Anna Perry joined our lab group, to work on the Building-Integrated Agriculture project that is a collaborative effort between the University of Oregon School of Architecture, OSU College of Agriculture, and WSU Western Center for Metro Extension and Research. Specifically, Anna will be studying the agriculture array that is located outside of the windows on the 5th floor of the PAE Living Building. The arrays currently struggle to produce crops, in part because they go through cycles of drought and over-irrigation.
Urban agriculture arrays sit outside of the 5th floor of the PAE living building. The arrays were originally planted with nursery pots that had water trays beneath them. The nursery pots have been replaced by larger ‘containers within a container’. The building managers have stated that water should not drain out of the rectangular containers. Water draining outside of the containers results in building stains and issues with a first floor ATM.
The arrays were replanted in 2024, to provide more space for soil/growing media. We will be following how plants perform, and will be tracking the soil temperature and moisture throughout the growing season.
Hey everyone! My name is Anna Perry and I use she/her or they/them pronouns. I’m an undergraduate in my final year here at OSU, where I am pursuing double degrees in Soil Science and Sustainability, a minor in Horticulture, and a certificate in Urban Agriculture.
Anna, in her Corvallis garden.
Aside from my academic pursuits I also have been involved with Ten Rivers Food Web for the past 3 years, a local organization focused on the development of a resilient and sustainable local food system. I’m passionate about food as an unalienable human right, and believe that everyone deserves access to fresh food, regardless of their socio-economic standing.
I grew up in Davis, CA, where I was fortunate to be raised by a mom who is a fervent gardener. I didn’t realize how lucky I was to have this background until I started volunteering at the OSU Organic Growers Club, where I found that most of my fellow students had never gardened before. As the “Berry Manager” for the club in 2022 I found a lot of joy in being part of my peers first exposures to caring for plants, and in eating the literal fruits of our labor.
Last summer I had the privilege of getting to visit Aotearoa/New Zealand for a short faculty-led study abroad. My experiences there prompted me to reevaluate my career and graduate school plans, and as a result I realized that my true interests were more interdisciplinary than I had previously realized. In my time in Aotearoa/New Zealand I became more aware of the effect culture has on land management and design decisions, and by proxy the effect culture can have on the ecological function of landscapes. This prompted a reinvigoration of a long dormant interest in landscape architecture, an area of study which I hope to one day pursue at the PhD level.
My research interests include sustainable urban horticulture/agriculture, building-integrated agriculture, urban soils, and gardens and landscapes as socio-ecological systems. Ultimately, I’m interested in how the land management and design decisions people make impact ecosystem function, especially when food production is involved.
In my (ever-shrinking!) free time I love making and sharing food with my friends and family, knitting, crocheting, gardening, and drinking my weight in tea.
I’m so excited to be the newest member of the Garden Ecology Lab, and for the opportunity to work with such a wonderful and supportive group!
What’s next in urban agriculture is going to take place in the cityscape we’ve all heard described before: two-thirds of the world’s 10 billion people will be living in urban areas—mostly across 40 or more mega-cities around the globe—by the year 2050. You’re probably bracing yourselves, waiting for either a list of depressing facts or some ‘hail Mary, technology can save us all’ kind of talk.
Not today. Today we think of green
pastures amid concrete jungles.
Urban agriculture is the production,
processing, and marketing of produce based on living systems from the land or
water located throughout urban and peri-urban areas. Anyone cropping food,
flowers, fiber, feed, or herbs from their corner of their city is engaging in a
small-lot, local agriculture with an utterly minimized transport chain from
grower to eater. These green, vegetative, productive spaces within city
landscapes can provide valuable ecosystem services: floral habitat for
pollinators, stormwater management, and even mediating the temperature extremes
of urban heat islands. People often find urban gardens foster cross-cultural
and multi-generational spaces for social interaction. These disparate green
spaces, however small each might be, aggregate to large areas across
metropolitan regions. A conservative 20 acres of urban gardens in Portland, Oregon,
fifty-one acres in Chicago, Illinois, and a whopping 120 acres in Madison, Wisconsin!
More good news: these growing
plots don’t stop at the hobby level. Across the United States, counties with
significant urban encroachment also produce the lion’s share of fruits, nuts,
berries, and vegetables, as well as accounting for most of the farm-gate value
of these goods.
