Friday, April 7, 2017

Conference Award Winners:

Lightning Talk: Zachary Foster,  “Metacoder: An R package for visualization and manipulation of community taxonomic diversity data”
Poster: Khiem Lam,  “Exploring the Microbiome of Cervical Cancer through Transkingdom Networks”


8:00Registration & refreshments (Poster & lightning talk slides setup) 
9:00Brett Tyler, Director, CGRB
  Opening Remarks
9:10Ian Muñoz, Assistant Computational Scientist, CGRB
Using Amazon Web Services (AWS) for Batch Processing
9:25Lightning talksModerator: Stephen Ramsey, Assistant Professor, Biomedical Sciences and School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
10:35Break (Poster setup)
11:00Brent Kronmiller, Bioinformatics Analyst, CGRB
Draft Genome of the North American Beaver (Castor canadensis)
11:25Reidun Twarock, Departments of Mathematics and Biology University of York, England
Solving a Viral Enigma: Discovery of a hidden code in RNA viral genomes provides a new perspective on viral evolution and anti-viral therapy
12:15Lunch and Poster Session (Posters & Lightning Talk slides judged) 
Poster & lightning talk ballot envelopes will be picked up for counting right after lunch
  Moderator: Duo Jiang, Assistant Professor, Statistics
1:20Katherine McLaughlin, Assistant Professor, Statistics 
Accessing Hidden Populations at High Risk for HIV/AIDS Using Respondent-Driven Sampling
1:45Afua Nyarko, Assistant Professor, Biochemistry & Biophysics
Molecular basis for regulation of the Yorkie transcription co-activator
2:10Sharmodeep Bhattacharyya, Assistant Professor, Statistics
Union-of-Intersection (UoI) methods for Data-driven Discovery and Prediction
3:00Molly Megraw, Assistant Professor, Botany & Plant Pathology 
Using Machine Learning Models to Determine the Principles Behind Tissue-Specific Gene Expression
3:25Benjamin Dalziel, Assistant Professor, Integrative Biology and Mathematics
Cities as natural experiments in bacterial metacommunity dynamics
3:50Awards Ceremony, Brett Tyler
4:00Reinhard Laubenbacher, Center for Quantitative Medicine, UConn Health
Iron metabolism and its role in breast cancer
4:50David Hendrix, Biochemistry & Biophysics and Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Closing remarks

Friday, September 9, 2016

Poster Award Winners

 Postdoc/Trainee: Rodrigo Goncalves,  Functional characterization of chromo domain proteins  
 Grad student:  Martin Pearce,  Targeting therapy resistant cancer through the Bcl-2 family of proteins  
 Undergrad student:  Madeleine Duquette & Anna Co,  P. sojae revertants: return of the virulence


8:00Registration & refreshments (Poster & sponsor setup) 
9:00Brett Tyler, Director, CGRB
Introduction, CGRB update
  Moderator: David Maddison, Integrative Biology
9:25Stephanie Yarwood, University of Maryland
Are Urban Centers leading to Microbial Biodiversity Loss?
10:10Carol Mallory-Smith,  Crop & Soil Science 
National Academies Report:Genetically Engineered Crops: Experiences and Prospects
10:35Break (Poster & sponsor setup / displays)
11:00Chrissa Kioussi, College of Pharmacy  
Myopathies and Metabolic Syndrome
11:25Susan Tilton, Environmental & Molecular Toxicology
Role of miRNAs in pulmonary inflammation associated with diet and smoking
11:50Laura Kubatko, Ohio State University
Genome-scale Evolutionary Inference using Site Pattern Frequencies
12:35Lunch (Poster and Sponsor setups / displays)
  Moderator: Kathy Magnusson, Biomedical Sciences
1:50Michael Wing, Forest Engineering, Resources & Management 
Natural resource phenotyping with unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) 
2:15Fuxin Li, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Object Recognition and Semantic Segmentation in the Deep Learning Era
2:40George Perry, University of Texas, San Antonio 
Role of Mitochondria in the Oxidative Stress of Alzheimer Disease
3:25Break (Poster and Sponsor setups / displays)
3:50Jim Strother, Integrative Biology
Unraveling neural circuits using genetically encoded probes   
4:15Patrick Chappell, Biomedical Sciences 
An in vitro exploration into the effects of estrogen and endocrine disruptors on neuroendocrine regulation of puberty and reproduction in females
4:40Roy Haggerty, Associate Vice President for Research, Office of Research
Closing remarks
5:00 – 7:30Poster Session/Reception, Sponsor Displays

