
Most Important Thing I’ve Learned

I believe that the most important thing I learned through this course that will be important in my future is how important overall the recruitment and selection process is for companies and how much time and money they put into trying to find the best possible employees that they can. It has made me realize how important it is to take potential jobs seriously and how prepared you have to be if this job is something that you really are passionate about. I’ve had several job interviews in the past that I’ve gone into not really caring about and in the end really just wasting the companies time. It may not have been something that had a potential to build a career out of but I never looked back and thought about how seriously some of the people there may have been about their hiring process and possibly how much time they actually put into getting things prepared and really being interested in what all the potential candidates had to offer. Even if I wasn’t that interested in these jobs if I could go back and take the process more seriously I most definitely would.

I believe that this has also really prepared me for my future in the sense that I really know what it should look like to be prepared for a job interview any research I want to do before hand. One of the thing that still shocked me more then almost anything else in this course was the amount of money that companies spend just trying to find the right employees that would be qualified and a overall good fit for their company culture. A lot of what I have learned may not have come directly from our class work but also from doing some outside researching and juts having an overall better understanding of how the recruitment and selection process works and what it all entails. Overall I can definitely say that I have benefited from this course and will be using a lot of the things I have learned in my future.

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