer.

Let’s break it down:

Watering Wisely: Imagine you’re caring for a garden, and you need to water the plants. You could just eyeball it and water them when they look thirsty (like when they start to wilt). But, there’s a smarter way. You can weigh the pots to figure out when they need water based on their weight. It’s like checking the gas tank in your car to know when it’s time for a refill. Even smarter, you can use science to measure how much water the plants need based on how they’re doing on the inside. This way, you don’t have to wait until they’re wilting to know they need water. It’s like having a fitness tracker for your plants!

plants irrigated in a greenhouse
Managing water in a greenhouse is a function of understanding plant physiology while remaining economical

Getting Tough: Plants are like little superheroes. They can learn to handle tough situations, like not having enough water. Just like how training can make athletes stronger, exposing plants to a bit of stress (like less water) in the nursery can help them be more resilient when they’re planted outside.

Finding the Balance: Sometimes, you have to make tough choices when growing plants. If you water them too much, they might get sick. But if you don’t water them enough, they won’t grow well. It’s like finding the right balance between playing in the rain and staying dry.

Environmental impact

Plant hydraulic physiology isn’t just about plants; it’s about our planet’s health too. As we face environmental challenges like climate change, understanding how plants manage water becomes increasingly important. Imagine a world where plants couldn’t adapt to changing water conditions. It could mean more forest fires, reduced crop yields, and even less greenery in our cities. By studying how plants cope with water stress, scientists and conservationists can make informed decisions about preserving ecosystems and mitigating the effects of climate change. This knowledge also guides water-saving practices in agriculture and urban planning, helping us use this precious resource more efficiently and sustainably. So, when we learn about plant hydraulic physiology, we’re not just exploring the inner workings of plants; we’re taking a step towards a healthier planet for everyone.

So, what’s the bottom line? Knowing how water moves in plants can help nursery professionals make smart decisions. It’s like having a playbook for growing strong and healthy plants. And by using science, we can grow better plants while saving water and protecting the environment. It’s a win-win for everyone!

Plant Health: Drones and Drought

Lloyd Nackley

Roots, Shoots, and Sky-High Science and Extension: Our dedicated team has actively engaged in research and extension events this year that offer valuable insights into plant ecology and climate change adaptation.

Field Research: Graduate student Scout Dahms-May led extensive research into how ornamental shrubs respond to drought conditions. Her dedication shone through as she ventured into the field for pre-dawn plant water potential assessments, sharing the experience with hot air balloonists and the local coyotes. Our excellent undergraduate students, along with the new graduate student, Josh Perrault, played a pivotal role in the research by meticulously measuring the leaf area of over 100 plants. Their hard work serves as a testament to the commitment of students pursuing cutting-edge agricultural research.

Extension: Standout events this season included an impressive demonstration of sprayer drones. Visitors had the opportunity to witness these cutting-edge technologies in action, gaining insights into how they can be used in modern agriculture and horticulture.

Another highlight was a grand field day that showcased the spirit of collaboration at NWREC, involving students, staff like Brent Warneke, Dalyn McCauley, and Clint Taylor from the Nackley Lab, as well as guest appearances by experts, including Dr. Rebelo, a visiting scholar from South Africa, and Dr. Wiman, Orchards Program Leader, and Dr. Yang, a Blueberry Extension Specialist. This summer, NWREC demonstrated its position as a hub of research, learning, and community engagement, driven by our shared commitment to advancing the field of plant science.

Nursery Knowledge: Plant Hydraulic Physiology

Lloyd Nackley

Unlocking Nature’s Water Secrets for Greener Futures, Part 1

TL;DR Plant hydraulics unravels the journey of water within plants, aiding tree health, nursery production, urban forest management, and climate resilience. 🌿🌿

Last month, we delved into the fascinating world of soil hydraulics, exploring how water moves beneath our feet. In this post, we’re staying within the realm of water movement but shifting our focus to a different dimension of nature – plants. Prepare to journey through the intricate pathways of plant hydraulic physiology, where we uncover the secrets of how trees and other woody plants manage water, adapt to challenging conditions, and ultimately contribute to a greener, more sustainable

Plant hydraulic physiology is all about how water moves through plants. Scientists study this to understand how trees and other woody plants react when they have enough water or not enough. This knowledge helps us figure out how different ways of growing plants in nurseries affects their growth. People have known for a while that this field is important for plants in forests. But now, thanks to recent discoveries by this lab and others, this amazing field of science is being applied to
nurseries and other horticultural production systems. In this summary, I will explain the basic ideas about how water moves through
plants , how it connects to their structure and how they work. With this knowledge, scientists, nursery workers, and people who care for forests can ensure they grow strong, healthy trees that can handle harsh conditions when planted outside.

