Jump-Start Your Remote Teaching with a Canvas Template

To help you rapidly prepare for Spring term remote teaching, you have access to a Canvas course template that can be imported into your empty Canvas course sites. The template itself gives simple directions to import it into your course sites. You can do this in 2 minutes!

Start Here, Syllabus and Weekly Module buttons
Canvas module with overview, learning materials and discussion

The template embodies evidence-based best practices for course design, emphasizing navigability, functionality and clarity. It offers the basic course structure so that you can focus on filling in the content. Central to this approach is a set of weekly modules, each of which has a weekly overview page, a learning materials page and a discussion.You can customize the modules to fit your teaching approaches.

Using the template can save you a great deal of time setting up for Spring term, and your students can then focus on learning!

If this is your first time using Canvas or you haven’t used it in a while, please review “Using Canvas for the first time,” and remember that the Keep Teaching website is a great starting point to support you in facing the instructional challenges ahead.


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