
View and print the 2-sided Hydroville brochure
Handout:  How Hydroville Make a Difference To Students – Testimonials

News article: Students Help Clear the Air (Eugene Register, 2008)


Each scenario begins with a video introduction of the problem for the students.  The video scripts are located in the curriculum binder in the Welcome to Hydroville section.

We also developed a Groundwater Tutorial video with Dr. Todd Jarvis.
This video can be used as a stand alone activity with our Worksheet (on page 8-23), or as part of the Water Quality scenario, Background Activity 8: Groundwater Basics.  You can request a DVD copy (email:  Part 1 is on YouTube.

Other Videos

Careers in Environmental Health (Part of the Mercury, My Community, and Me Project)

See more educational videos from PBS LearningMedia


We recorded teachers, a student, and Todd Jarvis sharing about what they like about Hydroville. Listen to the Recorded Interviews from The Hydroville Cafe series.




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