Welcome to OSU CONNECT, from your College of Liberal Arts Head Advisor, Louie Bottaro. This is the 15th consecutive CONNECT week at Oregon State University and also my 15th. I arrived on campus as a graduate student in the College Student Services Administration program in 1997. It was an incredibly exciting time while working in the office of Admission and Orientation which was one of the lead offices on campus in organizing the program. I jumped right in and staffed information tables, stapled schedules together and anything that was asked of me. This is because CONNECT week is such an amazing opportunity for you the new student.


Things you should try and do this week:

  • Make new friends.
  • Reconnect with advisors and friends you met at START.
  • Gain your bearings around campus, (make sure you know how to get to your classes).
  • Go to a football game and watch our Beavers beat UCLA.
  • Go learn about your university at the New Student Walk and Convocation.
  • Find a great deal at Fred Meyer.
  • Eat lots of free pizza.

If you can do a few of these things you can have a great start to your year.

This year the College of Liberal Arts will be hosting a Welcome event/Scavenger Hunt on Thursday at 2:00 pm in front of Gilkey Hall. You heard about it during START and now this will be a great way to gain some terrific insight on the CLA at OSU. It’s been a few years since CLA has sponsored an event and our new advisors have done a terrific job in that regard.

One final story… during that first CONNECT week, my supervisor in Admissions introduced me to a student who was helping out with CONNECT week activities. Although she doesn’t recall the encounter, I now call her my wife. Who knows what CONNECTions you will make this week?


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