Thank you to our conference committee:

David Maddison, Integrative Biology
Kathy Magnusson, Biomedical Sciences
Steven Strauss, Forest Ecosystems & Society

Thank you to our sponsors:

Applied Biosystems
Pacific Biosciences

Monday, April 11, 2016

Conference Award Winners:

Lightning Talk: Christopher Gaulke, Developing the zebrafish as a high-throughput model of interactions between hosts, their microbiomes and the environment
Poster: Richard Tehan, Evolutionary Metabolomics in Tolypocladium Fungi to Guide Natural Products Discovery


8:00Registration & refreshments (Poster & lightning talk slides setup) 
9:00Brett Tyler, Director, CGRB
  Opening Remarks
  Moderator: David Hendrix
9:10Elaine Ostrander, National Human Genome Research Institute
Genetics of the Domestic Dog: A tale of morphology and disease
10:00Break (Poster & lightning talk slides setup)
10:30Xiaoli Fern, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Learning, reasoning and planning for experimental design
10:55Kelly Vining, Horticulture
Bringing genomics to Oregon specialty crops
11:20Lightning talks   Moderator: Andy Housemen & Stephen Ramsey
12:30Lunch and Poster Session & Lightning Talk slides presentation judging 
Turn in poster & lightning talk ballot envelopes to registration desk by 1:45 pm for counting
  Moderator: Molly Megraw
1:45Emily Ho, Biological & Population Health Sciences
Cancer prevention with diet and epigenetics
2:10Harold Bae, Biological and Population Health Sciences
Associations of FOXO3A in Four Studies of Extreme Longevity
2:35Rebecca Hutchinson, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science/Fisheries & Wildlife
Fitting Occupancy Models for Rare Species with Penalized Likelihood Methods
3:25David Koslicki, Mathematics
Quantifying strain-level variation in metagenomic profiling with MetaPalette.
3:50Awards Ceremony, Brett Tyler
4:00Gary Stormo, Washington University
Modeling Transcription Factor Binding Sites: experimental and computational methods
4:50V. John Mathews, Department Head, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Closing Remarks

Friday, September 18, 2015

Poster Award Winners

Undergrad student: Nick Ames   Sensiplicity Sensor Sytem
Grad student:  Andrew Osborn   De novo synthesis of sunscreen compound in vertebrates
PostDoc/Trainer/Faculty:  Amy Klocko  RNAi of apple AGAMOUS genes leads to increased floral attractiveness and decreased fertility


8:00Registration & refreshments (Poster & sponsor setup) 
9:00Brett Tyler, Director, CGRB
Introduction, CGRB update
  Moderator: David Myrold, Crop & Soil Science
9:25Ferran Garcia-Pichel, Arizona State University
Combinomics to understand biological soil crusts
10:10Kimberly Halsey, Microbiology
Phytoplankton strategies for using the energy from photosynthesis
10:35Break (Poster & sponsor setup / displays)
11:00Ryan Mehl, Biochemistry & Biophysics
Defining Roles of NitroTyrosine in Disease via Genetic Code Expansion
11:25Jeff Anderson, Botany & Plant Pathology
Regulation of Pseudomonas syringae Virulence by Host Plant-derived Metabolite Signals
11:50James Giovannoni, Cornell University
Genetic regulation of tomato fruit ripening; genes to genome
12:35Lunch (Poster and Sponsor setups / displays)
  Moderator: Laurent Deluc, Horticulture
1:50Wei Kong, Chemistry
Coherent electron diffraction of single molecules embedded in superfluid helium droplets: A possible solution to the problem of protein crystallization
2:15Patrick Hayes, Crop & Soil Science
Fun with barley: from flowering to flavor
2:40Marc Johnson, University of Missouri
How to dress your virus.  Learning how viruses select the right host membrane for proper assembly
3:25Break (Poster and Sponsor setups / displays)
  Moderator: Chrissa Kioussi, College of Pharmacy
3:50Olena Taratula, College of Pharmacy
Multifunctional Theranostic Nanoplatforms for Image-Guided Surgery and Intraoperative Therapy   
4:15Andy Jones, Botany & Plant Pathology
Intraspecific variation in drought responses of tropical tree seedlings: consequences for species distributions under climate change
4:40Cynthia Sagers, Vice President of Research
Closing remarks
5:00Poster Session/Reception, Sponsor Displays

