Two women in orange OSU clothing sit facing the camera with their arms around each other.
Tayleur Baker and Supervisor, Christine Stokely enjoy working the promotional booth at the Team Beef Ranch Run in Hines, Oregon.
Photo Credit: Susan Doverspike

Hello again! For those of you who may have forgotten or never received the opportunity to read my first blog post, my name is Tayleur Baker, and I am a summer intern this year at the OSU Extension office in Harney County.

Although it feels like I just started, this week, unfortunately, will be the last of my 10 weeks as an intern. As I mentioned in a prior blog post, I previously whelped manage my local 4-H program, attended the 2023 Oregon 4-H Summer Conference, worked with communications in Extension, and have also been preparing for the fair. In addition to these activities, I have been busy at work with various other adventures this past month.

A woman in jeans, a white top and a hat stands on a gravel road in front of an old truck.
Tayleur Baker poses for her senior picture at her family’s fifth generation cattle ranch.
Photo Credit: Leah Planinz

Since I last posted, I have harnessed the drive to draft two event plans for my county within the 4-H program. The first plan includes details for planning and executing a Cloverbud day camp for students ages 5–8 in hopes of recruiting youth into the 4-H program. The second is a plan for the implementation of a youth advocacy workshop. I am passionate about this experience, as it reflects and relates to a good portion of what I stand for — youth empowerment, strong agriculture communities and students learning how they can change the world. Through designing these programs, I have been able to serve my community and spark a creative idea for the future. I am eager to see the harvest now that the imagination seed is growing.

Another activity that I have engaged in has been working with the foreign exchange program on finding homes for foreign exchange students. Through this experience, I have spoken on the local radio station and have communicated on both the Extension Facebook page and through local posters. One of my highlights from this initiative has been meeting one of the Japanese chaperones, Saki. Saki is kind and service minded, and I have loved meeting her. Her creative origami is stunning, and she has plans to host a class for students this week — I am so excited to watch her share this aspect of her life!

Brightly colored origami pinwheels
Origami gifts from Saki.
Photo credit: Tayleur Baker

As mentioned earlier, this week is my last , which is bittersweet. Throughout my internship, I have learned about Extension, my community and more about myself. I have grown as an individual and have professionally developed my skills as a communicator, leader and advocate, for which I am forever grateful. My favorite part of this experience has been the ability to work with the youth in my community and serve those around me. I have learned the importance of investing in the next generation and contributing to the future of our communities. Leaving an impact is connected to what we do daily and the habits we build based on our goals. Through my internship, I learned the importance of setting goals daily and keeping the desired impact in mind as I worked during the day.

I recommend this internship to any student searching to grow their skills and professionally develop. This internship promotes the discovery of what you enjoy and encourages building a powerhouse resume through professional exposure. My advice to future interns is this: Tailor the experience to yourself, and don’t limit your imagination. I wanted to explore the realm of communications, and it was my focus through my experience in Extension. If you are curious about the research aspect, make it happen. If you are interested in elementary education, take that route. You will get out of this opportunity what you put into it, so make the most of it!

Although this chapter is ending for me, I am ecstatic about the chance to start writing a new one. In the fall, I will study at Oregon State University, majoring in agriculture and communications. I look forward to more opportunities to serve others and strive to make the world a better place. I desire to not only ignite my light, but I long to empower the spark in others to shine as well.  Thank you for this experience!


A picture in picture of a woman in a room filled with tables of green books.
Working with kids’ record books and organizing them by club.
Photo credit: Fernanda Juarez

Hi everyone! My name is Fernanda Juarez and I’m currently working my second internship here at the OSU Extension office in Malheur County. Last year I worked here for the first time under a different internship program and this returning year I’m with OSU. I’m mainly working with 4-H Youth Development and helping organize our county fair.

