
Experiences With Discrimination

If a company was even in a lawsuit in the first place due to discrimination it would begin making me question those who are higher up in the company and making any of these hiring or promoting decisions. In a general sense I think it is fairly easy to avoid discrimination but there are some people who believe strongly in what they believe in and will likely never change their ways until it’s too late. A lot of these major lawsuits over discrimination are very serious issues and show the true colors of the employees that are making decisions within a company. In terms of supporting the company, I wouldn’t make a final decision on whether or not I want to support them until I either see obvious signs that they were discriminating in the workplace or if they lost the lawsuit. I think it would also give someone an interesting perspective to speak with employees from the company who were not involved in the lawsuit t all but what their take on the whole situation was. I’m sure there would be some that were clueless but likely others that could see it on a daily basis. Lastly, if I had already made the decision to not support a company then it is also very likely that I would never apply to that company no matter how good of a situation it would put me in. I believe all people should have certain moral standards and supporting companies that have gotten in trouble for serious discrimination in the work place shouldn’t be something they want to do.

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