
The Case for Staffing and Recruitment Selection

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I certainly have a counter argument for Professor Hardy’s belief that “recruitment and selection is any companies most important function and that failure to effectively staff your organization will inevitably result in its failure”. I can agree that the concept of recruitment and selection is important to the success of a company but it is not the most important or key factor. Of course there is many factors that play a role in the success of a company but I personally believe management and leadership within a company is the most important.

But first in answering the question to why might organizations decide to allocate more resources toward marketing or product design rather than using those resources to do a great job of employee recruitment and selection?

I can see companies deciding to make this decision because they can see the extra money being spent on marketing or a better product design making up for employees not being the best. Lets say you hire an average salesman to sell a car. If you have a basic car and average salesman than not a lot of cars will be sold. Though you can use the angle of if you have the top product and best car on the market than an average salesman can sell and sell and sell. When people really want a product because it’s the best or everyone knows about the product then this makes up for the quality of recruitment and selection practices a organization uses.

When a organization decides not to prioritize recruitment and selection in favor of other aspects of the business it comes with potential strengths and weaknesses. To start off with some of the weaknesses they include the potential of lost hiring expenses, lost business, lost time due to correcting mistakes of bad employees, dissatisfaction among the organization is contagious, and also litigation fees. All of these potential weaknesses/negatives have to do around a cost argument. Though potential strengths are possible by the organization focusing on marketing and product design. Like I said before having a stronger focus on either of these areas can certainly help make up for maybe not having the best employees.

With that being said even if either of those areas doesn’t help you cans till focus on those because it will only help. I also think by focusing on management and leadership within the company will elevate everyone’s performance. Most heavily improving those employees who were not the best hire and use leadership qualities to guide, inspire and initiate action moving forward. Just because the employee’s selected in the process didn’t turn out to be the best fit they can be groomed into where they need to be.


Job Application Experiences

So for myself I have never had a job or even applied for a job before. I grew up and my parents always wanted me to just be a kid and always told me I will have plenty of time to work when I am older. Now that I am older I am fortunate enough to have been able to experience this and have a much better understanding of why my parents felt that way. I was able to just focus on school, sports I was involved in, and social life with friends and family around me.

In terms of sharing my experiences from the perspective of an applicant for the last job for which I applied has not happen. Though I can speak from experience about the process I am currently in now looking for job postings and getting ready to apply for jobs. As I am finishing up school soon and finally ready to make that first step and becoming an applicant for various jobs I have interest in. As of right now currently I have had the toughest time finding jobs that I will qualify for and meeting those requirements/qualifications that are necessary. For my trying to determine if the job is even worth my time applying for has been a challenge in my process.

My experiences from interactions with companies in the job application process have impacted my desire to work for them in the future. With companies that I have talked with some have been pushy and I have not liked that. After a few conversations with a recruiter I have felt the companies style and the job they are looking to fill doesn’t match up with who I am as a persona and what I would enjoy doing. Throughout the process I have learned to be patient and keep networking and not trying to force finding and applying for a job that isn’t going to be right. When company culture values, and the job itself line up with what I am looking for no doubt my interest and desire goes up tremendously for that company and I have found that to be true for a few companies in the industry I am looking to get into in the near future. One last note I want to mention is it is okay to say no or move on from a company if you are not feeling comfortable or right moving forward. In my past experiences it has been easier to let companies know that I appreciate everything but I want to head in a different direction.

How to Write the Perfect Job Application Email | Elegant Themes Blog


Future Expatriate Compensation Considerations

As I look into my future I can see myself working in a competitive sales role in the future with a large international company. Lets say after a few years I work my way up to being one of the top salesman in the west coast and potentially one of the top rising salesman in the country not only in my company but the industry that I am in. imagining this has happened an I have been presented with a huge career opportunity for the long term. This opportunity would have to do with expatriate compensation and thank you to my MGMT 549 class back in college has prepared me for this decision. I now know some of the factors that I would be looking for and considering in making my decsion to pursue this huge opprotuntiy.

