September 20-21, 2009


3:00 pmRegistration & poster setup 
4:00Welcome Reception
5:00Jim Carrington, CGRB DirectorAchievements of the Computational & Genome Biology Initiative
5:20Noah Fahlgren, MCB Graduate ProgramSmall RNA Transcriptome Profiling and Evolution
5:40Jason Cumbie, MCB Graduate ProgramComputational and Statistical Tools for Type III Effector Transcriptome Profiling
6:00Kristina Smith, Biochemistry & BiophysicsEvolution of Centromeres in Filamentous Fungi
6:25Steve Jacobsen, University of California, Los AngelesDNA Methylation
7:05-9:00Poster session; Sponsor displays
8:30 amCoffee and Pastries
9:00Chrissa Kioussi, College of PharmacyGoodies for the Tooth Fairy: Ctip2 and the Production of Enamel
9:25Adrian Gombart, Linus Pauling InstituteVitamin D and Human Innate Immunity
9:50Joseph Thornton, University of OregonEvolution of Protein Structure and Function in the Steroid Hormone Receptor Family 
10:55Pankaj Jaiswal, Botany & Plant PathologyOntologies for Plant Genomics and Phenomics
11:20Olivier Voinnet, Institut de Biologie Moleculaire des Plantes du CNRS, StrasbourgGenomics, Mechanisms and Roles of Small Silencing RNA
1:00Announcement of Poster Awards
1:10Roundtable Discussion – Issues Affecting Research, Funding & Education in Molecular Biosciences at OSUPanelists: Howard Grimes, Washington State University; Sonny Ramaswamy, Oregon State University; Steve Jacobsen, UCLA; Michael Lynch, Indiana University
3:05Michael Lynch, Indiana UniversityThe Origins of Genome Complexity
3:45William Cresko, University of OregonPopulation Genomic Analysis of Stickleback Evolution Using Illumina-Sequenced RAD tags

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