
Para educadores de padres: En apoyo a la diversidad de género

Por Megan McQueen Muchos niños están explorando sus identidades de género, y los cuidadores pueden tener preguntas sobre la mejor manera de brindarles apoyo. Enfocar la seguridad y el amor en nuestras familias puede ayudar a los padres a mantenerse en una relación con sus hijos al pasar por identidades nuevas. Nuestras clases y conexiones […]


For Parenting Educators: Supporting Gender Diversity

by Megan McQueen Many kids are exploring their gender identities, and caregivers may have questions about how best to support them. Centering safety and love for our families can help parents stay in relationship with their kids as they navigate new identities. Our classes and connections can become a safe place for families to learn […]


Can an educator show their Pride? Supporting LGBTQ+ families and professionals

One educator’s story with tips and resources for Pride month. By Linse Sullivan. I am monitoring lunch time, opening fruit snacks and talking with students. A kindergartener comes up to me and asks, “are you a boy or a girl?” While colleagues rush over with apologies and admonitions, I love that question. Kids are curious, […]