Lauren Lippman – HC Student Spotlight

Honors College junior Lauren Lippman came to Oregon State University from her hometown of Phoenix, Arizona for a change of scenery — and for the multitude of resources and opportunities to expand and explore her interests. Of all the colleges she considered attending, OSU and the Honors College stood out for their commitment to student […]

Emi Ampo and Arthur York – Fulbright 2020

Honors College students Emi Ampo and Arthur York have received prestigious international research scholarships through the Fulbright-MITACS Canada Globalink program. Arthur was also accepted into the DAAD Research Internship in Science and Engineering (RISE) German academic exchange program. COVID-19 restrictions have forced the cancellation of these internships, but their acceptance in these programs is a […]

Paige Sedgwick – HC Student Spotlight

She may only be finishing her second year at OSU, but Paige Sedgwick has already earned a reputation as someone who enjoys helping others. As a campus tour guide, she gets to help students through one of the biggest decisions of their lives – where to go to college. For her, it’s the best job […]

Rylie Tiffin – HC Student Spotlight

Rylie Tiffin first became interested in healthcare management during her junior year in high school, after a research project on employee engagement in hospitals led her to discover that burnout among healthcare workers resulted in lower quality patient care. This insight stuck with her, inspiring Rylie – now a third-year Honors College student – to […]

It’s Worth Working Towards

Honors College natural resources student Zach Mize is a stunning example of what undergraduates can accomplish outside of the classroom. Zach, a student at Oregon State University – Cascades, participated in a Research Education for Undergraduates (REU) program at California State University, Monterey Bay during the summer of 2018. This experience culminated in co-authoring a paper […]

Advocating for active transportation

Cadell Chand likes to de-stress on his bike ride home. It’s something the civil engineering master’s student appreciates about living in Corvallis. “A lot of the bike paths are through parks, so there’s some scenery,” he said. “I usually take the Midge Cramer path, with the covered bridge. There’s always alpacas out there. It’s just […]

Imaging the Universe – A New Perspective

The drastic changes necessitated by COVID-19 have made it especially challenging to teach courses with hands-on components. However, Oregon State faculty and students have still found ways to make the remote-learning experience valuable, fun and exciting. “The universe is far more than what our eyes can see,” is the hook of one of this term’s […]