Friday, October 12, 2018

Poster Award Winners

Undergraduate student: Michaela Buchanan, Computer Sci/Biochemistry & Biophysics  Using GPUs to Classify Oceans of Data
Graduate student:  Courtney Armour, MCB  A Metagenomic Meta-Analysis Reveals Functional Signatures of Health and Disease in the Human Gut Microbiome
Postdoc/Trainer: T. William O’Neill, Biomedical Sciences  Creating 3-Dimensional Models from Serial Histologic Sections Using Open-Source Software

8:00Registration & refreshments (Poster & sponsor setup) 
9:00Brett Tyler, Director, CGRB
9:30Helen Poynton, University of Massachusetts   
The Toxicogenome of Hyalella Azteca, building genomic resources for healthy ecosystems
10:20Break (Poster & sponsor setup / displays)
10:45Gerrad Jones, Biological & Ecological Engineering
Environmental Change Drives Global Soil Element Fluxes
11:15James Watson, College of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Science
Manifold Learning of Multi-scale Dynamics in Complex Systems
11:45Joe Christison, Office of Commercialization & Corporate Development
Patenting and Commercializing University Discoveries
12:10Lunch (Poster and Sponsor setups / displays)
1:15Daniel Coleman, OHSU
Targeting BET Bromodomain Proteins in Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer
2:10Maria Franco, Biochemistry & Biophysics
Role of Redox Signaling in Tumor Metabolic Reprogramming
2:40James Strother, Integrative Biology
Elucidation of neural circuit structures through imaging, optogenetics, and behavior
3:30Maude David, Depts of Microbiology & Pharmacy
Children with autism and their typically-developing siblings differ in exact sequence variants and predicted functions of stool-associated microbes
4:00Vladimir Shulaev, University of North Texas
Neuroprotective effect of 17β-Estradiol (E2) on rat brain
4:50Closing remarks
5:00 – 7:30Poster Session/Reception, Sponsor Displays

Thank you to our conference committee:

Jared LeBoldus, Assistant Professor, Botany & Plant Pathology
Claudia Maier, Professor, Chemistry
Natalia Shulzhenko, Assistant Professor, Vet Biomedical Science

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