Blog Post: The Case for Recruitment and Selection

  • Organization choose to allocate more resources toward marketing or product design rather than employee recruiting and selection because they think there will be more pay off for them if they put money into the product rather than the employees. Many firms believe this because the pay off of putting money into the employee recruitment and selection doesn’t have a quick pay off and it can be very expensive but in the long term it really gives the company a much bigger advantage. A company could also do this because they may not realize that this is a huge part of having a successful company and that if they were to invest the money in this area instead of marketing and design the company could see much less employee turnover.
  • There can be many strengths and weaknesses involved in the decision to not prioritize recruitment and selection. A strength could be that it is a very expensive to make a well auctions recruitment and selection part of the business and if they do not put the money towards this it can be used in other areas. A weakness is that the company will see much more turnover with employees and will actually end up loosing them money in the long run. Another weakness of not prioritizing this is that if you are not hiring the correct people for the job and the people that are actually invested in the job, they will not be working towards making the company better but instead just for money. This is a very important aspect because if all of your employees care about what your company does and is invested in its future they will be more efficient and push your company to excel.
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One Reply to “Blog Post: The Case for Recruitment and Selection”

  1. Hi Ellen!
    I like that you noted that marketing and other process have a higher turn around time in terms of financial capital than employee recruitment and selection has. Companies that are more focused on short term results may be more inclined to spend less on recruitment because they need to turn around their capital quickly and are not looking into the long term consequences of hiring employees that do not fit the company culture. In the short term you may not see the impacts of employee turnover, but it will greatly affect companies in the long run.

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