Friday, September 26-27, 2003


3:00Jim Carrington, Director, CGRB
3:35Chrissa Kioussi, Biochemistry & Biophysics“Making of a Heart: Molecular Networks During Development”
4:00Emily Ho, Nutrition & Food Management 
“Zinc and the Gene: Nutrient-Gene Interactions in Maintaining DNA Integrity”
4:25John Hays,  Env. & Molecular Toxicology 
“Coupling DNA-Mismatch Recognition to Strand-Specific Excision in Human Nuclear Extracts”
5:15Eric Selker, KEYNOTE ADDRESSU of O, Molecular Biology & Genetics“Genome Defense and Control of DNA Methylation in Neurospora”
6:15Buffet Dinner and Poster Session
9:00Party – music provided by the Tex Brooklyn Band
11:50Laura Kubatko, Ohio State University
Genome-scale Evolutionary Inference using Site Pattern Frequencies
12:35Lunch (Poster and Sponsor setups / displays)
9:00 AMChris Bayne, Zoology“Mortal Danger: Effecting and Surviving Oxygen-Dependent Attack”
9:25Robyn Tanguay, Env. & Molecular Toxicology“Tales of Regeneration and Dioxin Toxicity”
9:50Monte Westerfield – KEYNOTE ADDRESSU of O, Neuroscience and Behavior “Genetic Regulation of Skeletal Muscle Cell Types”
11:00Jaga Giebultowicz, Zoology“Link Between Nutritional Status and Fecundity: A Novel Role for Clock Genes in Drosophila”
11:25Michael Gross, Biochemistry & Biophysics “Neuronal Patterning in the Dorsal Spinal Cord”
11:45Poster Awards and Concluding Remarks