How does 2020 effect my standing as an OSU Extension Master Gardener Volunteer and what do I need to do to continue as one in 2021?

  1. Master Gardener Volunteers remain active in the program into 2021, no matter the number of educational or volunteer service hours accrued.
    We encourage continuing Master Gardeners to pursue opportunities to complete their continuing education hours, as circumstances allow. Please report your 2020 volunteer service hours and continuing education hours using your program’s volunteer reporting system. Remember that reading relevant OSU Extension publications can be applied to continuing education requirements.

  2. Master Gardener Volunteers who were certified in 2019 or 2020 (meaning that they completed required educational and volunteer service hours) can carry over their certification to 2021, and are eligible to receive recertification stickers for their badge.
    Current Master Gardener certification is required to work in the plant clinic, teach workshops, or write articles on behalf of OSU.
  3. Master Gardener Volunteers are eligible for the 2021 training program, which will be focused on skills building for current Master Gardeners.
    This includes 2020 students and will be offered at no charge.

What now? What do I need to do to continue as a Master Gardener Volunteer in 2021?

  1. Complete OSU’s required “Conditions of Volunteer Service Form.” Your local Master Gardener Program coordinator distributes and collects forms, each year. Please wait until you receive the notice from your local Master Gardener Program coordinator, to fill out and file your annual paperwork.
  2. Complete 10 hours of continuing education*
  3. Complete 20 hours of volunteer service*

*If limited volunteer activities are available in 2021, as a result of COVID or other factors, this requirement may be suspended.

Recertification stickers on Master Gardener volunteer badges are a quick and easy way to identify certified Master Gardeners. Each year, a new set of stickers are printed and given to Master Gardeners who have met recertification requirements.

Where Do Your Order Certificates, Badges, Stickers?

Certificates can be ordered by contacting Lee Ann Julson, in the Horticulture Department Office at OSU. There are four types of certificates that are available:

  • Certificates of Appreciation: to thank program supporters in the community
  • Certificates of Home Horticulture: for those who successfully complete the training class, but did not complete volunteer service hours, and are thus not certified Master Gardeners
  • Master Gardener Recertification: for veteran Master Gardeners who complete recertification requirements (minimum of 10 hours of continuing education and 20 hours of volunteer service)
  • Master Gardener Certificate of Completion: for those who complete the training class and volunteer service hours. These individuals also receive a Master Gardener badge.

Badges are ordered from A to Z Engraving. Use this form, and email to Gary Nelson (

A to Z Engraving, Co. Inc., 1150 Brown Street, Wauconda IL 60084

847-526-7396 | 847-526-7399 (fax)

Recertification stickers (for badges) may be ordered from Gail.