Join us in the journey of this thing called teaching and learning!
College Peer Supporters (PSs) in the Peer Teaching and Resource (PTRS) Program are here to work with you, OSU instructional faculty! They collaborate with our partners in the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL), Academic Technology (AT), and Ecampus to enhance teaching and learning at OSU.
Types of questions we tackle.
- How do I get started or improve my remote or blended course design?
- Where can I go to find evidence-based, effective course design principles?
- How can I use assessment as a pathway to deeper learning?
- How can I create an engaging classroom environment that includes rich student-to-student interaction?
- In what ways can media increase student learning, and where do I go to get started?
- How can I enhance instructor presence in my remote and blended class?
- Want to discuss an idea you have for your course or share something that is working well for you in your teaching with a colleague? We’re here for these conversations too!
Whether you are just beginning your teaching journey or a veteran, this is the place for you to call home!
A taste of Peer Supporter offerings.
- One-on-one consults and referrals to AT and CTL experts.
- Unit or instructor small group meetings: College PSs and our partners can come to your meetings to present on requested teaching and learning topics and/or facilitate conversations.
- College PS led communities of practice.
- Workshops on teaching and learning (i.e., remote or blended course design, student engagement, assessment) and the integration of OSU technologies such as Canvas, Zoom, Kaltura, Top Hat and Gradescope.
- Teaching tips-and-ticks found on this Peer Teaching Resources & Support blog.
- University-wide workshops partnering our PSs and partners in CTL, AT, and Ecampus.
Reach out to your College Peer Supporters today!
*Contact your college Peer Supporter(s) today to see available options in your college. Have an idea we haven’t yet implemented? Contact the Program Coordinator, Cheridy Aduviri, or your college P.S. If your college P.S. doesn’t have the answer, they will tap into the expertise of our CTL, AT, and Ecampus partners.
*Note: The 2020-’21 academic year has concluded. The Peer Teaching Resources and Support program is not running with Peer Supporters during the summer, but it is working towards program planning for the upcoming academic year and beyond! In the meantime, contact the Center for Teaching and Learning for updated offerings and consultations.