Fall 2023, eight Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) Fellows were selected, representing Cascades; College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences; College of Engineering; and College of Health. Meet the CTL Fellows and gain an overview of their goals below. Their action plans take into consideration the CTL Fellows’ goals outlined in the CTL Fellows’ Position Description and include an area of focus related to one or more faculty teaching needs in their academic unit or college.

Meet the OSU-Cascades CTL Fellows
David Engel and Scott Geddes serve in the Cascades Faculty Success Center (FSC). The FSC is the first point of contact for all OSU-Cascades Faculty for academic, pedagogical, and professional questions. The goal of the FSC is to maximize the impact each faculty member has by connecting them to the resources available to the entire OSU community and providing the support they need. David and Scott are in their third year as CTL Fellows.
OSU-Cascades CTL Fellows’ 2023-24 Goals
As CTL Fellows, David and Scott have the following goals in alignment with their FSC work.
- Goal 1: Provide access to Cascades Faculty Support Center resources through the Canvas site, website, and in person support.
- Goal 2: Facilitate educational and professional connections between program partners in CTL, UIT- Academic Technologies and Ecampus to meet pedagogical needs of Cascades faculty
- Goal 3: Participate with the CTL Fellows program Assistant Director, program partners, and/or other CTL Fellows in repackaging resources and/or creating resources to fill gaps.
OSU-Cascades faculty, watch your inbox for useful email abstracts from David and Scott! If you have any questions or want to connect, send an email to facultysupportcenter@osucascades.edu.

Meet the College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences CTL Fellow
Demian Hommel is the 2023-24 CTL Fellow in the College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences (CEOAS). This is Demian’s second consecutive year working as a CTL Fellow.
CEOAS CTL Fellow’s 2023-24 Goals
In his CTL Fellow role, Demian has the following four overarching goals and priorities identified in collaboration with CEOAS administration.
- Goal 1: Personalized Pedagogical Support – Continue personalized just-in-time, one-on-one pedagogical support for faculty including help with course design and planning; assessment and assignment development; best teaching practices and inclusive strategies; and other needs as they arise.
- Goal 2: Collaboration with College Administration – Collaborate with administration in ways that improve teaching and learning across the college, identify needs, and strategically direct efforts at courses and curriculum development.
- Goal 3: Peer Review of Teaching – Develop a brief literature review on alternative models for the Peer Review of Teaching and identify possible task force goals.
- Goal 4: Responsive and Community Building Focused Professional Development – Facilitate Faculty community engagement around timely teaching topics. Example topics and activities include a Faculty Learning Community focused on Core Ed Transitions, a ChatGTP and AI workshop, and co-facilitating discussion focused on the effective delivery of slash (4XX/5XX) courses.

Meet the College of Engineering CTL Fellows
Shane Brown and Devlin Montfort are the 2023-24 CTL Fellows in the College of Engineering. This is the college’s 3rd year participating in the program. In 2022, the CTL Fellow Adam Lambert and CTL conducted a comprehensive teaching and learning needs assessment which included interviews with COE administration and teaching faculty, as well as an all-college survey. This resulted in a 2022 Needs Assessment Recommendation Report.
COE CTL Fellows’ 2023-24 Goals
In their CTL Fellow roles, Shane and Devlin are using the 2022 Needs Assessment Recommendation Report to guide their plans. They have the following overarching goals:
- Goal 1: Collaborate with College Administration: Work with the COE Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs on an as-requested-basis in meeting just-in-time teaching and learning needs.
- Goal 2: Peer-Educator Development Community: Develop and employ research-based supports for paid peer educators in the college (starting with the ENGR+ program) to develop skills and habits that are immediately relevant to their work as peer educators, and also applicable to their work as engineering students and their future careers.
- Goal 3: ENGR 2xx Teaching and Learning Committee: Work with instructors who teach 200 level engineering science courses (statics, dynamics, mechanics of materials, circuits) to help provide high quality instruction based on evidence-based instructional practices. Work with instructors both at a group/community and individual basis to provide guidance and materials for quality instruction.
- Goal 4: Teaching & Learning Lunch/Breakfast Events: Continue to develop, implement and assess a series of hour long events to present, discuss, design, etc. evidence-based-instructional practices (EBIPs)such as active learning, interactive engagement, and project-based learning.

Meet the College of Health CTL Fellows
Michelle Bump, Cathleen Crowell, and Tasha Galardi are the 2023-24 CTL Fellows in the College of Health (COH). This is the college’s first year participating in the program.
COE CTL Fellows’ 2023-24 Goals
In their CTL Fellow roles, they have the following overarching goals:
- Goal 1: Build community and discussion around effective teaching practices with GTAs and instructional faculty in the College of Health through activities such as leading three book/article related workshops this academic year.
- Goal 2: Provide one-on-one pedagogical support to faculty related to courses in the new CoreEd curriculum, and the transition to CoreEd from Bacc Core.
The Center for Teaching and Learning is proud to work with this dynamic group of faculty!