Some of the factors that I would be looking at when considering whether to pursue this opportunity or not includes how the base pay would be set between the home and host country, various elements of compensation, and look to avoid repatriation. When I look at the factor of my base salary I would not want it to based off of either home or based pay really. I would want to be paid more than what I am currently am in the new foreign place. For me pay would be a big factor in my decision. As I am not a big fan in moving/relocating I would need to make really good money and even more than before to really consider this. Money talks. These various elements are things like incentives, allowances for housing and utilities, goods and services as well as standard and enhanced benefits. These incentives are really important to me and are a extra benefit and I see them as another form of compensation. Lastly for repatriation If I go back home and to nodal I don’t want for it to be to much of a drop off and difference if possible in term of compensation. Like I learned in my MGMT 549 course some expatriate treat the return home like a punishment. So I would want to make sure my agreement would be I wouldn’t feel this way to much when taking on the new opportunity. If I don’t feel comfortable with the move than I don’t have to do it. What would convince me moving forward would be to hear of the awesome opportunities it can bring me. Also probably most importantly is the safety of the opportunity making me feel more comfortable.


Is Executive Pay Appropriate?

When thinking about the question of is executive compensation excessive or appropriate? I immediately knew what my answer was going to be. After I thought about the question more and looked up some different information I still believe that the executive pay is appropriate. Yes I can see the enormous pay gap that has grown and continues to between the compensation a average employee receives and the CEO of a company. Just like in the PBS segment on executive emphasizes the point of the pay gap that exists.

When looking at the PBS segment that is slightly outdated being done back in 2002 it discussed and displayed a chart of the CEO Pay: Worker Pay change over the years. In 1973 CEO were paid 45 to. In 1991 CEO were paid 140 to 1. When the video was made in 2002 CEO made 200 to 1 to the average worker pay. I am sure now in 2021 this gap is even larger. Example’s of Dennis Kozlowski from Tyco from 1999 to 2001 made $332 million as the CEO and potential made 600 million allegedly redirected for his personal use. Another even larger example of Oracles Larry Ellison made $795 million is this same time period with $706 being made in 2001 alone. Yes if you are thinking what I am thinking this is a lot of money for these CEO’s to be making. This make bring about the question on how this is fair wile a majority of employees are making enough to live paycheck to paycheck. These CEO’s took advantage of selling stock options before the companies went down. In the PBS segment it is shared that it is a great idea to have people like a Bill Gates that make a lot more money then everyone else. Reasonings being it will motivate everybody else to work harder and be more productive which will create more jobs and create a more vibrant economy along with much more.

Though a man named Rakesh Khurana from Harvard was dubious of CEO’s being able to make all this extra money relative to other general employees. He does make a valid point of how corporate America has been preaching les hierarchy and more shared responsibility but CEO’s continue to make more and more money. I believe it is possible to try and make an argument for any controversial topic like this one. On whether or not executive compensation is excessive or appropriate.

I absolutely believe that the way executives are being paid is appropriate. I believe that CEO’s are the head of a company and if they are able to run a company so successfully than they deserve to reep the reward. It is difficult to run a business and especially keep it sustainable and reach those type of numbers. If it was easy everyone would run and business and make big money right!? In any industry people try to run their own business and start it up and may have some success but to maintain that is even tougher. CEO’s and people in these high positions should not have to miss out on the opportunity. Also it takes a lot of hard work and time to even have the chance to reach a job at this level. Like the video talks about I also believe that by having these jobs it makes people work harder and if they want to have a shot at being the big boss and be a CEO making the big bucks they need to work for it. Everyone needs a goal to work to and even though they might not make it to CEO they can still work like they are trying to get there. Also another reason why it is appropriate for executives to be compensated so well is at the end of the day everything falls on the CEO and the executives. They are faced with making the biggest and toughest decisions moving forward and with that responsibility should come a bigger reward. For example dealing with Covid – 19 has been tough to manage for every industry and no one was trained on how to deal with a pandemic like this. Do I beleive that the average empoyee should be compensated more when a company can afford too yes they should. But CEO’s should not have to take away from their pay to pay employees more in my opinion.

The component of compensation as to what is most essential to recruit executives and motivate them to lead companies toward competitive advantage is that their pay should be based on profits of the company and not based on the size of the company. It should not matter how large the company is to determine the pay structure it should be determined by the performance of the company it self. When recruiting executives you need to make this know especially being a smaller firm. You can say hey I know we are smaller but you can make just as much money here he larger companies if not more if you work for it. Your compensation is all based on the performance of the company. Making it attractive and you need to give the CEO the power to make the decisions and run their system. If not then the job will be less attractive because CEO’s and executives will be controlled in some type of way and want to be let loose. In doing these things will give a company a competitive advantage by being able to get the best leaders for it’s company as possible even though they might be the smaller firm or whatever the case might be. It allows for the potential of growth moving forward.

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