Theme: CQLS at the Heart of OSU Innovation

CH2M Hill Alumni Center

Registration is free this year. Lunch is optional.

Friday November 22, 2024


8:00 – 9:00 AMRegistration, poster & sponsor set-ups, coffee and light refreshments
9:05 – 9:15 AMBrent Kronmiller, Interim Director, CQLS
“CQLS Introduction and updates”
9:15 – 9:50 AM“Lightning Round” Research Presentations
9:50 – 10:20 AMBreak – Poster setup and Sponsor displays
10:20 – 11:15 AMKey Note Speaker, Moderator: Siva Kolluri
Joe Gray, Biomedical Engineering, OHSU“Rethinking Precision Cancer Treatment for Advanced Cancers – A Systems Biomedicine Approach”
11:15 AM – 12:00 PMOSU Faculty Research Presentations
Moderator: Chrissa Kioussi
Olena Taratula, Pharmaceutical Sciences, OSU“Nanotheranostics for potential management of ectopic pregnancy”
Alex Weisberg, Botany and Plant Pathology, OSU“Evolution and epidemiology of global populations of Agrobacterium vitis”
12:00 – 1:00 PMLunch – Poster setup and Sponsor displays
1:00 – 2:30 PMCQLS Core services
Moderator: Brent Kronmiller
CQLS Bioinformatics Staff“CQLS Sequencing and Bioinformatics Consulting Services”
Laurent Deluc, Horticulture, OSU“Sequencing of the Microvine Genome: an example for genome editing studies and modern genomic data resources”
Denise Hynes and Joe Spring, CQLS“CQLS Health Data Informatics Services”
Veronica Irvin, School of Human Development and Family Sciences, OSU“Be Well: An example of using REDCap for NIH-funded studies”
Anne-Marie Girard, CQLS“CQLS Confocal Microscopy Services”
Maria Camila Medina, Botany and Plant Pathology, OSU“From cell to shapes: Confocal insights into plant development”
2:30 – 3:00 PMBreak – Poster setup and Sponsor displays
3:00 – 4:10 PMOSU Faculty Research Presentations
Moderator: Fritz Gombart
Brandon Pearson, Environmental and Molecular Toxicology, OSU“Non-cancer health outcomes for environmental mutagens”
Maria Purice, Biochemistry and Biophysics, OSU“Impact of sex and aging on glia-neuron interactions in C. elegans”
Erin McParland, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, OSU“Chasing the elusive chemical currencies of marine microbes with metabolomics”
4:10 – 4:20 PMIrem Tumer, VPR, Division of Research and Innovation
4:20 – 4:55 PM“Lightning Round” Research Presentations
4:55 – 5:00 PMClosing remarks
5:00 – 7:00 PMReception, Poster Session, Sponsor Display

2021-22 CQLS Seminar Series Schedule

Fall Term 2021
September 29, 2021Chris Plaisier
Arizona State University
Finding new therapies for mesothelioma
October 13, 2021TRACE
Oregon State University
TRACE COVID Community Surveillance Project
October 27, 2021David Garcia
University of Oregon
Prion-based forms of RNA-modifying enzymes
November 10, 2021Ya-chieh Hsu
Harvard University
Deep: Stem Cells at the Nexus of the Niche, Physiology, and the External Environment
Winter Term 2022
January 5, 2022TBD
January 19, 2022Carrie Hanna
Oregon Health and Science University
Using genome editing technology to create biomedical models in the nonhuman primate
February 2, 2022Jennifer Nemhauser
University of Washington
Babbage’s Cabbage: The Logic of Information Processing In Plants
February 16, 2022Yanming Di
Oregon State University
What is a replicate?
March 2, 2022Dr. Shobhan Gaddameedhi
North Carolina State University
Environmental Regulation of Genomic Stability and Human Health through the Circadian Clock
Spring Term 2022
March 30, 2022Mike Harms
University of Oregon
Ensembles, epistasis, and evolution: how biophysics shapes evolutionary outcomes
April 13, 2022Andrew Gentles
Stanford University
Atlas of Clinically Distinct Cell States and Cellular Ecosystems Across Human Solid Tumors
April 27, 2022CANCELLED – Yehenew Agazie
West Virginia University
May 18, 2022 (rescheduled for Fall2022)Elias Fernandez
University of Tennessee
June 1, 2022 (rescheduled for Fall2022)Sourav Ghosh
Yale School of Medicine


In celebration of our recent name change, the theme for this year is “Frontiers at the Intersection of the Life & Quantitative Sciences.” Anyone with an interest in life sciences or quantitative sciences is invited to attend. The Fall Conference will feature excellent science presentations from invited guest speakers, OSU faculty, students and staff. 

