
User Interface: My Passion

Last week, I mentioned that we were meeting with someone from the Hinsdale Laboratory on the 19th of October. That meeting was had at 9:30 AM and passed without a stitch. Though we had most of the information required of us from the original documentation of the project, we were able to pick up on some extra nuances that were not mentioned prior. We learned that the way the data is captured through a pressure gauge in the lowest point of the reservoir, talking to a machine that is then recording everything seen by it. It is from this machine that we’ll be getting all of our information from to find out the required levels of depth of stopping water flow.

Many in depth group discussions were had this week over Discord on what was to be done with the project, such as the splitting of group focuses and what our plan of attack was going to be for the overall design. Though our attack plan was very surface based, we didn’t go too in depth about it, our discussions about splitting of the work was clear. We divided what we needed into three simple categories: back end, UI, and lab computer setup. I decided to take on the feat of user interface because it is what I am most confident in and what I enjoy most about creating a project. Designing work in such a way that is aesthetically pleasing while being clear and simple for users interaction. Given this projects topic and building off of something that is already made, my job on the UI will be time consuming. The current website we are shooting off of is not very user friendly and is very basic. The added functionality will make it far less of a pain to use. I’m excited to get started.

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By moorehar

A human computer interaction wanna be that seeks to make the world a better place through technology.

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