Certificates can be ordered by contacting Lee Ann Julson, in the Horticulture Department Office at OSU. There are four types of certificates that are available:
- Certificates of Appreciation: to thank program supporters in the community
- Certificates of Home Horticulture: for those who successfully complete the training class, but did not complete volunteer service hours, and are thus not certified Master Gardeners
- Master Gardener Recertification: for veteran Master Gardeners who complete recertification requirements (minimum of 10 hours of continuing education and 20 hours of volunteer service)
- Master Gardener Certificate of Completion: for those who complete the training class and volunteer service hours. These individuals also receive a Master Gardener badge.
Badges are ordered from A to Z Engraving. Use this form, and email to Gary Nelson (gnelson217@sbcglobal.net).
A to Z Engraving, Co. Inc., 1150 Brown Street, Wauconda IL 60084
847-526-7396 | 847-526-7399 (fax)
Recertification stickers (for badges) may be ordered from Gail.