

I think the most prominent thing that I would say I am good at is staying true to myself and my word. It took me a while to really think about this question and what I believe I excel in the most but staying true and honest I believe is a very good trait for all people to have and that all employers love to see. I wouldn’t say this is something that I have always been good at but over time from growing up and learning a lot more things in life I have really started to work on this and it has now become something that I am proud to say that I have become good at. I think ti also goes both ways in the sense that since I am true to myself I also value seeing this characteristic in other people. I also value those who hold their most important relationships close but also hold these people accountable for anything that they do. In my recent job I have grown close with a could of my coworkers and I’d honestly say we’re becoming friends and I think it is my job to hold them accountable for anything that they may be doing that isn’t honest or just overall right.

Getting to the point that I am at now definitely was not easy. It definitely took a lot of dedication and effort to change my old habits that may have been more on the toxic side. Going through college has definitely helped me get to where I am now and especially beginning to work full time while still being a student full time helped as well because it greatly improved my time management skills and overall made me a more responsible person. I’m hoping I can continue going in this direction and continue to grow as an individual. Although I am mostly content with where I am in life right now I know that I still have room to grow and hope that I continue to do so.

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