Kelly George earned their B.S. in Ocean Science in the College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences at OSU in 2020. Before transferring to OSU for their third year pursuing their degree, they studied biological science at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. They are currently working with Dr. Maria Kavanaugh as a Faculty Research Assistant in the Seascape Ecology Plankton Lab. With Dr. Kavanaugh, they study plankton biodiversity in the Northern California Current through remote sensing, bio-optics, and experimentation. Much of their work involves measurements and experiments using an Imaging Flow Cytobot (IFCB) and BD Biosciences FACSCalibur flow cytometer. They are also currently utilizing a manual annotator program to identify photos of the phytoplankton and zooplankton taken with the IFCB, and using this information to help tune an automated plankton classifier. When they are not working with Dr. Kavanaugh, Kelly enjoys taking care of their pets and plants, as well as getting outside and exploring the wonders of the Pacific Northwest.