
Critiquing a Recruitment Ad

As a potential employee I believe that what really makes my brand is my determination and willingness to give my all in every aspect of the job. I’ve been complemented in several jobs for my strong work ethic and it is definitely something that I take pride in. Along with my work ethic I think another aspect of my brand is my ability to take on new challenges well and also retain new information very well. In my current job I was told that it would take me 6 months to reach a certain point of my training and it’s not even three yet and I have already past what they didn’t expect from me until 6 months.

I believe the most important part in presenting yourself in a wanted ad is to make sure you’ve put an emphasis on your strengths. Whether this ad be comical or completely serious you want to make sure that you are getting your point across that you are capable of this position and if it applies also well qualified. Going along with that as discussed in the video lecture the presentation of your ad is also very important as you want something that is going to catch peoples eyes and be very appealing. I think the way that I would go about this would be to start of by using some type of short slogan that puts an emphasis on my strongest characteristics and find an image that could match up with the slogan that I found. Being the type of person that I am I would likely incorporate some kind comical effect into this to help draw more attention into it. Lastly I think I would try to use some, but not too many, brighter colors so that this add stands more then others and will be noticed anytime sometime comes near it.

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