Monday, April 6, 2015

Conference Award Winners

Lightning Talk: Andrew Brereton
Poster (Grad student): Nicole Kirchoff
Poster (Undergrad student): Kayla Stalheim


8:00Registration & refreshments (Poster & lightning talk slides setup) 
9:00Brett Tyler, Director, CGRB
  Opening Remarks
  Moderator: David Hendrix
9:10Daniel Rokhsar, UC Berkeley
  Population genomics of diverse plants: you can see a lot just by looking
10:00Break (Poster & lightning talk slides setup)
10:30Sandra Loesgen, OSU, Chemistry
  New anti-infective drug leads from natural sources
10:55Weihong Qiu, OSU, Physics
   Shining light on the mechanism of kinesin autoinhibition
11:20Lightning talks   Moderator: Glencora Borradaile
12:30Lunch and Poster Session & Lightning Talk slides presentation judging 
Turn in poster & lightning talk ballot envelopes to registration desk by 1:45 pm for counting
  Moderator: Yuan Jiang
1:45Perry Hystad, OSU, Public Health and Human Sciences
  Health Effects of Air Pollution: A Global Perspective
2:10Duo Jiang, OSU, Statistics
  Statistical methods for genetic association mapping of binary traits
2:40David Hendrix, OSU, Biochemistry and Biophysics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  Gene and microRNA expression changes in Human Cerebral Aneurysms
 Moderator: Stephen Ramsey
3:25Arup Indra, OSU, Pharmacy
  Inflammation and Cancer : Role of “Nano-environment” in disease remodeling
3:50Awards Ceremony, Brett Tyler
4:00Richard Edward Green, UC Santa Cruz
  Simple and powerful – a new assembly approach for generating or improving genome assemblies
4:50Thomas Dietterich, OSU, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  Closing Remarks

Friday, September 12, 2014

Poster Award Winners

PostDoc/Trainer/Faculty: Venkatesh Moktali, FungiDB: a functional genomic resource for fungal & oomycete organisms
Grad student: Rachael C. Kuintzle, RNA-Seq Reveals Age-Induced Changes in Rhythmicity in Drosophila Transcriptome
Undergrad student: Alvin Yu, Identifying candidate drugs for atherosclerosis prevention or treatment through a systems biology approach to drug repurposing


