Join us for the Autonomous Systems @ OSU event on June 30th. Organized by Ann Schmierer, this will be a gathering of the growing unmanned systems community in the Pacific NW. Registration is free. For more information click here. Hope to see you at the event!
The Willamette Innovators Network (WIN) is hosting a Pubtalk on “The Highs and Lows of the Legalized Marijuana Industry. June 9, 6-7:30pm at the Sunnyside Up Cafe. Details are here.
The flyer linked below has details and information of how much water to plan for and how to make water safe during a disaster. It also describes some methods of storing water, with web links for additional information. Monthly Topic – 2015 06 water in a disaster
As we look forward to welcoming our new VPR on August 31, please note that Cynthia’s presentation from the candidate forums is available for viewing online here. If you were unable to attend the forum, or would like a refresher this link might be of interest. Additionally, it has been said many times already but let’s all give a virtual high five to our interim VPR, Ron Adams, for his excellent continued leadership during this period of transition.
Please email Kim directly BY END OF DAY TODAY, FRIDAY 5/29 ( if you would like to volunteer. The event is only an hour long and you either run, walk or swim with your team for 20 minutes. We still need 3 runners, 1 walker, and 3 swimmers. You choose one of the events and it is a tag team 25 yard walk, run or swim. Bonding with co-workers, getting some exercise AND a free pair of sunglasses…how can you say no to that!? Timing is: June 5th 12:00-1:00. Cost $10 (Kim will come around to collect money on Monday, June 1st. If you are a swimmer then you will need to be at the Langton pool at 11:30.If you need more information, please go to this website for support.
Please join me in congratulating our 2015-2016 Professional Faculty Leadership Association Board of Directors. The Research Office is well represented!
• President: Deb Weitzman – OSU Conference Services
• President Elect: Gretchen Cuevas – College of Agriculture Sciences Administration
• Secretary: Jayne Parker – Ag Sciences & Marine Sciences Business Center
• Treasurer: Edith Birky – Office of Human Resources
• Professional Development Director: Leigh Larkin – Office of Human Resources
• Marketing Director: Debbie Delmore – Research Office Administration
• Membership Director: Shirley Chow – Research Office
• Web Director: Tracy Elmshaeuser – Research Office
Most of you have already met Mark Peters, our Export Controls and Compliance Officer. Mark will be doing a presentation on his unit at the next RO All Staff Meeting on 5/27 to give everyone a bit more background on his role. In the meantime, please note this recent article from USA Today. An example of why International Compliance and Export Controls are critical to a university’s success.
For this year’s TRY-Athalon, Kim Reese has graciously volunteered to be Team Captain for the RO. It is $10 to participate and the money goes to support Faculty/Staff Fitness. The RO currently needs 6 runners, walkers or swimmers. Please email Kim directly ( if you would like to volunteer. The event is only an hour long and you either run, walk or swim with your team for 20 minutes. You choose one of the events and it is a tag team 25 yard walk, run or swim. This is an event just about anyone can do, you do not need to be an Olympic athlete or even close… it’s a lot of fun, a great bonding experience and this year for entering you get a pair of sun glasses! Timing is: June 5th 12:00-1:00. If you are a swimmer then you will need to be at the Langton pool at 11:30.If you need more information, please go to this website for support.
Many of our staff and visitors have enjoyed the seed giveaways at Mimi Poitras’ desk over the past few years. Thanks to Mimi’s persistence and Berry Treat and Denis Sather great connections, the RO was able to obtain a new supply of vegetable seeds to offer as giveaways. We received some Indigo Rose and Indigo Cherry Drops from A.P. Whaley Seed Company. Jim Myers from the Horticulture Department was kind enough to send us a supply of Gold Nugget, Siletz, Santiam and Oregon Cherry tomatoes. As well as Oregon Giant Snow Peas, Honey Boat and Sugar Loaf Delicata Squash. These seeds are available to you but are limited in supply so please choose sparingly. We want to make sure there are plenty for all of visitors as well as our RO gardeners (and aspiring gardeners).
We are happy to announce 2 new hires to the Research Office. Susan Emerson will join Mary Phillips in Research Development starting June 1st. Susan is coming to OSU from Boise State University and brings with her a wealth of knowledge and experience in Proposal Development and in generally making things happen. Additionally, Linnéa Andersson will be joining Ann Schmierer in Industry Partnering at a .25 FTE as an Industry Program Manager. Linnéa has been at OSU since 2011 and is currently a Research Associate in Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering and has served at the board of the OSU Postdoc Association where she started the Industry Exploration Program. Linnéa will be working with Ann to develop professional development opportunities for postdocs and graduate students.
Please be sure to give them both a warm RO welcome! We will do a formal intro at the next All Staff Meeting on May 27th at 3pm in the PCR.
The ASSURE team was selected today to become the FAA Center of Excellence for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). OSU is one of 15 universities on ASSURE. Press release: Research office has supported this effort on Michael Wingand OSU’s behalf and we are very excited to see this exciting opportunity come to fruition.
Official link here. The OSU Office 365 is a secure cloud platform that will enable you to run use the OneDrive sharing service as well as online versions of Office applications, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote and Outlook, with a feature to sync to files on your regular desktop client. You can also install Office on smartphones and tablets. To enable this across OSU, there is a concurrent project to unify OSU accounts. CN has confirmed this should not affect access to hosted applications, like Cayuse, which use the ONID single sign-on.
Curious about what’s going on with the Advantage Accelerator at OSU? Check out their blog here! In other Accelerator news, will be a seminar coming up on May 26th from 5:33-7pm at the their offices: 200 SW 4th Street, Suite 201. The topic will be “Understanding Metrics and Analytics”.
Ron Adams received his 25 year employee pin at May 4th’s 25 Year Club Dinner. And big high five to Lydia Perry who received her 30-year employee OSU pin. Impressive, indeed!