Because this is our first conference since our name change (and because the event is fully online this year) the conference this year is completely free for all attendees.

The poster session will be held online on Friday, September 17. More details of the format and time will be provided soon. Posters are welcome from all participants. Posters from registered undergraduate students, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows/trainees will be eligible for one of three cash awards, and there will be one award for lighting talks. 

  • Lightning Talk Registration: September 10
  • Poster Registration: September 15
  • Conference Registration: September 15
Thank you to our 2021 Fall Conference Committee

Kevin Brown, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Chemical, Biological, & Environmental Engineering
Molly Burke, Integrative Biology
Maude David, Microbiology & Pharmaceutical Sciences
Patrick De Leenheer, Mathematics and Integrative Biology
Perry Hystad, Public Health & Human Science
Natalia Shulzhenko, Biomedical Sciences, Carlson College of Veterinary Medicine

Frontiers at the Intersection of the Life and Quantitative Sciences

Friday, September 17, 2021 Online

Conference Floor8:00Doors open. Explore the virtual conference space and watch a SpatialChat tutorial
Stage9:00Brett Tyler, Director, CQLSIntroduction to the Center for Quantitative Life Sciences
Stage9:30Matthew Bennett, Professor of Biosciences, Rice UniversityDynamics of synthetic gene circuits: from cells to consortia to organisms
Free10:15Break (setup for posters)
Stage10:45Gail Rosen, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Drexel UniversityMachine Learning of Microbiomes: Learning and Exploring Structure and Function of DNA and Proteins at Multiple Scales
Stage11:30Richard Rodrigues, Bioinformatician at Leidos Biomedical Research, IncHost-Microbiome Multi-Omics Data Integration in Cancer Immunotherapy
Discussion Rooms12:00Lunch (networking with guest speakers and Presentation by Agilent from 12:15-12:45)
Stage1:00Maya KaelbererMedical Instructor in the Department of Medicine, Duke UniversitySugar transduction in the gut
Stage1:45Marian Hettiaratchi, Assistant Professor, University of OregonDeveloping Biomaterials for Tissue Repair using Bio-transport Modeling
Stage2:15Mark Phillips, Department of Integrative Biology, Oregon State UniversityUsing Experimental Evolution to Study the Genetics of Adaptation
Stage3:00Lightning Talks (you can vote for your favorite lightning talk at
Poster Rooms3:45Poster Session (you can vote for your favorite poster session at
Stage4:45Closing Remarks


Kevin Brown, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Chemical, Biological, & Environmental Engineering
Molly Burke, Integrative Biology
Maude David, Microbiology & Pharmaceutical Sciences
Patrick De Leenheer, Mathematics and Integrative Biology
Perry Hystad, Public Health & Human Science
Natalia Shulzhenko, Biomedical Sciences, Carlson College of Veterinary Medicine


Keynote Speaker

Charisse Madlock-Brown
University of Tennessee Health Science Center

Charisse Madlock-Brown is a faculty member in Health Informatics and Information Management at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center. She received her Master’s in Library Science and Ph.D. in Health Informatics from the University of Iowa. She has expertise in data management, data mining, and visualization. She has a broad background in health informatics, with a current focus on obesity trends and multimorbidity. Other areas of interest are network analysis and emerging topic detection in biomedicine. She has authored several book chapters and journal articles and continues to keep up-to-date on data integration, data architecture, database management, and analytic methods. She runs the UTHSC Research Pipelines labs, which provide online interfaces for distributed computing and storage systems. Her lab can manage projects from data extraction and transformation to modeling and visualization for small-scale and big data projects. 

