Looking for something fun to do with your mom and family this weekend? Well, I’ve compiled a list of the hottest spots to be when your entourage arrives!
OSU sponsored events: The MUPC has a plethora of activities from the fashion show to making pottery for this weekend and most of them are FREE. Check out the entire list of events here http://mu.oregonstate.edu/mupc/momsweekend.
Baseball: We have a great team and why not grab some peanuts and crackerjacks with your family? Tickets are a good deal and it’ll get everyone outside enjoying the beautiful Corvallis spring weather.
Movies: Catch a matinee or even a late night flick! There are some romantic comedies like The Big Wedding or tonight’s release of Iron Man 3 (sure to be a crowd pleaser with the mom’s because who can’t resist Robert Downey Jr).
Wine/Beer Tasting: Over 21 and looking for the fun? Drive a little ways out of town and enjoy the MANY vineyards we have in the valley. Most have websites so check out their tasting hours or even a vineyard tour.(Here’s the site for one of my favorites: Willamette Valley Vineyards http://www.wvv.com/visit/). Also, if you are more of a beer drinker head over to Block 15 (http://block15.com/) or even try some Corvallis brewed cider at Two Towns Ciderhouse (http://2townsciderhouse.com/).
Spa day: Go to one of the local salons and get treated to massages, manicures, pedicures, or even a new hair style!
Deals and Steals: Be on the lookout for specials or events at local businesses specifcally for mom’s and family weekend. Many places will give you an extra 20% off or even free desserts.
Whatever you end up doing with your mom or family, make sure you show them the best of Corvallis and give them the royal treatment!