Join us for a farewell party for Ivo Bezency TODAY at 1:30 in the Breezeway. Coffee and cookies will be provided…stop on by and say hello!

FROM PAT: Through my work in the National Council of University Research Administrators (NCURA), OSU has provided a two-week internship May 22 through June 2 for Ivo.  Ivo serves as a Project Consultant and Manager at Mendel University in Brno, and his goal is to learn more about our processes and organizational matters connected with pre-award and post-award grant management. He is very interested in learning about the relationships between principal investigators and research administrators, systems of projects development and management and related budget preparation and financial management. Ivo has been employed at Mendel University in Brno since 2004, and was there when their sponsored programs office was created.  He has also worked as a project manager on certain EU funding sources for European Structural Funds.  He is an active member of the European Association for Research Managers and Administrators (EARMA), which is a sister organization to the National Council of University of Research Administrators (NCURA). Mendel University in Brno is the oldest independent specialized university is the Czech Republic, first founded in 1864 as an agricultural university in Moravia.  The University of Agriculture in Brno has been primarily an agriculture and forestry institution since its creation.  In 2010, the University was renamed to Mendel University in Brno.



This is the last call for participants for the TRY-Athlon. As of right now, we need 3 runners, 4 swimmers, and 2 walkers to make a team. If you have already emailed me I thank you for the participation, if we do not get enough people I will be sending out directions on how to register as an individual. If you would like to participate, the event is on June 9th from about 11:30-1pm. With Prizes at the end! Please email of you would like to join us out in the sun for lunch!



Check out this great piece from the brand new Terra Magazine that features the RO’s very own Drone expert, Ben Lester! On stands now…grab a copy.



There is no better way to start the weekend than with a burst of EXTREME CUTENESS brought to you by the adorable Cordelia (who paid a visit to the office yesterday!). In the second photo mama Chrystal introduces her to sand for the first time. She’ll be registering for MSI undergraduate classes before we know it.

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