Genetically Modified Food: Opening New Doors for a Better Future

Food made from restructured DNA of organisms, usually through genetic engineering, is known as genetically modified food. Such foods normally display characteristics that were absent in it prior to the restructuring, like:

Enhanced resistance against certain diseases

Improved sturdiness, that is, ability to withstand adverse weather

Enhanced nutrition content

The main advantage this method has over selective breeding is that the new characteristics which are introduced into the plant can be better controlled.

Advantages of Genetic Modification of Food

Foods that are modified genetically have many advantages; let’s take a look at them:

Farmers can expect a much higher yield than with non-modified seeds. This also helps to combat the food shortage problem the world is facing today.

These foods are more resistant to pests and insects, resulting in much lesser loss of crops

Pest-resistant and disease-resistant crops are better for the environment as they eliminate the need for harsh chemical pesticides and fungicides

Scientists can create seeds with strains of added nutrition like extra beta-carotene, proteins and so on; thus there is the ability to provide more nourishing food to the masses

The genetically modified feed given to livestock and poultry could help enhance the production of milk, and poultry products like meat, and eggs

So we see that this method has the ability to benefit millions of people all over the world. Yet many skceptics display severe reservations concerning genetically modified food; why?

It is argued that pest and disease resistance are traits that the food crops could pass on to weeds, giving rise to super weeds.

Purists also feel that introducing a nutritional element into a food that is not ‘supposed’ to have it in the first place, may not only NOT benefit the users, but may actually wreak havoc with the body’s immune system, or have other repercussions.

Many scientists insist that the possibility of damaging vital organs through long-term consumption of genetically modified food is very real

So on one hand you have the obvious advantage of the capability of producing enough food to meet the growing demands of the global population, and on the other, possible ill-effects on human health that are still a bit hazy. What is the answer to this conundrum?

An Alternative, Non-Invasive Method

Well, what if you were to hear that without going to a lab or without the need for a genetic engineer, there is still a possibility of improving crop yield, and making crops more resistant to certain commonly occurring diseases? You might think this is impossible; but Mr Mahendra Trivedi has conducted successful experiments documented by reputed Universities worldwide where he used his mind power to achieve this. He used his ability of Energy Transmission(s) to alter the genetic structure of un-planted seeds, helping them evolve and function at a higher state than before. Known the over world as The Trivedi Effect®, this phenomenon is a wholesome method that can be used to benefit millions of people worldwide. To learn more about its positive impact on agriculture, please visit: