Friday, September 18, 2015

Poster Award Winners

Undergrad student: Nick Ames   Sensiplicity Sensor Sytem
Grad student:  Andrew Osborn   De novo synthesis of sunscreen compound in vertebrates
PostDoc/Trainer/Faculty:  Amy Klocko  RNAi of apple AGAMOUS genes leads to increased floral attractiveness and decreased fertility


8:00Registration & refreshments (Poster & sponsor setup) 
9:00Brett Tyler, Director, CGRB
Introduction, CGRB update
  Moderator: David Myrold, Crop & Soil Science
9:25Ferran Garcia-Pichel, Arizona State University
Combinomics to understand biological soil crusts
10:10Kimberly Halsey, Microbiology
Phytoplankton strategies for using the energy from photosynthesis
10:35Break (Poster & sponsor setup / displays)
11:00Ryan Mehl, Biochemistry & Biophysics
Defining Roles of NitroTyrosine in Disease via Genetic Code Expansion
11:25Jeff Anderson, Botany & Plant Pathology
Regulation of Pseudomonas syringae Virulence by Host Plant-derived Metabolite Signals
11:50James Giovannoni, Cornell University
Genetic regulation of tomato fruit ripening; genes to genome
12:35Lunch (Poster and Sponsor setups / displays)
  Moderator: Laurent Deluc, Horticulture
1:50Wei Kong, Chemistry
Coherent electron diffraction of single molecules embedded in superfluid helium droplets: A possible solution to the problem of protein crystallization
2:15Patrick Hayes, Crop & Soil Science
Fun with barley: from flowering to flavor
2:40Marc Johnson, University of Missouri
How to dress your virus.  Learning how viruses select the right host membrane for proper assembly
3:25Break (Poster and Sponsor setups / displays)
  Moderator: Chrissa Kioussi, College of Pharmacy
3:50Olena Taratula, College of Pharmacy
Multifunctional Theranostic Nanoplatforms for Image-Guided Surgery and Intraoperative Therapy   
4:15Andy Jones, Botany & Plant Pathology
Intraspecific variation in drought responses of tropical tree seedlings: consequences for species distributions under climate change
4:40Cynthia Sagers, Vice President of Research
Closing remarks
5:00Poster Session/Reception, Sponsor Displays

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