Fall Term 2012
October 3, 2012Sean Megason
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Harvard Medical School“In toto imaging and modeling reveal higher scale principles of embryonic patterning”

Host: Robert Tanguay
October 17, 2012Axel Brunger
Molecular and Cellular Physiology
Stanford University“Insights into the molecular mechanism of synaptic vesicle fusion”Host: Andy Karplus
October 31, 2012Yanming Di
Department of Statistics
Oregon State University

“Statistical methods for gene mapping with pedigree data: linkage, association and identity-by-descent (IBD)”
November 14, 2012Dennis Carson
Moores Cancer Center
University of California – San Diego

“Cancer stem cells as therapeutic targets”
Host: Siva Kolluri
November 28, 2012
Richard Caprioli
Department of Biochemistry
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine

“Molecular Imaging of Tissue Sections by Mass Spectrometry”

Host: Craig Marcus
AnchorWinter Term 2013
January 9, 2013Victor Nizet
Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
University of California – San Diego

Probing the Host-Pathogen Interface for New Therapeutic Targets

Host: Luiz Bermudez
January 23, 2013Iain Cheeseman
Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research “Generating a Dynamic Kinetochore-Microtubule Interface”Host: Michael Freitag
February 6, 2013Yi Liu
Univsity of Texas Southwestern Medical Center“Less is more, codon usage regulates protien expression, structure and function” 
Host: Michael Freitag
February 20, 2013Mark Martindale
Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience
University of Florida“The jelly ball genome: insights from a ctenophore, an early metazoan lineage”Host: Barbara Taylor
March 6, 2013Eli Meyer
Department of Zoology
Oregon State Univeristy“2b-RAD, a cost effective method for genome-wide SNP genotyping”
March 20, 2013
 Additional seminar
Yuanchao Wang
Department of Plant Pathology
Nanjing Agricultural University, China“Functional analysis of Phytophthora sojae RxLR effectors”
Spring Term 2013
April 3, 2013Jeffrey Bennetzen
Department of Genetics
University of Georgia“Mechanisms and rates of local genome rearrangement in angiosperms”Host: Pankaj Jaiswal 
April 17, 2013  Richard Hamelin
Department of Forest Sciences
University of British Columbia“A tale of two poplar pathogens”Host: Nik Grunwald
May 1, 2013Vitaly Citovsky
Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Stony Brook University“Plant-Pathogen Arms Race: How Agrobacterium Subverts Host Defense”Host: Valerian Dolja
May 15, 2013Eric Selker
The Institute of Molecular Biology
University of Oregon“Genome defense, gene silencing and epigenetic dynamics in Neurospora”
Host: Michael Freitag
May 29, 2013Robbie Waugh
Cell and Molecular Sciences
The James Hutton Institute“Post domestication selection and adaptation in cultivated barley
Host: Pat Hayes 
May 30, 2013  11:00 – noon  LPSC 402
 Additional seminar
Gitta Coaker
Plant Pathology
University of California, Davis“Unraveling Plant Immune Perception and Signaling”
Host: Jeff Chang

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