Interested in pursuing a legislative internship in Salem or Washington, DC? The OSU Government Relations Office and ASOSU will be hosting a Legislative Internship Forum on Tuesday, November 10th at 5pm in MU 211. The event will feature a panel with congressional staffers, state legislative staff, and students who have completed DC internships. Students of any major are encouraged to attend! The event is free, pizza will be provided, and students will have a chance to ask questions directly to those who have completed internships and those who are hiring interns. There will also be a representative from the OSU Alumni Association present to discuss scholarships for students who are pursuing internships in Washington, DC. For more information contact: karli.olsen@oregonstate.edu
Please see the below press release HERE: nr_New Safety Video_Right Life Jacket Fit for Kids regarding a new video to emphasize the right life jacket fit for kids
In preparation for the account unification, please change your ONID password to match your CN password. Instructions for changing ONID password are here: http://onid.oregonstate.edu/chpw.shtml. ONID password requirements are fairly stringent, so users may not be able to use their current CN passwords for their ONID password. If users need to change their CN password so that it meets the ONID requirements, instructions are here:
http://oregonstate.edu/helpdocs/e-mail/exchange-outlook-oregonstateedu/change-email-password NOTE 1: you may need to update this password on all of your devices that you access ONID resources- computer, laptops, tablets, phone. If you are unable to match your account passwords, please let Stephen know at stephen.hotard@oregonstate.edu and he will work with CN to get the account passwords reset. NOTE 2: for those of you who have sent Stephen a message that you will be traveling, CN will delay the update of your accounts to a more convenient time. It is recommended that you change your ONID password as mentioned above when you have the time to do this. Please let Stephen know, if you have not done so already, if you will be traveling next week.
This Saturday , Nov 14 from 7-11, come enjoy some local music and celebrate The Whiteside Theatre’s 93rd birthday featuring Bury the Moon, The Carys (with Molly McFerran’s son, Jasper , on drums) and Hermano! Tickets can be bought online at here or at the Troubadour Music Center at 521 SW 2nd St.