
Building Focus

By Megan McQueen Young kids have notoriously short attention spans. As my 12-year-old prepares to babysit our toddler neighbor, we talk about the power of distracting him from an unpreferred activity. But sometimes, we don’t want our children to be distracted. Many of us wonder how we can help our kids lengthen their focus time […]


Para educadores de padres: Conectando con la comunidad

Por Megan McQueen Como educadores, somos recursos para conectar a nuestras familias con los servicios de la comunidad. Muchas veces un miembro de la familia me ha pedido ayuda para encontrar servicios, o he notado un espacio en su vida en el que podría crear una conexión con los recursos locales, si solamente supiera a […]


For Parenting Educators: Connecting with the Community

by Megan McQueen As educators, we are resources to connect our families with community services. Many times a family member has asked me for help finding services, or I’ve noticed a space in their life where I could support a connection with local resources – if only I knew where to turn. Hopefully, this compilation […]


Hábitos saludables de alimentación

Por Megan McQueen El otoño parece ser un buen momento para reiniciar nuestras rutinas familiares. Nos estamos ajustando a los nuevos horarios escolares y los productos deliciosos de verano siguen siendo abundantes. Ha habido momentos en los que mis hijos no se han sentido nada entusiasmados con la comida que he preparado. Hay días en […]


Healthy Eating Habits

By Megan McQueen Fall feels like a good time to reset our family routines. We are adjusting to new school schedules and still flush with delicious summer produce. There have been times that my kids have been less than enthusiastic about the food I have made. There are days that I don’t have the time […]


Para educadores en crianza de niños: Cómo crear un ambiente positivo

Por Megan McQueen Como clase de líderes que somos, le damos forma a la cultura y al sentimiento de nuestros ambientes. Ya sea que nos encontremos por Internet o en persona, nuestra energía puede ser contagiosa. Cuando me tomo un momento antes de la clase para recobrar energía y afianzarme en la curiosidad, aprendo más […]


For Parenting Educators: Creating a Positive Environment

Mindful ways to create a positive environment in your parenting education classes. By Megan McQueen. As leaders of a class, we shape the culture and feel of our environments. Whether we meet online or in person, our energy can be contagious. When I take a moment before class to energize myself and ground myself in […]


La crianza en verano

Por Megan McQueen. Para muchas familias, la crianza de los hijos en verano tiene una onda totalmente diferente. Nuestros hijos quieren que el verano sea épico y sin preocupaciones. Necesitamos que estén atendidos y ocupados para poder continuar con nuestro trabajo. A veces, me siento como el director de un crucero, tratando de convencer a […]


Parenting in the Summer

Parenting educators share tips for finding fun and structure in our families this summer. By Megan McQueen. For many families, there is a whole different vibe to parenting in the summer. Our kids want summer to be epic and carefree. We need them to be cared for and occupied to continue our work. Sometimes I […]


Can an educator show their Pride? Supporting LGBTQ+ families and professionals

One educator’s story with tips and resources for Pride month. By Linse Sullivan. I am monitoring lunch time, opening fruit snacks and talking with students. A kindergartener comes up to me and asks, “are you a boy or a girl?” While colleagues rush over with apologies and admonitions, I love that question. Kids are curious, […]