8:00Registration & refreshments (Poster & sponsor setup) 
9:00Brett Tyler, Director, CGRB
Introduction, CGRB update
9:20Shawn O’Neil, Adelaide Rhodes and Kelly Vining, CGRB
CGRB Bioinformatics Training: We can help!
  Moderator: Thomas Wolpert
9:30Sheng-Yang He, Michigan State University
Bacterial pathogenesis as a probe of plant biology
10:15Niklaus J. Grünwald, USDA –ARS/Botany & Plant Pathology
Inferring pattern and process of emergence in Phytophthora pathogens
10:40Break (Poster & sponsor setup)
11:10Ryan Mueller, Microbiology
Linking phylogenetic identity and biogeochemical function of uncultivated marine microbes with novel mass spectrometry techniques
[Joyce Loper introduces C. Whistler]
11:35Cheryl Whistler, University of New Hampshire
Barbarians at the gate: Adaptive evolution of squid-naive Vibrio fischeri to light organ symbiosis
12:20Lunch (Poster and Sponsor setups / displays)
  Moderator: Siva Kolluri
1:35Michael Banks, Cooperative Institute for Marine Resource Studies (CIMRS)
Enigmas Related to the Ocean Migration of Chinook Salmon
2:00Justin Sanders, Microbiology
Development of a novel vertebrate model for the cosmopolitan parasite, Toxoplasma gondii
2:25Patrick De Leenheer, Mathematics/Integrative Biology
On finding hotspots and sinks in a multipatch malaria model
2:50Break (Poster and Sponsor setups / displays)
3:15Prasad Kopparapu, Environmental & Molecular Toxicology
Fighting Cancer with its own tools
3:40William Bisson, Environmental & Molecular Toxicology
Computer-aided cancer drug discovery and chemoprevention in the postgenomic era
4:05Shankar Subramaniam, University of California – San Diego
The Impact of “Omics” on Systems Medicine
4:50Ron Adams, Interim Vice President of Research
Closing remarks
5:00Poster Session/Reception, Sponsor Displays

Monday, April 7, 2014

Poster Award Winners

Postdoc/Trainee/Faculty:  Jonathan Galazka
Grad student: Renee Bellinger
Undergrad student: Steven Hill


8:00Registration & refreshments (Poster & lightning talk slides setup) 
9:00Brett Tyler, Director, CGRB
Opening Remarks
  Moderator: Glencora Borradaile
9:10Gail Rosen, Drexel University
Computational Challenges in Processing Metagenomic Data
10:00Break (Poster & lightning talk slides setup)
10:30Thomas Sharpton, OSU, Microbiology/Statistics
From Noise to Signal: Mining Human Exome Sequences Reveals the Hunter-Gatherer Oral Microbiome
10:55Stephen Giovannoni, OSU, Microbiology
The Broad Implications of Genome Streamlining
11:20Christopher Sullivan, OSU, CGRB
Managing data across different experiments, hardware platforms and research groups
11:45Lunch and Poster Session
Turn in poster ballot envelopes to registration desk for counting by 2:00pm
  Moderator: Yuan Jiang
2:00Arash Termehchy, OSU, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Design Independent Data Exploration
2:25David Hendrix, OSU, Biochemistry and Biophysics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Surfing the Noncoding RNA tidal wave
2:50Stephen Ramsey, OSU, Biomedical Sciences, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
An Integrative Computational Systems Biology Approach for Mapping Gene Regulatory Networks
 Moderator: Thomas Sharpton
3:50Awards Ceremony, Brett Tyler
4:00Sandrine Dudoit, UC Berkeley
Normalization of RNA-Seq Data
4:50Thomas Dietterich, OSU, Distinguished Professor and Director of Intelligent Systems
Closing Remarks

Monday, June 3, 2013


8:00Registration & refreshments (Poster & lightning talk slides setup) 
9:00Brett Tyler, Director, CGRB
Opening Remarks
  Moderator: Molly Kile, College of Public Health & Human Sciences
9:15Katrina Waters, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Integration of Multiple Omics Data for Network Reconstruction of Viral Pathogenesis
10:15Natalia Shulzhenko, OSU College of Veterinary Medicine
Antibiotic-induced Changes in Microbiota and Its Host: A Multi-omics Perspective
10:35Break (Poster & lightning talk slides setup)
11:10Cindy Grimm, OSU Mechanical, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering Research
Analyzing Shape Change in Biological Structures
11:30Edward Waymire, OSU Department of Mathematics
Some Dynamic, Stochastic and Numerical Problems from Biology
11:55Lunch and Poster Session
Turn in poster ballot envelopes to registration desk for counting by 2:00pm
  Moderator: Yanming Di, Statistics
2:00E. Andrés Houseman, OSU College of Public Health
DNA Methylation Arrays and Cell Mixtures
2:25Yuan Jiang, OSU Department of Statistics
Identification of Differentially Expressed Genes by Adjusting the Non-Uniformity in RNA-Seq Data
3:20Molly Megraw, OSU  Department of Botany & Plant Pathology
Promoter Architecture in Plant Model Systems
3:45Joe Beckman, OSU  Environmental Health Sciences Center
Closing remarks
4:00Awards Ceremony

