Master Gardeners are invited to attend this in-person (closed to the public) event, designed to inform OSU researchers in the development of new sustainable plants. Get an inside look and preview of possible new plants, and give feedback on which ones you find the best looking!

NWREC Field Day
About this event: The ever-changing climate puts pressure on the nursery industry to develop more sustainable plants. As part of a six-university study, OSU seeks to improve urban water-use efficiency by evaluating landscape plant performance on three irrigation treatments corresponding to the Water Use Classification of Landscape Species (WUCOLS): High, Moderate, and Low categories of water need. The plants are irrigated regularly during their first summer after planting. Treatments are imposed during the second growing season where researchers collect growth and quality ratings.
The NWREC Field Day allows landscape, nursery, and horticultural industry professionals and educators the opportunity to see new plants in their 2nd year and share your opinions and preferences by rating a representative sample of the plants in the field undergoing irrigation treatments. One plant from each of the 3 water levels, for 15 different species (some released to the public and some not yet) will be surveyed. Along with this field of 360 plants, you will be able to get a sneak peek at the next year’s field, currently in an establishment phase.
Who should attend: Professionals from landscape, horticulture, nursery and related fields; OSU Master Gardeners; garden writers; academics/educators
When: September 14th 2022; 10am – 2pm (Arrive when convenient; ratings take about 60 min)
Where: OSU’s North Willamette Research & Extension Center, 15210 NE Miley Rd, Aurora, OR 97002
What’s involved: Evaluating aesthetic qualities of selected landscape plants (about 60 minutes).
More info and contact information:
This is not an official volunteer credit activity, but simply an invitation to attend.