Introductions from DSPG Leaders
1:00 PMIntroduction to the Oregon State University Date Science for the Public Good ProjectBrett Tyler, Director, Center for Quantitative Life Sciences, Oregon State University
1:05 PMTri-state Data Science for the Public Good ProjectSallie Keller, Director, Social and Decision Analytics Division, University of Virginia’s Biocomplexity Institute
1:10 PM Data Science Knowledge and Resources for Extension ProfessionalsLindsey Shirley, Associate Provost, Oregon State University Outreach and Engagement
Keynote Speaker
1:15 PM Social determinants of health related to COVID-19: disparities between urban and rural communities– Charisse Madlock-Brown, University of Tennessee Health Science Center
1:45 PMBreak
2:00 PMMeasuring Economic and Social Infrastructure: Intergenerational Poverty in Page County, VA
2:15 PMWintertime air quality health impacts in Oakridge and Westfir
2:30 PMMapping Iowa’s Substance Use Care Infrastructure
2:45 PMImpacts of dam water release policy on Deschutes River health and recreation
3:00 PMBarriers to Health Care Access and Use in Patrick County, VA
3:15 PMForecasting tools for cost analysis of water and wastewater facilities in Oregon small towns and cities
3:30 PMEconomic Mobility Baseline and Comparative Analysis for the South Wasco County School District Area, Oregon
3:45 PMRegulatory impacts on economic development in the Eastern Oregon border region
4:00 PMWater quality requirements for fresh produce growers

DSPG is a coalition of five public universities across three states: Oregon State University, Iowa State University, Virginia Tech, University of Virginia, and Virginia State University.

Friday, September 20, 2019 CH2M HILL Alumni Center

Congratulations to our winners! To all the participants and presenters, another thank you for your contributions. We look forward to welcoming the CGRB Community to the 2020 Spring Conference on April 24, 2020.

Undergraduate Poster: Kelsey Shimoda “Altering metabolic gene expression in fruit flies: effects on longevity and brain aging”
Graduate Poster:             Benjamin Americus “Elegant Infection Machines: Nematocyst diversification within Myxozoa”
                                           Daniel Schneck “Phenotypic and transcriptional responses to different light regimes in allopatric populations of Tigriopus californicus”
                                            Manoj Gurung “Lactobacilli ameliorate western diet induced diabetes by preventing hepatic mitochondrial damage”
                                            Miranda Leek “A Biochemical and Biophysical Investigation into the Pathological Gain-of-Function of Nitrated Hsp90”
                                            Rebecca Veitch “Exposure to Light at Night Alters DNA Methylation and Expression of Proliferative and DNA Damage Repair Genes”
Post-Doc Poster :               Allie Graham “Independent losses of the Hypoxia-Inducible Factor (HIF) Pathway within Crustacea”
Lightning Talks:                 Eileen Chow “Daily blue light exposure accelerates aging in Drosophila melanogaster”

Raffle drawing for voting in all categories:             1st place – Miranda Leek
                                                                                       2nd place – Alexandre Sathler

8:00Registration & refreshments (Poster & sponsor setup) 
8:50Brett Tyler, Director, CGRB
Introduction, CGRB update
9:15Andrew Annalora, Environmental and Molecular Toxicology
Exploring Splice Variant Biology in Nuclear Receptor and Cytochrome P450 Genes
9:40Ed Kelly, University of Washington
Tissue Chips for Human Disease Modeling
10:50Lightning Talks Moderated by Jeff Anderson
Featuring: Martin Pearce, Stephanie Bollmann, Benjamin Americus, Evan Carpenter, Eileen Chow, Lauren Chan, Nolan Newman, Alexandra Weisberg
11:35Felipe Barreto, Integrative Biology
Genomics in the Tidepool: Functional and Population Genetics of Adaptation and Speciation in a Tiny Crustacean
12:00Kevin Brown, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering
Adventures in Complex Systems
1:25Afua Nyarko, Biochemistry & Biophysics
Selectivity and Specificity in Cancer Regulatory Proteins
1:50Daniel Liefwalker, Oregon Health and Science University 
Therapeutic strategies targeting c-MYC
2:30Lightning Talks
Moderated by Jeff Anderson
Featuring: Armando Alcazar Magana, Christine Tataru, Sarah Alto, Anh Ha, Heather Forsythe, Kayla Jara, Rebecca France, Rachel Franklin
3:45Morgan Giers, Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering
Regenerating the Intervertebral Disc: Developing Effective Therapies in a Nutrient Limited Environment  
4:10Doris Taylor, Texas Heart Institute
Building Solutions for Heart Disease: A 2019 Update
5:00-7:30Poster Session Reception, Sponsor Displays


