Although the Hydroville Curriculum Project was completed in 2007, it continues to be used in schools and adapted to a variety of audiences.

Diana Rohlman at
(541) 737-4374

Environmental Health Sciences Center
Oregon State University
1011 ALS
Corvallis, OR 97331-7302

Hydroville Curriculum Project development credit goes to:

Principle Investigator: Nancy Kerkvliet, EHS Center Investigator
Past Project Director: Molly Bloomfield
Past Project Manager: Susan Helback
Past Asst. Director of EHSC COEC: Kendra Mingo
Past EHSC COEC Program Coordinator: Sandra Uesugi
Past Coordinator, Adult Educator: Naomi Hirsch
Partners:  Science and Math Investigative Learning Experiences (SMILE)



Pictured in 2005 from left: Kendra Mingo, Molly Bloomfield, Naomi Hirsch, Nancy Kerkvliet, Sandra Uesugi, and Susan Helback

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