In Malheur County in order to show at the fair, 4-H’ers are asked to do an interview about their projects that they’ve been doing throughout the year. So far during my internship we’ve been getting ready for 4-H interviews and while doing so I’ve been reaching out to parents in order to schedule a record book interview for their kids. Since 4-H offers a variety of activities for kids to do as projects it’s exciting to see what different things everyone is doing!

We believe that these interviews are beneficial for the kids as they are able to show and demonstrate their responsible and social skills towards themselves and their project. They speak on topics such as how they grow their animal, sewed a dress or painted a picture. These kids are able to identify what they have been able to learn and how they can apply it to their everyday lives.

Once the process for interviews is over, we then take the kids’ record books and double check their scores after the judges finish scoring them in order to make sure everything is correct, while organizing the books into their club groups so we could return them to the club leaders.



Two people in brimmed hats look at a yellow flower.
Avry Miller and a member of the Regenerative Farming Fellowship.
Photo credit: Alyson Yates.

Hello readers!  My name is Alyson Yates, and I am a multimedia intern for OSU Extension Communications.  I am a senior in the Oregon State University Agriculture and Natural Resource Program, where I am earning a bachelor’s degree in agricultural sciences. This is my third year in the OSU Extension internship program.

After spending the past two summers working in 4-H and agricultural research in my home of Lake County, I hoped to expand my view of Extension beyond the county level.  The Extension Communications internship was a fantastic opportunity for me to get involved in a new way, by contributing my skills in photography and video to further the mission of Extension through outreach and engagement.  Additionally, I saw the Extension Communications internship as a valuable way to gain digital media experience and further develop my professional portfolio.

Five young men stand ready to aim bows.
Curry County shooting sports members.
Photo credit: Alyson Yates

I began my internship eight weeks ago, setting out with my camera in hand to document the work of Extension professionals and their impact on Oregon’s communities.  One of my goals is to capture the diversity of Extension’s programming— through 4-H youth development, agriculture, natural resources, family and community health, and more.  To accomplish this, I’ve photographed youth camps, educational classes, field research, farmers markets, tours with local producers, and meetings with stakeholders.  Along the way, I am also creating video interviews of Extension staff, interns, volunteers, and youth leaders answering the question, “What does Extension mean to you?”

So far, my work has taken me to nine counties around the state, with many more yet to come.  As I continue to learn about the many ways that Extension serves people in every corner of Oregon, I can’t help but feel more excited about my journey to capture the mission of Extension!

A woman shows children a drawing.
A lesson on soil and soil types at Hydromania science camp.
Photo credit: Amanda Woodlee

Hello! My name is Cadence Cooley, and I am interning at the OSU Extension office in Umatilla County throughout the summer. I was born and raised in Hermiston, Oregon, and graduated from Hermiston High School this June. I plan on attending Eastern Oregon University this fall and majoring in elementary education.

A woman teaches children in a classroom using visual aids on a screen.
Introduction and ice breaker at Camp Cloverbud.
Photo credit: Shauna Newman

I have been involved in the livestock and 4-H industry, showing swine for as long as I can remember, and I participated in FFA throughout my high school years. These programs have really shaped the person I have become today. Seeing how I am going to be helping in the 4-H and Master Gardener programs, I think this will be right up my alley.

So far, I have helped mainly in setting up our Cloverbud Camp, Hydromania Camp, as well as preparing for our Umatilla County 4-H Dog Show, which will take place in a little under a week. These experiences have been so fun and very informative. I love getting the chance to make new connections with people and see how the inside of the 4-H world takes place. Not only have I learned a deeper understanding of how the 4-H and the Master Gardener programs work, but I have also learned how the people at the Extension office complete all of their tasks. There is all sorts of communication, organizing, as well as networking. I know I will learn so much more this summer and I am looking forward to all that is to come!

A woman in a baseball cap sits at a desk, writing names under pictures of students.
Tri-County 4-H Camp
Photo credit: Katie Hauser

Hi, my name is Heidi Moran! This summer, I am an OSU Intern in Union County.  I will be a sophomore at Eastern Oregon University, majoring in Elementary Education.