Jaga Giebultowicz, Department of Integrative Biology
Craig Marcus, Environmental and Molecular Toxicology
Jeff Anderson, Department of Botany and Plant Pathology
Viviana Perez, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics

The CGRB 2019 Fall conference registration is now open! Please join us for our annual event this September for informative talks, posters and a reception. This year the Fall Conference will also include lighting talks.

Important Information:

  • When: Friday, September 20, 2019
  • Where: CH2M Hill Alumni Center – Oregon State University
  • Registration: here
    • Registration fee: $25 (includes lunch and social hour)
    • NOTE: registration fee is waved for:
      • Undergrads presenting their research poster
      • Lightning talk presenters
  • Deadlines:
    • Lightning Talk Submission: August 15th
    • Poster Registration: September 7th
    • Conference Registration: September 13th (registration fee increases to $35 after Sept 13)

Featured Speakers

Ed Kelly
Associate Professor
School of Pharmacy
University of Washington

Daniel Liefwalker
Research Assistant Professor
Molecular and Medical Genetics
Oregon Health and Science University

Doris Taylor
Regenerative Medicine Research
Texas Heart Institute

Conference Agenda

8:00-8:50Registration & refreshments (Poster & sponsor setup)
8:50-9:15Brett Tyler,
Director, CGRB
Introduction, CGRB update
Hosted By Jaga Giebultowicz
9:15 – 9:40Andrew Annalora,
Environmental and Molecular Toxicology
Exploring Splice Variant Biology in Nuclear Receptor and
Cytochrome P450 Genes
9:40 – 10:30Ed Kelly,
University of Washington
Organs on a Chip – Chips in Space
10:30 – 10:55Break (Poster and Sponsor displays)
10:55 – 11:35Morning Lightning Talks (8 talks) –
moderated by Jeff Anderson
11:35– 12:00Felipe Barreto,
Integrative Biology
Genomics in the Tidepool: Functional and Population
Genetics of Adaptation and Speciation in a
Tiny Crustacean
12:00 – 12:25Kevin Brown,
College of Pharmacy
Adventures in Complex Systems
12:25 – 1:25Lunch (Poster and Sponsor displays)
Hosted By Craig Marcus
1:25 – 1:50Afua Nyarko,
Biochemistry and Biophysics
Selectivity and Specificity in Cancer Regulatory Proteins
1:50 – 2:40Daniel Liefwalker,
Oregon Health and Science University
Therapeutic strategies targeting c-MYC
2:40 – 3:20Afternoon Lightning Talks (8 talks) –
Moderated By Viviana Perez
3:20 – 3:45Break 25 mins (Poster and Sponsor displays)
3:45 – 4:10Morgan Giers,
Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering
Regenerating the Intervertebral Disc: Developing Effective
Therapies in a Nutrient Limited Environment
4:10 – 5:00Doris Taylor,
Texas Heart Institute
Building Solutions for Heart Disease: A 2019 Update
5:00 – 7:30Poster Session / Reception, Sponsor Displays

Call for posters!

Invitation to present a Poster at the 2019 CGRB FALL CONFERENCE (Sept 20, 2019)
Students, Post Docs, Research Staff and Research Faculty are invited to present their research as a Poster. Presenters are strongly encouraged but not required to consider utilizing a revolutionary new trend in poster format:
(Posters in any format displayed at recent meetings are also welcome)
Prizes for Best Posters: $100 (Undergraduate, Graduate and Post Doc Categories).

