New Guides to Blended and Remote Teaching

OSU Memorial Union

Just in time for a Fall term in which most Corvallis and Cascades courses will be offered in either remote or blended formats, two new Center for Teaching and Learning tutorials walk you through the design and teaching of courses in these challenging modalities.

Successful Blended and Remote Course Design, Part One and Part Two, are eight-minute videos that provide evidence-based strategies, resources and tips for creating blended and remote courses that will foster student success in your Fall ’20 courses. These tutorials cover a range of topics such as deciding how to blend asynchronous and synchronous learning activities, aligning course elements with learning outcomes, using formative assessment and establishing instructor presence outside the physical classroom.

These tutorials reinforce the concepts introduced in Remote Teaching = A New Kind of Blended Learning and Remote Teaching = Blended Learning: Part 2

If you’re just getting around to building a Fall course site in Canvas, streamline your work by using the OSU Remote and Blended Teaching Canvas Template.

See the CTL website for a full array of resources and services to support your Fall teaching!


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