Before starting this internship, I didn’t know about other programs OSU Extension offered. I was surprised at how many different things our Extension office offers. I am excited to learn more about those programs and help them with their needs. This summer, I am helping with our Iron Chef cooking class and am excited to learn more about the program.

I grew up extremely involved in 4-H here in Union County and have had many incredible experiences in 4-H.  I am excited to experience 4-H on a different side, working in the office and helping organize different 4-H events.  4-H profoundly impacted my life and I can’t wait to help other youth have experiences like mine.

So far, I have helped with Eastern Oregon Livestock Show, Tri-County 4-H Camp, and our Iron Chef cooking class! These have been incredible experiences and I have learned a lot through them. I have really enjoyed my internship so far and I can’t wait to see what the rest of it holds!

A woman stands in a show ring, holding a goat and speaking to a student.
OSU Extension intern Brandi Vance, helping a youth learn to show a market breeding doe at a livestock showmanship clinic in Wasco County.
Photo credit: Leah Lowe

Hi all! My name is Brandi Vance I am a senior studying animal science business at The University of Idaho in Moscow, Idaho. That may seem far away, but I actually grew up 30-ish minutes from Wasco County in Goldendale, Washington. This summer I am an intern in the Wasco County 4-H Extension Office. So far, this summer has been everything I had hoped! As someone wanting to eventually become a 4-H agent, I have thoroughly enjoyed meeting and working with youth and their projects and cannot wait to continue.

Growing up, I was a 4-H member from a Cloverbud earning participation ribbons in cooking demonstrations to a Senior showing horses and market goats. I have always loved the agricultural and animal aspects, although I had a chance to do it all, from sewing and cooking to market animals. Being very fortunate to have the support system that I did growing up made this possible, not to mention the amazing 4-H agents and leaders I learned from. I knew as I entered college that I wanted to study animal science as well as get a little bit of the business side. I was not sure what I was going to do when I graduated, until it dawned on me at my last county fair as a 4-Her: I want to be that support system for our future youth. What better way to prepare and see what it really takes than interning at an Extension office!

So far this summer, we have met with state and district veterinarians , helped with all the entries for fair and continued all of the little preparation things that fair requires to make it go off smoothly. I even got to help at a livestock showmanship clinic that we put on for the youth to continue getting them ready for fair in August. I have also helped design a biosecurity plan for the Wasco County Extension Office to have on hand when it comes to livestock animals at the fair. I worked on our Senior recognition night flyers as well as designed some interview questions for our Junior Superintendent program. Another project that I have worked on is designing our Junior Superintendent training for youth chosen to help the Superintendents in the barns over fair.

In the coming months, I plan to organize many items for fair to help everything run smoothly. Other tasks ahead include training the Junior Superintendents as well as designing some sponsor posters to hang in our barns. I will also be attending the Wasco County Fair the third week in August and helping in many different areas, which is exciting for someone who has done many aspects of 4-H. I am thrilled to get to work with youth and be getting a close-up look at my dream job!


Hi, my name is Sofie Carlson, and welcome to my first blog post! I grew up in Vermont and went to school at St. Lawrence University in upstate New York. I graduated this past May with a degree in environmental studies and economics and now I am spending the summer as the natural resources intern for the Lincoln County Extension office. This is just the second time I have ever been out West and I am really enjoying my time here.

A woman stands in a grassy area, holding a bag and a box.
At Gibson Farms in Siletz, collecting blueberries and blackberries to be sent to the lab in Corvallis for testing.
Photo credit: Sofie Carlson

It is now Week 5 of my internship, so I am about halfway through –  time is flying. As the natural resources intern, I have mainly been working with my supervisor, Evie Smith, the Small Farms and Master Gardener coordinator in Lincoln County. However, I am working in several other branches of Extension, including Sea Grant, SNAP-Ed, Agriculture and 4-H.