All fields and research topics welcome. To submit a Poster, please navigate to
DEADLINE Sept. 7, 2019.

Call for lightning talks!

Invitation to present a Lightning Talk at the 2019 CGRB FALL CONFERENCE (Sept. 20, 2019)
Students, Post Docs, Research Staff (FRA, Res. Associates, etc.), and Research Faculty are invited to present their research as a 5-minute Lightning Talk at the annual CGRB Fall Conference, Friday Sept. 20, 2019.
First Prize for Best Lightning Talk = $100
Conference Registration Fee is waivedfor all Lightning Talk Presenters

All fields and research topics welcome. To submit a lightning talk: Please navigate to

Talks are limited to 5 minutes and 5 slides maximum. Please Submit no Later Than: August 15, 2019.
Talks will be selected by the Program Committee and Presenters notified by Aug. 31, 2019.

Committee Members

Thank you to our 2019 Fall Conference Committee:

Jaga Giebultowicz, Department of Integrative Biology
Craig Marcus, Environmental and Molecular Toxicology
Jeff Anderson, Department of Botany and Plant Pathology
Viviana Perez, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics

Friday, October 12, 2018

Poster Award Winners

Undergraduate student: Michaela Buchanan, Computer Sci/Biochemistry & Biophysics  Using GPUs to Classify Oceans of Data
Graduate student:  Courtney Armour, MCB  A Metagenomic Meta-Analysis Reveals Functional Signatures of Health and Disease in the Human Gut Microbiome
Postdoc/Trainer: T. William O’Neill, Biomedical Sciences  Creating 3-Dimensional Models from Serial Histologic Sections Using Open-Source Software

8:00Registration & refreshments (Poster & sponsor setup) 
9:00Brett Tyler, Director, CGRB
9:30Helen Poynton, University of Massachusetts   
The Toxicogenome of Hyalella Azteca, building genomic resources for healthy ecosystems
10:20Break (Poster & sponsor setup / displays)
10:45Gerrad Jones, Biological & Ecological Engineering
Environmental Change Drives Global Soil Element Fluxes
11:15James Watson, College of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Science
Manifold Learning of Multi-scale Dynamics in Complex Systems
11:45Joe Christison, Office of Commercialization & Corporate Development
Patenting and Commercializing University Discoveries
12:10Lunch (Poster and Sponsor setups / displays)
1:15Daniel Coleman, OHSU
Targeting BET Bromodomain Proteins in Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer
2:10Maria Franco, Biochemistry & Biophysics
Role of Redox Signaling in Tumor Metabolic Reprogramming
2:40James Strother, Integrative Biology
Elucidation of neural circuit structures through imaging, optogenetics, and behavior
3:30Maude David, Depts of Microbiology & Pharmacy
Children with autism and their typically-developing siblings differ in exact sequence variants and predicted functions of stool-associated microbes
4:00Vladimir Shulaev, University of North Texas
Neuroprotective effect of 17β-Estradiol (E2) on rat brain
4:50Closing remarks
5:00 – 7:30Poster Session/Reception, Sponsor Displays

Thank you to our conference committee:

Jared LeBoldus, Assistant Professor, Botany & Plant Pathology
Claudia Maier, Professor, Chemistry
Natalia Shulzhenko, Assistant Professor, Vet Biomedical Science

Friday, April 27, 2018

Conference Award Winners

Lightning Talk: Ellie Bors, Population genomics of rapid range expansion during marine invasions
Poster: Lilian Padgitt-Cobb, Toward a phased, diploid assembly of the hop genome


