Advanced Webinar Training for Master Gardeners

Another opportunity for Master Gardener Continuing Education Credits. Remember that 10 CEUs are needed to satisfy Master Gardener recertification requirements in Oregon.

Discussing pesticides with the public can be tricky, even for trained professionals. Master gardeners are on the front line, providing information directly to the public on a wide range of topics. In this webinar, pesticide specialists with the National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC) will provide resources that master gardeners can use to navigate these conversations. We will discuss topics including protecting pollinators from pesticides, comparing organic and conventional pesticides, how to minimize exposures to pesticides, and how individual risk perception influences behavior. Join us for live Q&A after the presentation.

A recording of the webinar will be posted to the NPIC YouTube channel.

Thursday, April 12th at 1:00pm EST (10:00am PT)

Target audience: Master Gardeners, County Extension Agents, Universities
Presenters: Alicia Leytem & April Strid, Pesticide Specialists, NPIC
Duration: 1:00 hour

Cost: Free

To join:

Registration is required for this free webinar.

Registration will be accepted up to the day of the webinar.

Participants may join the webinar up to 10 minutes early.

To Register:

Event number: 921 552 205

For audio by phone:

+1-415-655-0002 (US Toll)

Access code: 921 552 205

Advanced Training Webinars for Master Gardener Continuing Education Credit

In reading through the survey responses coming in for our CHAP survey, it is becoming obvious that:
1) many veteran MG volunteers express frustration at not having options to maintain their MG certification ~ particularly for the continuing education requirement. To maintain certification, volunteers need to accrue 10 hours of continuing education and 20 volunteer service hours, annually.
2) many of these same folks seem not to know about the Advanced Training webinars that Brooke Edmunds has put together. These webinars are all eligible for MG continuing education credit (one hour per class). The 2018 webinars and the 2017 webinars, combined, equal nine hours of continuing education credit ~  just one away from meeting the continuing education recertification requirement.
Please make sure that your veteran MGs know about this option.