2021-22 CQLS Seminar Series Schedule

Fall Term 2021
September 29, 2021Chris Plaisier
Arizona State University
Finding new therapies for mesothelioma
October 13, 2021TRACE
Oregon State University
TRACE COVID Community Surveillance Project
October 27, 2021David Garcia
University of Oregon
Prion-based forms of RNA-modifying enzymes
November 10, 2021Ya-chieh Hsu
Harvard University
Deep: Stem Cells at the Nexus of the Niche, Physiology, and the External Environment
Winter Term 2022
January 5, 2022TBD
January 19, 2022Carrie Hanna
Oregon Health and Science University
Using genome editing technology to create biomedical models in the nonhuman primate
February 2, 2022Jennifer Nemhauser
University of Washington
Babbage’s Cabbage: The Logic of Information Processing In Plants
February 16, 2022Yanming Di
Oregon State University
What is a replicate?
March 2, 2022Dr. Shobhan Gaddameedhi
North Carolina State University
Environmental Regulation of Genomic Stability and Human Health through the Circadian Clock
Spring Term 2022
March 30, 2022Mike Harms
University of Oregon
Ensembles, epistasis, and evolution: how biophysics shapes evolutionary outcomes
April 13, 2022Andrew Gentles
Stanford University
Atlas of Clinically Distinct Cell States and Cellular Ecosystems Across Human Solid Tumors
April 27, 2022CANCELLED – Yehenew Agazie
West Virginia University
May 18, 2022 (rescheduled for Fall2022)Elias Fernandez
University of Tennessee
June 1, 2022 (rescheduled for Fall2022)Sourav Ghosh
Yale School of Medicine


In celebration of our recent name change, the theme for this year is “Frontiers at the Intersection of the Life & Quantitative Sciences.” Anyone with an interest in life sciences or quantitative sciences is invited to attend. The Fall Conference will feature excellent science presentations from invited guest speakers, OSU faculty, students and staff. 

Because this is our first conference since our name change (and because the event is fully online this year) the conference this year is completely free for all attendees.

The poster session will be held online on Friday, September 17. More details of the format and time will be provided soon. Posters are welcome from all participants. Posters from registered undergraduate students, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows/trainees will be eligible for one of three cash awards, and there will be one award for lighting talks. 

  • Lightning Talk Registration: September 10
  • Poster Registration: September 15
  • Conference Registration: September 15
Thank you to our 2021 Fall Conference Committee

Kevin Brown, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Chemical, Biological, & Environmental Engineering
Molly Burke, Integrative Biology
Maude David, Microbiology & Pharmaceutical Sciences
Patrick De Leenheer, Mathematics and Integrative Biology
Perry Hystad, Public Health & Human Science
Natalia Shulzhenko, Biomedical Sciences, Carlson College of Veterinary Medicine

Frontiers at the Intersection of the Life and Quantitative Sciences

Friday, September 17, 2021 Online

Conference Floor8:00Doors open. Explore the virtual conference space and watch a SpatialChat tutorial
Stage9:00Brett Tyler, Director, CQLSIntroduction to the Center for Quantitative Life Sciences
Stage9:30Matthew Bennett, Professor of Biosciences, Rice UniversityDynamics of synthetic gene circuits: from cells to consortia to organisms
Free10:15Break (setup for posters)
Stage10:45Gail Rosen, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Drexel UniversityMachine Learning of Microbiomes: Learning and Exploring Structure and Function of DNA and Proteins at Multiple Scales
Stage11:30Richard Rodrigues, Bioinformatician at Leidos Biomedical Research, IncHost-Microbiome Multi-Omics Data Integration in Cancer Immunotherapy
Discussion Rooms12:00Lunch (networking with guest speakers and Presentation by Agilent from 12:15-12:45)
Stage1:00Maya KaelbererMedical Instructor in the Department of Medicine, Duke UniversitySugar transduction in the gut
Stage1:45Marian Hettiaratchi, Assistant Professor, University of OregonDeveloping Biomaterials for Tissue Repair using Bio-transport Modeling
Stage2:15Mark Phillips, Department of Integrative Biology, Oregon State UniversityUsing Experimental Evolution to Study the Genetics of Adaptation
Stage3:00Lightning Talks (you can vote for your favorite lightning talk at shell.cqls.oregonstate.edu/voting)
Poster Rooms3:45Poster Session (you can vote for your favorite poster session at shell.cqls.oregonstate.edu/voting)
Stage4:45Closing Remarks


