About Jenifer Cruickshank

Jenifer is the Dairy Extension Specialist at OSU. She grew up on a small dairy near Dayton (Oregon) and shall forever have a particular fondness for Guernseys. Her first scientific love is genetics and genomics, but she thinks a lot of other stuff is interesting, too. She can be reached by email: jenifer.cruickshank-at-oregonstate.edu.

2024 Wildfires, Smoke, and Livestock: Getting Ready for the Fire Season

Online and free from OSU Extension

June 3rd, 4th, and 5th at 6:00 pm PT.  

Register here:  https://beav.es/cF7

In this webinar series, we will provide information related to the wildfire season as well as research updates on livestock exposure to wildfire smoke. We will also present information on how to care for livestock during wildfire smoke exposure and poor air quality conditions.

06/03/2024, 6:00 pm PT

Dairy Research Update

Dr. Amy Skibiel and Dr. Pedram Rezamand will provide a dairy research update on wildfire smoke exposure and its effects on health and performance.

06/04/2024, 6:00 pm PT

Getting Ready for Fire Season

Dr. Katie Wollstein will provide information on wildfire preparedness for livestock producers, focusing on fuels and property management prior to and during wildfire events.

06/05/2024, 6:00 pm PT

Beef Research Update & Livestock Care

Dr. Juliana Ranches and Dr. Jenifer Cruickshank will share an update on smoke exposure research in beef cattle and information on preparedness for livestock producers focusing on animal health.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Juliana at juliana.ranches@oregonstate.edu

This project is supported by Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Competitive Grant no. 2023-68008-39173 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture.

The webinars will be posted afterward on the Livestock and Wildfire Resource Hub: https://livestockwildfirehub.org/

Time: Thursday April 11, 2024, 12:00 to 3:00 pm 

Location: Pedee Creek Barn – 12935 Kings Valley Highway, Monmouth, OR 97361  

Register Here: https://extension.oregonstate.edu/events/voles-dogs-raptors-field-day 

Free, but space is limited.

Join us at Double J Jerseys dairy farm for lunch and farmer-to-farmer conversations to learn about vole ecology and management. We will describe OSU research into canine-assisted vole trapping and discuss how you can work with your own dog. We’ll also look at raptor perches and owl boxes and discuss how to encourage these predators on your farm. This workshop includes outdoor demonstrations on uneven ground, so please dress appropriately.  

A red-tailed hawk sits on a perch against a blue sky.
A red-tailed hawk sits on a recently-installed perch.
A newborn black and white calf looks at the camera.

Calving Schools are being offered in Corvallis on April 19 (1:30-5:00 PM) and April 22 (1:30-5:00 PM). Topics will include nutritional and management strategies, calving facilities, the calving process, newborn calf care, and dystocia, along with a hands-on activity. (Note: this is the same workshop offered twice.) Investment: $5.

For more information, go to


or contact Jenifer Cruickshank at jenifer.cruickshank@oregonstate.edu, 541-737-1896.

Farm Commons provides solutions to your farm law and risk management questions. September 18-23, farmers will have one week of FREE access to accurate, concise information on farm employment law: https://farmcommons.org/open-employment-law-week/.

Farm Commons is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization supported through memberships and donations.

Colleagues at Oregon State University and University of Idaho are investigating the effects of wildfire smoke on cattle, forming the Livestock and Wildfire Research Group. As part of that effort, we have built a website that we intend to serve as a clearinghouse of information about livestock and wildfire. The “Hub” is updated regularly and includes information about our research projects, webinar recordings, scholarly papers, Extension publications, “What To Do” advice when wildfire threatens or the air is smoky, announcements of interest, other relevant resources, and links to our social media. Content on the “Hub” is also available in Spanish and Portuguese.

Visit our livestock and wildfire website here: https://livestockwildfirehub.org/

The fire season is right around the corner! Get ready for it with our Wildfires, Smoke, and Livestock Webinar Series. 

ONLINE AND FREE – June 13, 14, and 15; 6:00-7:00 pm PT. 

Register via https://beav.es/ToF

This webinar series aims to provide educational content to livestock producers, focusing on preparedness for wildfires, caring for livestock prior to and during wildfires, and providing the most updated information on research on wildfire smoke exposure and its effects on livestock health and performance. 


06/13/2023 6:00 pm PT

Katie Wollstein – Oregon State University 

GETTING READY: Dr. Wollstein will provide information on wildfire preparedness for livestock producers, focusing on fuels and property management prior to and during wildfire events.   

06/14/2023 6:00 pm PT

Juliana Ranches and Jenifer Cruickshank – Oregon State University

CARING FOR LIVESTOCK: Dr. Ranches and Dr. Cruickshank will share information on preparedness for livestock producers focusing on animal health prior to and during wildfire events.

06/15/2023 6:00 pm PT

Amy Skibiel and Pedram Rezamand – University of Idaho

RESEARCH UPDATE: Dr. Skibiel and Dr. Rezamand will provide a research update on wildfire smoke exposure and its effects on livestock health and performance.    

QUESTIONS? Contact Juliana at juliana.ranches@oregonstate.edu 

This project is supported by Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Competitive. Grant no. 2023-68008-39173 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture

Photo shows a newborn calf that is lying down, facing the camera. It is mostly black with white feet and underbelly.
  • April 6, 1:00pm, Tillamook (dairy-centric, English)
  • April 7, 1:00pm, Corvallis (dairy-centric, English)
  • April 14, 1:00pm, Corvallis (beef-centric, English)
  • April 17, 1:00pm, Corvallis (dairy-centric, Spanish)

Topics will include maternity pen management, the calving process, dystocia, newborn calf care, and include a hands-on activity.

Free! Snacks will be provided. Space limited.

Pre-registration is required. (There will be a couple of steps to sign in with an email address if you haven’t used OSU’s system before.)

Register through this link:  https://beav.es/SwN

If you have any questions or need to request accommodation related to a disability, please contact Jenifer Cruickshank at 971-600-1222 or jenifer.cruickshank@oregonstate.edu

OSU is hosting a workshop on Voles, Drones, and Dogs to introduce two current vole management projects. Please consider joining us.

When: Thursday, December 1, 2022, 1:00-4:30

Where: Chemeketa Community College Agricultural Hub (Building 60) Room 102, 4000 Lancaster Dr. NE, Salem. (The Ag Hub is on the corner of 45th Ave and Fire Protection Way.)

Register here: Registration is free but space is limited. Pre-registration is required.

Additional information:

Join us to learn about vole ecology and management, how OSU is exploring the use of canine-assisted detection to locate active vole tunnels in pastures and crop fields, and how drones may help assess crop damage in grass seed. The workshop will include time for discussions and, if weather permits, outdoor demonstrations. Presenters and facilitators include (from OSU) Dana Sanchez, Nick Andrews, Christy Tanner, Jenifer Cruickshank, Vanessa Blackstone, Tim Stock, and (from ODA) Matthew Bucy.