But now we come to a bit of bad
news, unfortunately. Because while these urban-adjacent farmlands produce the
most food in the most high-value agricultural markets, their days are numbered.
While not as romantic as the Amazonian forests, some of the most fertile land
across this country is being consumed and paved over by sprawling cityscapes. This
plight is common due to a mismatch between those who own deeds to land and
those who seek the land’s productive agricultural use. Countless urban spaces
have seen their productive days ended when the land became valuable enough for
someone to decide to sell it off for development.
This is relevant to us today
because growing food within the cities themselves is one of the easiest ways to
increase our resilience against disruptions to our modern, industrialized food
supply chain. Just as victory gardens stabilized many citizens through global
wars, we too can use our land and our labor to renovate vacant land in
shrinking cities like Baltimore, Cincinnati, Philadelphia, Detroit, and the
others which are sure to follow the implosion of the last economic boom.
New American farmers—entrepreneurs
all—are literally working overtime to
access the new niche markets which are springing up across modern urban
centers. They’ve surveyed the future and invested in becoming extremely specialized
producers of fine agricultural goods. To me, that sounds like taking quite
chance: betting it all on a small market with few, discerning clients.
But we might gain some of their confidence
if we examine some of their assumptions. Barring extreme, world-altering
scenarios like an extinction-event asteroid impact, human population in 2050 is
pretty well guaranteed at this point. It’s only thirty years away and average
birthrate is not quickly changing. This also means we can be pretty secure in
the assumption of continued urbanization. The current population density alone
is enough to birth enough humans to further compound the growth of urban
centers. This makes the relevance of things like tele-commuting more a question
of degree of urban density and sprawl
growth. Lastly, many farmers are seeing their emotional investment in the
quality of food finally reflected in public policy.
A proposed “new food equation”
predicts the end of ‘cheap food’ as global calorie production has been secured.
The focus is now changing to include quality, or the nutritional content of
foodstuffs. Nations recognize that food production remains a matter of national
security in a number of ways. First as a matter of imports and exports.
Self-sufficiency means not relying upon another nation to feed your populace.
Excessive production enables exports which not only enrich a nation but can
operate as the same leverage which is being avoided in the previous example.
Lastly, public officials and private people are beginning to attribute more
health complications and costs to dietary factors like obesity or malnutrition.
New urban farmers are exploring
many novel approaches to urban agricultural production. Controlled Environment
Agriculture (CEA) is taking protected cultural growing techniques and
implementing them using modern technology. Managers can adjust a whole palette of
environment controls: light, temperature, precipitation, atmospheric
composition, hormonal regulation, and genetic alteration.
This is made possible largely due to advances in microelectronic technology. Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) have drastically slashed the cost AND increased the efficiency of artificial lighting. Cost-effective LEDs have revolutionized indoor production like plastic sheeting did for field production. And with the decreased cost of indoor production comes increased innovation as more minds are able to devise feasible plans to grow something worthwhile in artificial conditions. Some of these ideas look to the world’s growing demand for protein and consider growing plant-protein for lab-burgers whiles others simply aim to minimize their livestock and grow insect-protein.
How can someone possibly stay abreast of all these developments? I feel like I’ve listed too many, and yet for each example in this text there are a dozen which could not be included. Well, the first way is to get directly involved! Find and become a part of something in urban agriculture. If you’re in relevant circumstances you’ll need to expend less energy trying to stay informed as this will simply become a common topic of your conversations. You could also set up some phrases to trigger a news-aggregator to your inbox. Look for topics relevant to new urban farming. I reiterate my point about protein production: it’s going to be big at some point and the innovation is going to be discovered by a small operation facing unconventional challenges. While it’s cliché and tastes like papier-mâché to say: apps! Seriously, be on the lookout for apps which facilitate the work of small farmers. If there’s ever going to be a mass mobilization of people into agriculture, then we need to simplify and systematize as much as we can. Trust me, most of them will feel fine if they’re no longer forced to wear so many hats.
If you’re still interested, you might benefit from investigation into various topics which have been extensively researched and greatly overlap with many facets of urban agriculture. Cuba’s organopónicos system demonstrates the practical success of urban food production when actively pursued by many people and policies. The Netherlands have led global greenhouse production for years, and they continue to innovate and push the boundaries of protected and synthetic production environments.
