
Typical vs. Maximal Performance

Being a business owner I think that this can be a fairly difficult but for me personally I see it as a very easy choice. Avery obviously has the potential to be a great employee but lacks the motivation needed to be the very best that they can. When choosing between these two employees I think it would be best to choose Avery because although they lack motivation and can be lazy I believe that with the proper training, incentives, and challenges that Avery could reach their full potential and be a much more effective employee compared to Jamie who would still have a lot to learn.

I believe a j0b that would be better for Avery is something that involves much less risk. With someone that has poor consistency you can never depend on them when you need those consistent results. I think an ideal job for someone like Avery would be something at a higher level that requires a certain intelligence but is also simple enough that it is unlikely to make very mistakes.

As for Jaime, having low potential is going to mean they likely won’t be advancing much in their field so a position that that can be steadily maintained and never put someone under an immense amount of pressure would be ideal. While Jaime’s results are consistent you cant expect them to perform as well as someone like Avery so you still would not want to put them in a position that involves high risk because when the time comes for them to have to perform at a level higher then they are us to it is unlikely that they will be able to do so.

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