8:00 – 9:00Registration & refreshments (Poster & lightning talk slides setup) 
9:00 – 9:10Chris Sullivan, Assistant Director for Biocomputing, CGRB
Opening Remarks
  Moderator: Duo Jiang, Assistant Professor, Statistics
9:10 – 10:00Haiyan Huang, UC Berkeley
Inferring Gene Interactions and Functional Modules Beyond Standard Statistical Models
10:00 – 10:25Break,time for poster setup
10:25 – 10:50David Hendrix, Assistant Professor, Biochemistry & Biophysics, EECS
Large-scale Automated Annotation and Analysis of RNA Secondary Structure
10:50 – 12:15Lightning talks
Moderator: Molly Megraw, Assistant Professor, Botany & Plant Pathology
12:15 – 1:20Lunch and Poster Session (Poster & Lightning Talk slides judged)
Poster & lightning talk ballot envelopes will be picked up for counting right after lunch
  Moderator: Rebecca Hutchinson, Assistant Professor, Fisheries & Wildlife, EECS
1:20 – 1:45Susan Tilton, Assistant Professor, Environmental & Molecular Toxicology
A 3D Vitro Respiratory Model for Predicting Chemical Toxicity
1:45 – 2:10Stephen Ramsey, Assistant Professor, Biomedical Sciences, EECS
Machine-Learning for Identifying Functional Noncoding SNPs
2:10 – 2:35Clinton Epps, Associate Professor, Fisheries & Wildlife, CAS  
Genetic applications in the Conservation and Management of Bighorn Sheep
2:35 – 3:00Break
3:00 – 3:50Fei Fang, Carnegie Mellon
Machine Learning and Game Theory for Biodiversity Conservation
3:50 – 4:00Vrushali Bokil, Associate Professor, Mathematics
Awards and Closing Remarks

Thank you to our conference committee:

Vrushali Bokil – Associate Professor, Mathematics
Rebecca Hutchinson – Assistant Professor, EECS, Fisheries & Wildlife
Duo Jiang – Assistant Professor, Statistics
Molly Megraw – Assistant Professor, Botany & Plant Pathology

Friday, September 8, 2017

Poster Award Winners

 Postdoc/Trainee: Fadi El-Rami, Subcellular proteomics of the 2016 WHO Neisseria gonorrhoeae reference strains for identification of vaccine candidates and antibiotic resistance signatures
 Grad student: Aayushi Manchanda, Loss of otoferlin alters the transcriptome profile and ribbon synapse architecture of sensory hair cells
 Undergrad student: Ryan Kitchen, CASSA: The new fast GPU DNA Sequence Aligner


8:00Registration & refreshments (Poster & sponsor setup) 
9:00Brett Tyler, Director, CGRB
Introduction, CGRB update
  Moderator: Aleksandra Sikora, Pharmaceutical Sciences
9:25Caroline Attardo Genco, Tufts University 
Sex as a variable: Distinct Neisseria gonorrhoeae gene expression signatures expressed during mucosal infection in men and women
10:10Break (Poster & sponsor setup / displays)
10:30Nathan Campbell,  Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission 
Genotyping in Thousands by sequencing: A low cost, high-throughput, targeted SNP genotyping method
11:15Olena Taratula, College of Pharmacy  
A Tumor-Activatable Theranostic Nanomedicine Platform for NIR Fluorescence-Guided Surgery and Phototherapy
11:40Posy Busby, Botany & Plant Pathology 
Host genetic structuring of leaf endophyte communities in Populus and Maize
12:05Lunch (Poster and Sponsor setups / displays)
  Moderator: Brent Kronmiller, CGRB
1:20Melissa Haendel, OHSU
Crossing the chasm of semantic despair: ontologies to unify genomics and phenomics
2:05Brett Tyler, Botany & Plant Pathology
Does the pathogen always win – the co-evolutionary struggle between soybean and its oomycete pathogen Phytophthora sojae
2:30Molly Burke, Integrative Biology
Genomic lessons from laboratory evolution experiments  
3:15Marian Waterman, UC Irvine 
WNT signaling and tumor heterogeneity                     
4:00Maria Clara Franco, Biochemistry & Biophysics
The Two Faces of Nitrated Proteins: Neurodegeneration and Cancer
4:25David Myrold, Crop & Soil Science
Glimpses into the microbial communities of Oregon soils
4:50Janine Trempy, Associate Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
Closing remarks
5:00 – 7:30Poster Session/Reception, Sponsor Displays

Thank you to our conference committee:

Pankaj Jaiswal, Botany & Plant Pathology
Ryan Mehl, Biochemistry & Biophysics
Aleksandra Sikora, Pharmaceutical Sciences