We just celebrated Thanksgiving , a time in the US when citizens pause and reflect on those things for which we are thankful.  Often those things for which we are thankful are based in our values–things like education, voting, religion/belief systems, honesty, truth, peace.  In thinking about those things, I was reminded that the root word of evaluation is value…I thought this would be a good time to share AEA’s value statement.


Are you familiar with AEA’s values statement? What do these values mean to you?


AEA’s Values Statement

The American Evaluation Association values excellence in evaluation practice, utilization of evaluation findings, and inclusion and diversity in the evaluation community.


i.  We value high quality, ethically defensible, culturally responsive evaluation practices that lead to effective and humane organizations and ultimately to the enhancement of the public good.

ii. We value high quality, ethically defensible, culturally responsive evaluation practices that contribute to decision-making processes, program improvement, and policy formulation.

iii. We value a global and international evaluation community and understanding of evaluation practices.

iv. We value the continual development of evaluation professionals and the development of evaluators from under-represented groups.

v. We value inclusiveness and diversity, welcoming members at any point in their career, from any context, and representing a range of thought and approaches.

vi. We value efficient, effective, responsive, transparent, and socially responsible association operations.


See AEA’s Mission, Vision, Values


Values enter into all aspects of evaluation–planning, implementing, analyzing, reporting, and use.  Values are all around us.  Have you taken a good look at your values lately.  Review is always beneficial, informative, and insightful.  I encourage it.

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