September 19-20, 2010


3:00 pmRegistration & poster setup 
4:00Welcome Reception
5:00Jim Carrington, CGRB DirectorModerator: Lynda Ciuffetti
5:10Christopher Sulliivan, CGRB “Recent Advances within the CGRB Computational Infrastructure”
5:20Mark Leid, Pharmaceutical Sciences“Ctip2/Bcl11b: A Top-Level Regulator of Cell Fate in Multiple Developmental Systems”
5:45Elliot Meyerowitz, California Institute of Technology“Chemical and Physical Signals and their Interactions in Plant Stem Cell Control”
6:30-9:00Poster Session and Sponsor Displays
8:30 amCoffee and Pastries
9:00Joseph Spatafora, Botany & Plant Pathology“Tolypocladium inflatum: A Home Grown Genome”
9:25Pallavi Phatale, Botany & Plant Pathology“Genetic Studies to Uncover Rules for Centromere Inheritance” 
9:50Jay Dunlap, Dartmouth Medical School”Genetic and Molecular Dissection of a Simple Circadian System”
11:00P. Andrew Karplus, Biochemistry and Biophysics“A Beneficial Bulge: TT-Helices and the Evolution of Proteins”
11:25Richard Spinrad, Vice President for Research“OSU Research Now, Next, and After Next”
1:15Award Presentation
1:20Gary Ruvkun, Harvard Medical School“Phylogenetic Profiling of the Small RNA Pathway Genes of C. elegans”
2:05Doug Bryant, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science“Next-Generation Hybrid Empirical-ab initio Gene Prediction”
2:30Daniel Schafer, Statistics“Some Lessons from the Biometry of Evolution and the Evolution of Biometry”
3:30Gene D.Kundson Lectures featuring Peter & Rosemary Grant, Princeton University“Evolution of Darwin’s Finches: The Roles of Genetics, Ecology and Behavior”
5:00 Kundson Lectures Reception

September 20-21, 2009


3:00 pmRegistration & poster setup 
4:00Welcome Reception
5:00Jim Carrington, CGRB DirectorAchievements of the Computational & Genome Biology Initiative
5:20Noah Fahlgren, MCB Graduate ProgramSmall RNA Transcriptome Profiling and Evolution
5:40Jason Cumbie, MCB Graduate ProgramComputational and Statistical Tools for Type III Effector Transcriptome Profiling
6:00Kristina Smith, Biochemistry & BiophysicsEvolution of Centromeres in Filamentous Fungi
6:25Steve Jacobsen, University of California, Los AngelesDNA Methylation
7:05-9:00Poster session; Sponsor displays
8:30 amCoffee and Pastries
9:00Chrissa Kioussi, College of PharmacyGoodies for the Tooth Fairy: Ctip2 and the Production of Enamel
9:25Adrian Gombart, Linus Pauling InstituteVitamin D and Human Innate Immunity
9:50Joseph Thornton, University of OregonEvolution of Protein Structure and Function in the Steroid Hormone Receptor Family 
10:55Pankaj Jaiswal, Botany & Plant PathologyOntologies for Plant Genomics and Phenomics
11:20Olivier Voinnet, Institut de Biologie Moleculaire des Plantes du CNRS, StrasbourgGenomics, Mechanisms and Roles of Small Silencing RNA
1:00Announcement of Poster Awards
1:10Roundtable Discussion – Issues Affecting Research, Funding & Education in Molecular Biosciences at OSUPanelists: Howard Grimes, Washington State University; Sonny Ramaswamy, Oregon State University; Steve Jacobsen, UCLA; Michael Lynch, Indiana University
3:05Michael Lynch, Indiana UniversityThe Origins of Genome Complexity
3:45William Cresko, University of OregonPopulation Genomic Analysis of Stickleback Evolution Using Illumina-Sequenced RAD tags