Let’s start by talking about how water moves in plants. Imagine it’s like water moving through a hose in your garden. We can measure this flow of water using something called “flow rate,” which is just how much water moves in a certain amount of time.

We use units like gallons per minute or liters per minute to measure it. For example, think about a water hose in your garden. If you want to know how much water it sprays out in a minute, that’s its flow rate. Now, here’s something interesting: the size of the pipe or hose matters. A big hose can let a lot more water flow through than a tiny one. In fact if you double the diameter of a hose it can allow 4 times the flow of the smaller diameter hose. Plants have tiny water pipes called “xylem.”

Okay, now let’s talk about “conductance.” Think of it as how easy or hard it is for water to move through something. For plants, this refers to how easily water can travel through their pipes. We usually keep the pressure the same, like when you use a hose with a constant water pressure. This helps make sure the plants get water evenly. Lastly, there’s something called “conductivity.” It’s like a fancy version of conductance but scaled to the size of different parts of the plant. It helps us compare how different parts of the plant move water. For example, we might want to know how water moves through the stem compared to the roots.

Now, here’s where it gets cool: in plants, water doesn’t get pushed like in your garden hose. It gets pulled up by something called “tension.” This happens because plants lose water from their leaves when it evaporates. Imagine a plant sipping water through a straw from the soil. When the water evaporates from the leaves, it creates tension, like a vacuum pulling water up the plant. This is how water can move up the tallest trees. So, we measure something called “water potential” to understand this tension. It tells us how much “pull” the plant has on the water. When there’s a difference in water potential between different parts of the plant, it’s like a driving force that makes water move from where there’s less pull to where there’s more. This helps water move up from the roots to the leaves, even against gravity. We call this whole process the “Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum,” but you can just think of it as how plants drink water.

And that’s the basics of how water moves in plants!

Meet the Team: Summer Update

The Gravel Pad update you’ve been waiting for, and more!

There’s so much going on in the season of plenty around NWREC! Enjoy this virtual tour of a few projects around the nursery.

Dalyn has been continuing her work with mini-lysimeters that control irrigation in shade trees – these tiny scales weigh the potted plants and use the change in weight as they dry to determine when to turn on the water. The lysimeters are gathering data on plant weight along with an on-site weather station to better understand the relationship between heat and irrigation in gravel pad production. Read more about this project here.

View of gravel pad with potted maple trees
Young red maple trees on the gravel pad are using lysimeters to monitor water loss in conjunction with a dedicated weather station (left).

The Willamette Valley has had a few HOT summers in a row, even though lately this one has been pretty mild. Nevertheless, we haven’t given up on finding solutions for heat mitigation – including growing ornamentals under drought conditions to see which are the most “climate-ready” to meet changing needs. We’ll be asking the public to evaluate those plants in the upcoming Climate-Ready Field Day, come along and see how the plants are progressing (click the link above for more info).

In addition, we’re evaluating different means of mitigating the heat and the resultant high rates of evapotranspiration (basically ways to reduce plant sweat), from misting the young plants to covering tissues with kaolin, introducing fungicides that may be beneficial in managing water loss, using white pots instead of the traditional black, and even growth inhibitors – it’s been a pretty amazing feat to monitor the effects as you can see- check out this monitoring station!

Jaiden, Lloyd and Dalyn at the ET monitoring station with shade trees
Dalyn, Lloyd and summer hire Jaiden show off the monitoring station in the heat stress/evapotranspiration mitigation study.

young flowering shrubs in alternating black and white pots
Does the color of the pot change the heat stress for these water-loving shrubs on the gravel pad?