Here are some of the projects I am in the midst of:

– I am assisting in the composition of the monthly newsletters that Evie sends out: Small Farms TLC Newsletter, which provides relevant information for small farms and ranches in Tillamook, Lincoln and Clatsop counties, and LC Master Gardener’s Newsletter, which contains information and expertise to help our Master Gardeners (and any other readers) meet local challenges. I have never put together a newsletter before, so it has definitely been a learning process, but luckily, I have a great mentor to show me the ropes.

– I am in the process of redesigning and distributing an updated brochure for Lincoln County Local Foods that will deliver information on all of the producers in Lincoln County that are doing farm direct sales. Farm direct sales are when the farmers sell directly to you, without a middleman, by methods such as farm stands, CSAs, and dock sales. The brochure lists which farms sell at the four local farmers markets in our county, what they sell, how to contact them and when the markets are held. Last weekend I joined our FCH/SNAP-Ed Program Coordinator, Beatriz Botello, in her Cooking Matters Tour at the Newport Farmers Market, which inform people how they can use their SNAP benefits at the farmers market. It was an educational opportunity for families to learn how to budget, compare prices and shop locally.

A woman in overalls rakes through a compost pile.
Juntos en el Jardín: Moving compost at the community garden.
Photo credit: Michael Christy

– I am collecting blueberries and blackberries at Gibson Farms as part of a larger ongoing research project that monitors a pest called spotted wing drosophila. This is a weekly task that I look forward to because I get to be outside, chat with Farmer Alan, and eat a ton of freshly picked blueberries.

– I am also assisting in the maintenance of a project called Juntos en el Jardin, which is a community garden located at the Newport Fairgrounds and this week I will be joining Angee Doerr, Sea Grant marine fisheries educator, to run her annual Shop at the Dock program, teaching families about Newport’s commercial fisheries through a tour of the port. This program is a unique opportunity to meet the fishermen and boats that we buy our seafood from. It will be running for five weeks on Fridays.

So far, this position has been valuable, rewarding and fun. It has been a great way for me to explore several future career paths while gaining new knowledge and experience. I have enjoyed working for Extension and feel very lucky to be living with family in Oregon. I am looking forward to continuing working on the projects I’ve started, making new connections, and taking advantage of my time here until I head back East. I am very thankful for this opportunity. Catch you on the next blog post!

A woman standing waist deep in a pool wipes the water from her eyes after being splashed by children.
Ashley gets splashed by day camp participants at the YMCA pool.
Photo credit: Lisa Parlette

Hi everyone! I’m Ashley Armstrong, intern for the OSU Extension 4-H Youth Development program in Josephine County this summer. This fall I’m headed into my senior year at OSU, majoring in agricultural science with minors in leadership and agricultural education. I graduated from 4-H in Josephine County back in 2020, and it was actually my time in the program and my trip to 4-H National Congress in 2021 that inspired me to do the work I am now, as well as to pursue a career in 4-H after graduation. My supervisor, Lisa Parlette, has already taught me so many things that will be incredibly useful in my future regarding things like program planning and delivery.

This last week we finished up our last day camp, and while they have been incredibly fun I am glad we will now have more time to prepare for our upcoming county fair. Of the three week-long camps that we held, my favorite was the Wonder of Water. We got to learn more about the water cycle, how Grants Pass filters water from the Rogue River for us all to use at home and how water moves. Plus, we got to go swimming every day. All of our youth participants seemed to have a wonderful time, and it was amazing to get connect with them and teach.

This summer is certainly a special one for 4-H in Josephine County, and I am so thankful for all of the public support I have been seeing throughout the county with my work. Lisa, Keith Hall (the 4-H program assistant,) and I have been hard at work preparing everything for fair, and we are incredibly excited for what is in store for our 4-H’ers this year. Our goal is to keep our participants happy, safe, and learning at fair to show Josephine County that 4-H is a place for all youth to thrive, be accepted as who they are, and to learn and grow both within their projects and within themselves. As a 4-H alumni from this county, I can tell you that is absolutely what this program is all about.

See you at the fair! It’s bound to be fun for the whole herd.

