2024 Wildfires, Smoke, and Livestock: Getting Ready for the Fire Season

Online and free from OSU Extension

June 3rd, 4th, and 5th at 6:00 pm PT.  

Register here:  https://beav.es/cF7

In this webinar series, we will provide information related to the wildfire season as well as research updates on livestock exposure to wildfire smoke. We will also present information on how to care for livestock during wildfire smoke exposure and poor air quality conditions.

06/03/2024, 6:00 pm PT

Dairy Research Update

Dr. Amy Skibiel and Dr. Pedram Rezamand will provide a dairy research update on wildfire smoke exposure and its effects on health and performance.

06/04/2024, 6:00 pm PT

Getting Ready for Fire Season

Dr. Katie Wollstein will provide information on wildfire preparedness for livestock producers, focusing on fuels and property management prior to and during wildfire events.

06/05/2024, 6:00 pm PT

Beef Research Update & Livestock Care

Dr. Juliana Ranches and Dr. Jenifer Cruickshank will share an update on smoke exposure research in beef cattle and information on preparedness for livestock producers focusing on animal health.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Juliana at juliana.ranches@oregonstate.edu

This project is supported by Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Competitive Grant no. 2023-68008-39173 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture.

The webinars will be posted afterward on the Livestock and Wildfire Resource Hub: https://livestockwildfirehub.org/

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