AEA365 is honoring living evaluators for Labor Day (Monday, September 5, 2016).
Some of the living evaluators I know (Jim Altschuld, Tom Chapel, Michael Patton, Karen Kirkhart, Mel Mark, Lois-Ellin Datta, Bob Stake); Some of them I don’t know (Norma Martinez-Rubin, Nora F. Murphy, Ruth P. Saunders, Art Hernandez, Debra Joy Perez). One I’m not sure of at all (Mariana Enriquez). Over the next two weeks, AEA365 is hosting a recognition of living evaluator luminaries.
The wonderful thing is that this give me an opportunity to check out those I don’t know; to read about how others see them, what makes them special. I know that the relationships that develop over the years are dear, very dear.
I also know that the contributions that these folks have made to evaluation cannot be captured in 450 words (although we try). They are living giants, legends if you will.
These living evaluators have helped move the field to where it is today. Documenting their contributions to evaluation enriches the field. We remember them fondly.
If you don’t know them, look for them at AEA ’16 in Atlanta . Check out their professional development sessions or their other contributions (paper, poster, round-table, books, etc). Many of them have been significant contributors to AEA; some have only been with AEA since the early part of this century. All have made a meaningful contribution to AEA.
Many evaluators could be mentioned and are not. Sheila B. Robinson suggests that “…we recognize that many, many evaluators could and should be honored as well as the 13 we feature this time, and we hope to offer another invitation next year for those who would like to contribute a post, so look for that around this time next year, and sign up!
Evaluators honored
James W. Altschuld Thomas J. Chapel
Norma Martinez-Rubin Michael Quinn Patton
Nora F. Murphy Ruth P. Saunders
Art Hernandez Karen Kirkhart
Mel Mark Lois-Ellin Datta
Debra Joy Perez Bob Stake
Mariana Enriquez (Photo not known/found)