Space! The final frontier. It’s exciting, isn’t it? I’m excited even just to say the word. I really did shout it out just then. I’m dreaming of going to space one day, how about you? Anyway, astronauts are experimenting with plant growth and crop production in space. It’s all quite enthralling, but too much for this post. If you’d like to know more, keep an eye out for my next post in a couple months!
An all-encompassing chapter regarding urban soils, from my most favored author on the subject: Pouyat et al., 2010.
A podcast episode about urban growers in early New England who are called “The Diggers.” I suggest starting at either 40 seconds in or at 3:20, then listening through to at least 12:15.
My name is Mykl Nelson, a world citizen intent on feeding the globe.
The first distinct connection to food I remember was in the late 90s while living in İzmir, Turkey. We had a large mulberry tree in our yard which bore delicious fruit. I also remember the bazaar in the Buca province. Cart after cart of people selling mounds of all manner of produce. After leaving Turkey, and for maybe half of my childhood summers, I lived on the farm of my paternal grandparents’ in Worland, Wyoming. I saw many aspects of high, dry farming of row crops: sugar beets, alfalfa, barley, and dent corn. I could only catch fleeting glimpses into the life of my grandfather, a commodity farmer. But in my recent years I’ve been openly told that these American farmers vehemently hoped their children were “too smart to get into farming.” Their wish came true. Of four children and nine grandchildren, I’m the only one in agriculture.
I turned on to agriculture when a friend and I built a 400 square-foot poly-tunnel in our backyard in Colorado. We didn’t know anything more than that we wanted to grow our own food. I remember feeling so incredibly accomplished, fulfilled, and validated picking personal salads straight into dinner bowls. I took that inspiration to fuel my travel to the Pacific Northwest, a place I knew I could immerse myself in the world of tending plants. I pushed every aspect of my network to get more involved in farming and to gain space to garden. I’ve worked on three organic urban farms since moving to Oregon. I went back to school and retrained from political science to agricultural science. I continued my education with a graduate project which firmly oriented my interests to the world of urban agriculture.
I am now an instructor of urban agriculture here at Oregon State University. My current duties are to develop new online courses to train and empower new urban growers to produce food within the confines of their modern environment. This work is challenging, as urban agriculture suffers from a distinct lack of focused research. One of the most relevant discoveries from my graduate research project is that nearly all advice extended to urban growers is simply copied from traditional agriculture. Even if suggestions are altered with respect to the scale and local environment of urban growers, the research supporting these suggestions is still wholly based upon traditional agricultural methods of food production. I am developing my courses with this mismatch in mind. I have changed my approach from seeking to broadly support food production and instead specifically analyze and adapt traditional recommendations to work in an urban environment.
I use scientific research to inform my course development on many levels. At the macro-level, articles like one by Oberholtzer, Dimitri, and Pressman (2014) have reported that most farmers, and new farmers especially, struggle with complications in managing the farm’s business much more than the challenge of growing their crops. I used these findings to inform the outline of a new course that I am developing: Introduction to Urban Agriculture. Rather than spending time covering the how or why of plant growth in much detail, I’ve instead focused on how urban growers can adapt agricultural principles to their unique environment. I strive to keep students aware of how these factors should influence their management activities and always keep the concept of ‘value’ in their mind. On a more micro-level, I have built the lectures regarding soil and plant growth with adaptations of my own previous graduate research.
My method of teaching is heavily influenced by a new wave of teaching research which is well represented by James Lang’s book: Small Teaching. Broadly, this approach suggests frequent review of material as well as a more piecemeal and cyclical approach to teaching topics rather than large chunks of lecture punctuated by intermittent exams. Further, I refuse to accept that an online classroom is limiting. Modern students are demanding more than just lectures laid over powerpoint slides. I am exploring numerous avenues to increase engagement and foster social connection, all facilitated by digital platforms. I expect my courses to provide foundational pillars of knowledge for new urban growers as they pursue OSU’s new and entirely online certificate in urban agriculture. I hope to see every student embark on their own path to grow food within their urban environments. I look forward to reports of former pupils starting and operating successful urban farming businesses.