Friday, September 20, 2019 CH2M HILL Alumni Center

Congratulations to our winners! To all the participants and presenters, another thank you for your contributions. We look forward to welcoming the CGRB Community to the 2020 Spring Conference on April 24, 2020.

Undergraduate Poster: Kelsey Shimoda “Altering metabolic gene expression in fruit flies: effects on longevity and brain aging”
Graduate Poster:             Benjamin Americus “Elegant Infection Machines: Nematocyst diversification within Myxozoa”
                                           Daniel Schneck “Phenotypic and transcriptional responses to different light regimes in allopatric populations of Tigriopus californicus”
                                            Manoj Gurung “Lactobacilli ameliorate western diet induced diabetes by preventing hepatic mitochondrial damage”
                                            Miranda Leek “A Biochemical and Biophysical Investigation into the Pathological Gain-of-Function of Nitrated Hsp90”
                                            Rebecca Veitch “Exposure to Light at Night Alters DNA Methylation and Expression of Proliferative and DNA Damage Repair Genes”
Post-Doc Poster :               Allie Graham “Independent losses of the Hypoxia-Inducible Factor (HIF) Pathway within Crustacea”
Lightning Talks:                 Eileen Chow “Daily blue light exposure accelerates aging in Drosophila melanogaster”

Raffle drawing for voting in all categories:             1st place – Miranda Leek
                                                                                       2nd place – Alexandre Sathler

8:00Registration & refreshments (Poster & sponsor setup) 
8:50Brett Tyler, Director, CGRB
Introduction, CGRB update
9:15Andrew Annalora, Environmental and Molecular Toxicology
Exploring Splice Variant Biology in Nuclear Receptor and Cytochrome P450 Genes
9:40Ed Kelly, University of Washington
Tissue Chips for Human Disease Modeling
10:50Lightning Talks Moderated by Jeff Anderson
Featuring: Martin Pearce, Stephanie Bollmann, Benjamin Americus, Evan Carpenter, Eileen Chow, Lauren Chan, Nolan Newman, Alexandra Weisberg
11:35Felipe Barreto, Integrative Biology
Genomics in the Tidepool: Functional and Population Genetics of Adaptation and Speciation in a Tiny Crustacean
12:00Kevin Brown, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering
Adventures in Complex Systems
1:25Afua Nyarko, Biochemistry & Biophysics
Selectivity and Specificity in Cancer Regulatory Proteins
1:50Daniel Liefwalker, Oregon Health and Science University 
Therapeutic strategies targeting c-MYC
2:30Lightning Talks
Moderated by Jeff Anderson
Featuring: Armando Alcazar Magana, Christine Tataru, Sarah Alto, Anh Ha, Heather Forsythe, Kayla Jara, Rebecca France, Rachel Franklin
3:45Morgan Giers, Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering
Regenerating the Intervertebral Disc: Developing Effective Therapies in a Nutrient Limited Environment  
4:10Doris Taylor, Texas Heart Institute
Building Solutions for Heart Disease: A 2019 Update
5:00-7:30Poster Session Reception, Sponsor Displays


Jaga Giebultowicz, Department of Integrative Biology
Craig Marcus, Environmental and Molecular Toxicology
Jeff Anderson, Department of Botany and Plant Pathology
Viviana Perez, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics

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