A woman at a table outdoors helps two children fill bowls with plants to make fairy gardens.
Making fairy gardens.
Photo Credit: Rachel Brandon

Hello! My name is Amber Stewart and I am an OSU Extension intern in Polk County. I am attending Chemeketa Community College pursuing my career goal of becoming a nurse.

I have grown up being a part of this 4-H program in Polk County and have been very much involved throughout the years with various camps, clubs and fairs. When I heard about this internship opportunity for the summer it seemed to be a great fit that would allow me to still engage with the 4-H program, even after I had aged out as a 4-H’er. It has been amazing to be able to become more connected to the program and take on more responsibility with planning and creating different events.

I have been working at the Extension office for about a month and I have already had so much to experience. For my main project, I had the chance to plan from the ground up a Jr. Master Gardener Camp. I used my time to coordinate activities, gather material  and finally lead the camp that drew 30 youths from kindergarten through the fifth grade.

A woman teaches children how to arrange flowers in an outdoor class.
Leading a flower arranging activity.
Photo Credit: Rachel Brandon

Taking on the challenge of organizing this camp as well as teaching the youth was exhausting but so rewarding! Many of the campers got to experience new activities and learn more about horticulture. Quite a bit of the families that attended are interested in 4-H and are wanting to get more involved with the clubs that 4-H program in Polk County has to offer!

Next month I will be at Polk County’s fair and get to be fully involved with the behind the scenes of how the fair works, so it runs as smoothly as possible. I am excited for what I am going to experience and what skills I am going to gain from it.

Several children and a few adults reach down to pet ducks on the grass.
Petting ducks at the Kids’ Club: Intro to the Animal World event at Harney County Fairgrounds in Burns, Oregon
Photo credit: Tayleur Baker

Hello, my name is Tayleur Baker, and this year I am an intern at the OSU Extension office in Harney County! I will be an upcoming freshman at Oregon State University in the fall of 2023. I could not be more excited! Go Beavs! As a student majoring in agriculture and communication, I have been beyond grateful for the opportunity to work with the 4-H kids this summer and work with Harney County 4-H media. These two areas of the internship are my absolute favorite, as I love working with youth and advocating for the agriculture industry.

As a fifth-generational rancher in Harney County and an eight-year 4-H member, this position is as a way to serve and give back to my community. With Harney County being a predominantly agricultural area where the cows outnumber the people 14:1, I understand the importance of the industry and strive to promote agriculture sustainability for future generations. We all have the power to change the world if we dare to take the initiative, and I am confident that changing the world starts knee-deep in the community. While serving through this internship, I hope to grow as an individual, impact my community and empower others to use their skills to make a difference and shine.

Throughout the past month and a half, I have been able to write press releases for Harney County’s local newspaper and our extension website, draft social media posts for our 4-H media outlets, speak on the local radio about all things 4-H, help prepare for fair, attend Summer Conference, and help with awesome 4-H members and their projects.

Twelve young people stand in the archway of a large brick building.
Malheur County and Harney County Kids Team at OSU during the 4-H Summer Conference
Photo credit: Yolanda Diaz, Malheur County Extension intern

Last June, I was extremely grateful to be able to attend the 2023 4-H Oregon Summer Conference and connect with Malheur County, as well as help one local 4-H member bring her community service project to life. This student is an eighth grader at Crane, and she saw a need to educate youth in our town about agriculture and livestock. Through an “Intro to the animal world” event, this student was able to connect with our local Harney County Kids’ Club and teach about agriculture through a livestock animal show-and-tell at the Harney County Fairgrounds. This event was enjoyable for me due to its connection to agriculture, its ability to bridge the gap between consumers and producers, and the chance to grow next-generation leaders.

In the coming months, I will continue to prepare for the 2023 Harney County Fair and Rodeo in September and assist 4-H members with their projects. I look forward to the coming months and the adventures that they hold. Onto more memories ahead and the chance to strive to better myself, others, and my community!