
If you haven’t already come to understand that spring term at Oregon State flies right by, then consider yourself fairly warned! Already, we’re part way through week six with only five short weeks left until not only the end of the term, but also the end of the academic year. This means that when you note that today is Cinco de Mayo, you can be reminded of the celebratory nature of spring term, but you should also recall that this is the time of year to make your academic advising appointments… for fall term!

Fall 2015 might seem like ages from now, but it will sneak up on you, believe me. Take advantage of the chance to plan ahead and feel confident that the classes you’re taking next term will help you start the year off right. For first-year College of Liberal Arts students, remember this is time to meet with your major advisor and start to have even more in-depth conversations about opportunities within your major. Logistically, you’ll need to meet with your major advisor to receive your registration PIN. Feel free to still consult the College of Liberal Arts Central Advising Office, particularly for questions regarding bacc core classes — they are happy to help!

So, if you haven’t already set up an appointment with your major advisor, be sure to do so sometime during this beautiful week six. If you missed the Matriculation Celebration or are unsure of who your major advisor is, check in with the CLA Central Advising Office (by calling (541) 737-0561 or stopping by Gilkey 213).

by Breanna Balleby

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