Saturday & Sunday, October 4-5, 2008


12:00 pmRegistration & Poster setup
1:00Jim Carrington, Director, CGRB
Introduction, CGRB update
1:10 New Technologies in CGRBMark Dasenko, Chris Sullivan, Caprice Rosato, Anne-Marie Giirard – CGRB Core Labs
1:45Peter Dolan, Zoology, “TileQC: A System For Tile-Based Quality Control and Data Manipulation”
2:10Patrick Chappell, Zoology “Molecular Circadian Clock Regulation of Mammalian Reproduction”
2:35Brian Wall, Office of Technology Transfer “The OSU Venture Fund: Bridging the Research Support Gap”
3:30Erica Bakker, Horticulture “Genome-Wide Pathogenicity Gene Discovery in Botrytis cinerea”
3:55Detlef Weigel, Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology “Whole-Genome Variation and its Impact on Reproductive Isolation in Arabidopsis thaliana”
4:45Poster Session, Sponsor’s Displays and Open Bar
7:45-11:00Entertainment, Announcement of Awards
 7:30 amContinental Breakfast
8:30Arup Indra, College of Pharmacy “CTIP – A Novel Regulator of Skin Organogenesis”
8:55Xiaoli Fern, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science “Ensemble and Multi-View Data Clustering”
9:20Steven Brenner, University of California, Berkeley “Ultraconserved Nonsense: Gene Regulation by Splicing and RNA Surveillance”
10:30Vincent Remcho, Chemistry “Materials and Methods for the Design, Fabrication, and Application of Microfluidic Tools for Chemical Analysis”
10:55Brendan Jeffery, MCB Graduate Program “Chlamydial Biology and Genomics”
11:20Thomas Wolpert, Botany and Plant Pathology “A Downside to Plant Disease Resistance, Good LOV Gone Bad”

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