A small project growing marigolds for festivals and holidays – like Dia de los Muertos – is also underway. Growing the marigolds has certainly brightened up the Nursery Zone at NWREC, and we’ve progressed into evaluating passive means to dry the flowers, saving energy and resources while preserving the gorgeous summer color.

fresh marigolds
Marigold blooms
dried marigolds

There’s even more in the works – stay tuned for information about fall workshops and PACE courses created specifically for nursery and greenhouse production for topics covering drone sprays, integrated pest management, and more.

Climate-Ready Landscape Plant Field Day 2.0

UC Davis Plant Trial Field Day 2020
Photos: UC Davis Plant Trial Field Day 2020 cr: Karrie Reid

Who should attend: Professionals from landscape, horticulture, nursery and related fields; OSU Master Gardeners; garden writers; academics/educators

When: August 17th 2023; 10am – 2pm (Arrive when convenient; ratings take about 60 min)

Where:                  OSU’s North Willamette Research & Extension Center

15210 NE Miley Rd, Aurora, OR 97002

What’s involved: Evaluating aesthetic qualities of selected landscape plants (about 60 minutes).

Photos: UC Davis Plant Trial Field Day 2020 Credit: Karrie Reid
Photos: UC Davis Plant Trial Field Day 2020 Credit: Karrie Reid

About this Event

The ever-changing climate iputs pressure on the industry to develop more sustainable plants. As part of a six-university study, OSU seeks to improve urban water-use efficiency by evaluating landscape plant performance on three irrigation treatments corresponding to the Water Use Classification of Landscape Species (WUCOLS): High, Moderate, and Low categories of water need. The plants are irrigated regularly during their first summer after planting. Treatments are imposed during the second growing season where researchers collect growth and quality ratings.

The Field Day allows landscape, nursery, and horticultural industry professionals and educators the opportunity to see new plants in their 2nd year and share your opinions and preferences by rating a representative sample of the plants in the field undergoing irrigation treatments. One plant from each of the 3 water levels, for 15 different species (some released to the public and some not yet) will be surveyed. Along with this field of 360 plants, you will be able to get a sneak peek at the next year’s field, currently in an establishment phase.

Important Details: The fields are packed dirt/uneven mulch, sturdy comfortable shoes, sunscreen and/or a hat are suggested. At the trial site, you will be provided a ratings sheet, clipboard, pen, and given general instructions when you arrive. It is a self-guided tour among our 720 landscape plants. Lots to look at but only a small sub set to evaluate. Hot Coffee and cold water will be provided. We value your feedback and hope to see you there!

**No Registration Needed**

For questions contact:


Meet the Team: WINTER UPDATE

Lloyd Nackley

At the Western Region International Plant Propagators Society (IPPS), the Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference (PNWIMC), and the Orchard Pest and Disease Management Conference (OPDMC) last month, we presented cutting-edge research and advancements in our field. Our presentations at the Western Region IPPS and PNWIMC focused on the latest developments in sensor-controlled irrigation, and flatheaded borer management, respectively.

Dr. Melissa Scherr Presents at the PNWIMC in Portland

At the Orchard Pest and Disease Management Conference, we discussed the latest techniques in IPM for managing powdery mildew with biological fungicides applied by our laser-guided Intelligent Sprayer system. Through our presentations at these conferences, we aim to advance the knowledge and understanding of plant health in our field and to promote collaboration among professionals. By sharing our research and engaging in discussions with our peers, we strive to advance the science of horticultural production to support the growth and success of the horticulture in the Pacific Northwest region.

Grower tour visits the olive grove
The buses meet our Horticulture Team at NWREC

At NWREC, we have been working on our new hydroponic greenhouse project. However, since October we have encountered construction challenges in connecting the natural gas heaters, which has impacted the growth of crops such as lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers. As a result, lettuce growth has been slow and plagued by Botrytis, and warmer-growing crops like tomatoes and cucumbers have fared even worse. We are working to resolve the permitting issues with the heaters as soon as possible and look forward to updating you on the progress of the greenhouse project in the coming year.