Kevin Brown, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Chemical, Biological, & Environmental Engineering
Molly Burke, Integrative Biology
Maude David, Microbiology & Pharmaceutical Sciences
Patrick De Leenheer, Mathematics and Integrative Biology
Perry Hystad, Public Health & Human Science
Natalia Shulzhenko, Biomedical Sciences, Carlson College of Veterinary Medicine



We are pleased to announce the 2021 Center for Quantitative Life Sciences (CQLS) Fall Conference.  This will be a full day online event on Friday, September 17, 2021 (apologies for those who did not receive a notice about this previously. There was an issue with the list serve).  In celebration of our recent name change, the theme for this year is “Frontiers at the Intersection of the Life & Quantitative Sciences.” Because this is our first conference since our name change (and because the event is fully online this year) the conference this year is completely free for all attendees. We hope you will join us.

We strongly encourage all participants to submit a poster for the online poster session. Registered posters will be judged for cash prizes in three categories; Undergraduate Student, Graduate Student, and Post-Doctoral Fellow/Trainee. Since the event is online, a physical poster does not need to be printed. Rather, you will need to submit in advance a high-quality pdf and a stable internet connection. Lightning Talks will be limited to 5 minutes and no more than 5 slides.  Registered lighting talks will also be eligible for a cash prize.

Register in Advance

Or copy and paste the URL below into your internet browser:

On behalf of the organizing committee:

  • Kevin Brown, Pharmaceutical Sciences, OSU/OHSU
  • Molly Burke, Integrative Biology, OSU
  • Maude David, Microbiology & Pharmaceutical Sciences, OSU
  • Patrick De Leenheer, Mathematics, OSU
  • Perry Hystad, Public Health and Human Science, OSU
  • Natalia Shulzhenko, Immunology, OSU
Fall Term 2021
September 29, 2021Chris Plaisier
Arizona State University
Finding new therapies for mesothelioma
October 13, 2021TRACE
Oregon State University
TRACE COVID Community Surveillance Project
October 27, 2021David Garcia
University of Oregon
Prion-based forms of RNA-modifying enzymes
November 10, 2021Ya-chieh Hsu
Harvard University
Deep: Stem Cells at the Nexus of the Niche, Physiology, and the External Environment
Winter Term 2022
January 5, 2022TBD
January 19, 2022Carrie Hanna
Oregon Health and Science University
Using genome editing technology to create biomedical models in the nonhuman primate
February 2, 2022Jennifer Nemhauser
University of Washington
Babbage’s Cabbage: The Logic of Information Processing In Plants
February 16, 2022Yanming Di
Oregon State University
What is a replicate?
March 2, 2022Dr. Shobhan Gaddameedhi
North Carolina State University
Environmental Regulation of Genomic Stability and Human Health through the Circadian Clock
Spring Term 2022
March 30, 2022Mike Harms
University of Oregon
Ensembles, epistasis, and evolution: how biophysics shapes evolutionary outcomes
April 13, 2022Andrew Gentles
Stanford University
Atlas of Clinically Distinct Cell States and Cellular Ecosystems Across Human Solid Tumors
April 27, 2022CANCELLED – Yehenew Agazie
West Virginia University
May 18, 2022 (rescheduled for Fall2022)Elias Fernandez
University of Tennessee
June 1, 2022 (rescheduled for Fall2022)Sourav Ghosh
Yale School of Medicine