Monday, April 11, 2016

Conference Award Winners:

Lightning Talk: Christopher Gaulke, Developing the zebrafish as a high-throughput model of interactions between hosts, their microbiomes and the environment
Poster: Richard Tehan, Evolutionary Metabolomics in Tolypocladium Fungi to Guide Natural Products Discovery


8:00Registration & refreshments (Poster & lightning talk slides setup) 
9:00Brett Tyler, Director, CGRB
  Opening Remarks
  Moderator: David Hendrix
9:10Elaine Ostrander, National Human Genome Research Institute
Genetics of the Domestic Dog: A tale of morphology and disease
10:00Break (Poster & lightning talk slides setup)
10:30Xiaoli Fern, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Learning, reasoning and planning for experimental design
10:55Kelly Vining, Horticulture
Bringing genomics to Oregon specialty crops
11:20Lightning talks   Moderator: Andy Housemen & Stephen Ramsey
12:30Lunch and Poster Session & Lightning Talk slides presentation judging 
Turn in poster & lightning talk ballot envelopes to registration desk by 1:45 pm for counting
  Moderator: Molly Megraw
1:45Emily Ho, Biological & Population Health Sciences
Cancer prevention with diet and epigenetics
2:10Harold Bae, Biological and Population Health Sciences
Associations of FOXO3A in Four Studies of Extreme Longevity
2:35Rebecca Hutchinson, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science/Fisheries & Wildlife
Fitting Occupancy Models for Rare Species with Penalized Likelihood Methods
3:25David Koslicki, Mathematics
Quantifying strain-level variation in metagenomic profiling with MetaPalette.
3:50Awards Ceremony, Brett Tyler
4:00Gary Stormo, Washington University
Modeling Transcription Factor Binding Sites: experimental and computational methods
4:50V. John Mathews, Department Head, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Closing Remarks

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